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Not very much. But mother brain has to take what she can get.
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

The battle for Norfair

We rejoin our heroes after a very long wait for the next episode. You see, poor Giratina88 was killed off by the pressures of school, homework, marching band, and trading cards.
Mewtini: But never fear! I have been reborn as the God of ALL creation! I am...MEWTINI: Father of faith!
So for all of you deity worshipers out their, just remember that you are REALLY praying to him!
Chilla: None of us CARE about Giratina88's problems!
Mewtini: The name's MEWTINI bitch, and I am a GOD!
Samus: Of ADHD maybe...
Okay then. Last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes were about to face a rather imposing number of Space Pirates. Yes, 21 space pirates is a rather imposing number. Seriously, those guys are strong as hell in the Prime games, and even in Super Metroid a few Zebesians can bring down your health quite a lot. We rejoin them on top of some kind of hill formation in Norfair.
Samus: Okay team, are we ready?
Chilla: I'm TRYING to eat a BURRITO here!
Pikachu: We're doomed...
Samus: Well, here they come!
The 7 remaining space pirate hovercrafts putted up the hill in a pretty cool semi-circle formation which died a death when driver number 4 neglected to put his brake on, causing the vehicle to fall down the hill and crash into a Fune, which promptly ate one of the Space Pirates. The leading space pirate of the troupe shot the remaining 2 Space Pirates the universal "your an idiot" beams and then went to challenge Samus.
Pirate Commando: Samus Aran! Scourge of pirates everywhere! We meet at last.
Samus: I think my title should be...the Foxiest, Sexiest Bounty Hunter in the Universe!
Pikachu: I think your title should be Samus Aran: The greatest dumbass in history.
Chilla: I am WAY foxier than ANY of you!!!
Pikachu: Chilla, calm down, its just-
Pikachu: Okay fine, you're the most foxy and sexy girl in the universe.
Chilla proceeds to glomp Pikachu, who promptly starts flailing around trying to break free.
Pirate Commando: Does this stuff happen a lot in your group?
Pikachu: You should see what happens when Samus finds a roundy.
Samus: What? Who said that? Who said roundy?
Pikachu: Your mom did.
Pikachu: See my point?
Pirate Commando: Why don't we wait for a few minutes for you guys to pull yourselves together.
Meanwhile, in Tourian!
Ridley: Mother, we have another transmission coming through.
Mother Brain: Excellent. Bring down the GACS
The GACS unfolds from Mother Brain's ceiling and comes down in front of her tank.
Draygon: While we wait for the transmission to come through, here's a fun fact! I'm actually a girl!
Ridley: ...I could have gone my WHOLE LIFE without knowing that.
The transmission comes through, and this time a giant ass dragon is displayed on it.
Mother Brain: So, does anyone know this guy?
Ridley: Oh my god...Alduin?
Alduