Legendary Pokémon

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As the battle kept going,the sky went a fire red color.A hole opened in the sky and a golden charizard,along with his pals arcanine and infernape appeared

-Let's have some fun!Charizard roared

Infernape,charizard and arcanine started slaughtering and charizard attacked pekinoua. Pekinoua,to defend itself,tranformed into its werewolf form

-Uh oh,that's not good...Charizard said
-Correct,pekinoua replied,

And thus the battle went on...
Terrific job Kalas Rey. "Aren't you glad its not mating season?" cracked me up.

Oshawott: The purplesurge channel #home! The only channel that BANS you for calling someone a "freaky fish guy".

Send Kirby down!
Frylock's high again!

Snivy: Welcome back folks. The battle is heating up even more so, and Pikachu somehow got brought back to life. Speaking of which, so has Ridley!
Ridley: Wooohooooooooo! I'm alive!
Giratina88: What! But...but...how?
Kalas Rey: Nobody could survive that fall!
Ridley: Thats true. HOWEVER, I have the uncanny ability to bring myself back to life, which is why I appear in most Metroid games.
Kalas Rey: Well, since you're alive, you owe me 1000 bucks in payment for killing Charizard!
Pikachu: Oh Kalas Reeey...I've got something for you...
Kalas Rey: Oh you son of a-
Pikachu releases a herd of 1000 flying Sawsbucks to attack Kalas Rey. The Sawsbucks knock him on the ground, then they all trample him.
Kalas Rey: Why...would you...take my...jokes...ow
Snivy: And lo and behold, Pikachu has countered Kalas Rey's puns. In case you're wondering where Oshawott is, he is currently too traumatized to broadcast. Vulpix...is causing the trauma. Now, lets go back to the air.
Jankat: Taste my fury, skorp!
Skorp: Ack!
Jankat bites Skorp in the chest with a loud chomp. Skorp desperately tries to shake her off, and ends up ramming into LuXray.
LuXray: Grrr...
Jankat: The furry unicorn started it!
Skorp: You were the one that BIT me in the chest!
LuXray unleashes a blinding lighting strike on Jankat and Skorp. The blast easily connects, sending them plummeting to the ground. Fortunately they landed on Aluado.
Aluado: Ow! Assault from above!
Skorp: Sorry Aluado.
Jankat: Maybe if you weren't so FAT you wouldn't have damaged him that much!
Snivy: Okay...lets look at the fight between Pekinoua and Giorgosss!
The fight between Pekinoua and Giorgosss has taken to the ground. And it looks like a food fight!
Snivy: Wow folks! Its a food fight between Pekinoua and Giorgosss! I've never seen anything like it! They're tossing everything they are saying!
Pekinoua: Grapes!
Giorgosss: Sunfish!
Pekinoua: Ham!
Giorgosss: Macaroni!
Pekinoua: Ice cream!
Giorgosss: Mango!
Pekinoua: Ocarina of Time!
Giorgosss: No fair!
Pekinoua plays the Ocarina of Time, which on this field, causes random things to blow up at random times.
Snivy: And now its a Nintendo reference battle. Just wonderful. But it looks like Giorgosss is down because one of his 4 legs exploded!
Giorgosss can't stay up without his leg, and falls to the ground, but still throws food with his psychic powers.
Snivy: The food fight is back! And they're throwing everything except for the crumbs.
Cracker: What am I, chopped liver?
Chopped Liver: No, thats what I am.
Bah dum crssshhhh!
Snivy: Once again, we bare wit-
Vulpix: OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snivy: Sigh...and now Oshawott is beating Vulpix to death with a baton. What wonders will happen next.
Staraptor: Big sister! Is it time for my cameo yet?
LuXray: No.
Staraptor: How about now?
LuXray: No!
Staraptor: Now?
LuXray: GOD DAMN IT!!!
LuXray blasts her annoying brother Staraptor out of the sky. Staraptor's fall is cushioned by landing on Snivy.
Snivy: Get...off of me...
Staraptor: zzz...zzz
Snivy: Urg!
Giratina88: Okay...seems like there is nobody left to-

Nope. We ran out of budget. Till next time folks.
Excuse me! WE wrote it anyway gengar came into the scene and saw a vulpix and oshawat "wrestling." After taking pictures, Gengar found out that his 2 best fighters died of cancer he found a dunsparce came up to him and, freeling angry, he threw the poor dunsparce off a cliff into some spikes that killed him.
Vulpix: When you see your brother tell him I'm looking for him
None: What are you doing here? Get out!
Vulpix: Fine fine fine lets go oshy
None: nah I'm good

This is fun! I will always have fun with vulpix and "oshy"
Oshawott: April fools! I knocked her out already! Look at the story!
Vulpix: I'm still alive but hurt inside and out. Oshy why did u hurt me?
Oshawat: But...but..but how are you still alive?
April fools G88! Vulpix is still alive!
Oshawott: Alright! I'll just crucify you!
Vulpix: I didn't know they DID that any more!
Oshawott: They do now!
Oshawott then nails Vulpix to a tree. Looks like she's gonna stay dead.
Vulpix: I burned the tree down
Oshawott: Why.won't you die?!?
Vulpix: Apparently I amuse KR
Oshawott: ****
Okay people, no more of these short snippets. If your making a story, make it LONG.
Wait, I thought it was just you and me writing the story with the others adding what they wanted to see
nope, they is part of the fight, but we control most of it. If they want to make their part, they need to make it longer. This isn't a recommendation thingy. I don't need others ideas. They just add to the story if they feel like it.
Oshawott: Okay, I think I've finally got this thing fixed
Snivy: What did you fix?
Oshawott: I think I finally got it to stop making that stupid music

Send Kirby down!
Frylock's high again!

Snivy: That's it, you need a time out
Oshawott: No, I need to take a nap
Snivy: Fine, go to sleep and I'll narate
Pikachu: No, it's my turn. I finally got back at Kalas Rey and I want to finally take my turn

Kalas Rey: Not getting any younger here
Pikachu: Hey, you're supossed to be in the hospital!
Kalas Rey: The Sawsbuck are my friends, not yours. But don't think I'm unkind, I intend to repay any debt to you with interest of 1000000 bucks
Pikachu: Oh ****
A million Sawsbuck burst into the studio and trampled Pikachu
Kalas Rey: Maybe I was wrong. I guess it is mating season
Vulpix: Yay! Oshy, where are you?
Snivy: Gross. Anyway, back to the battle
Kalas Rey: Yeah, that's probably best. I don't think anyone wants to be here when Vulpix wakes up Oshawott

Serafina and LuXray are destroying their enemies with relative ease, making them the most targeted in the fight, but also the most victorious
LuXray: I love my Serafina
Serafina: And I love winning
Alaudo: I love winning too, and you two are in the way of that
LuXray: Show me the tear, come on
Alaudo: The only tears here will be from Pikachu...and maybe Vulpix in about a few seconds

Vulpix: Oshy, wake up! It's finally mating season
Before another word was said, a huge explosion drawed Oshawotts attention away from the annoying Vulpix
Vulpix: I heard that!
You were supposed to. Now, the explosion was caused-
Vulpix: I'm not done with you! How dare you say I'm annoying?!?
Just then, Vulpix's mouth leapt off her face and rushed away, rendering her speechless and forced to chase it.
Vulpix: Mmph! Mmmph!
Vulpix left, chasing her mouth, and I was free to once more narate this CRAZY story. Now then, the explosion was caused by yet another new arrival, but not another user. It appeared as though None had dug into his bag of tricks and brought another character from the Horror story to the battle; Gengar
Terraplant: Hey! If I can't use characters from our story, then neither can you!
Terraplant found a computer and wrote that Gengar died like Gallade and Houndoom
Terraplant: Nonsense. You did the same to me, so it's completely fair
Kalas Rey: You want to know the biggest advantage I have in this battle?
Everyone: What?
Kalas Rey: I've been a fan fic writer for a long time, most of my nearly two years in fact. I've done a lot of writing in that time, and cannot believe I forgot about one of my works
Everyone: WHAT?!?
Kalas Rey: I turn your attention to my old work, Rescuers Unite!
Kalas Rey's enemies: NOOOO!!!!
The Rescuer Guild appeared as if out of thin air into the battle, looking around, confused.
Charizard: Where are we?
Raichu: I was hoping you knew
Ivysour: I don't like the looks of this
Lucario: Neither do I
Kalas Rey: Hey guys. I know I haven't been with you for a while, but I kinda need your help in this fight. I need your power to help me win against these guys
Charizard: What did they do?
Kalas Rey: They smacked me with a nuclear bomb for no reason!
Charizard: Oh, well in that case, we'll help
Kalas Rey: Thank you. Now then, let's fight!...once we get more money for the budget

1:I want a Charizard in this story on my side.
2:I wrote it, I get the rights to it, and I'll use it!
Oshawott: In tonights episode the part of Kalas Rey will be voiced by Rex Raptor.

Eniro hei
Ginyu tokusenkai!

Oshawott: YES!!! Finally, I WIN!!!
Oshawott: SON OF A (deleted at request of admins)! WHY THE (deleted at request of admins) DOES ALL THIS (deleted at request of admins and George Michael)?!? WELL, YOU CAN ALL (deleted at INSIST of Arty2) WITH A GOD DAMN PIG!!!
Snivy: Are you quite done?
Oshawott: I think so.
Kalas Rey: You said "done".
Oshawott: I knew it was a bad idea having Rex Raptor do this.
Meanwhile, in the TOOLSHED!
Oshawott: Wrong line, moron.
Oops. Meanwhile back at the PLOT
Snivy: It looks like they are all tearing up the skies folks! Kalas Rey is being MAULED by an enraged Vulpix, but the Pokemon Kalas Rey called in to aid him seem to be beating Vulpix.
Vulpix: So thats how you wanna play it. COME ON!!! SQUAD ALPHA!!!
Moments later, an ENORMOUS army of robotic beings materialize on the battle field. The army VASTLY outnumbers Kalas Rey's remaining Pokemon, and they tear them apart with ease.
Kalas Rey: Charmander!!! NO!!!
Vulpix: Okay troops! Let me finish him!
Vulpix leaps in the air and prepares to slice off Kalas Rey's head. Fortunately for him, Kalas Rey has battle experience, and he throws LuXray in as a meat shield at the last second.
Kalas Rey: Woopsies.
LuXray: You son of a-
LuXray is stabbed many MANY times by Vulpix through the chest. She is stabbed so many times in fact, that she explodes.
Vulpix: Wait wha-
The explosion of LuXray knocks Vulpix out of the sky, nearly killing her. Oh wait, never mind. She's somehow fine.
Vulpix: Take that, bitch!
Aluado: Look who's talking...
Skorp: Oh! Burn!!!
Vulpix: Yeah...you know what else burns?
Skorp: What?
Vulpix: THIS!!!
Vulpix unleashes a GIANT fire storm of doom, killing any remaining rescue team pokedokes, mortally wounding Skorp and Pekinoua, and injuring everyone else.
Aluado: And this is why we never let you talk, Skorp!
Pekinoua: Must...play...Ocarina...of time...
Snivy: And now to a commercial!

Brought to you by: Spacys! Its good food, in space.

Oshawott: Welcome back folks! The battle is heating up as-ACK!!!
Oshawott: ACK!!! JESUS CHRIST!!! GET OFF ME!!!
Snivy: Once again, Vulpix has not Oshawott to the ground. Now she's...oh dear god...
Vulpix: Oh...oooh...
Snivy: All I can say is, mating season is back on.
Kalas Rey: You said "mating".
Giratina88: Remind me never to pick HIM to voice act again.
Jankat: I'll try...maybe. I'm going to spacys after this.
Giratina88: That is if we're ALIVE after this. OW!!!
Jankat, unamused by Giratina88's sadistic joke, has punched him in the face.
Giratina88: Hey! I'm trying to be realistic!
George Slayer: Finally, its my time to-

This show is experiencing technical difficulties. Till next time.
I'm telling LuXray on you. Also, if that is your game, then so be it. I have one last weapon in my bag of tricks
Don't worry, I killed my own team member as well here to make it fair.
Wait, when was I dragged into this? And why?
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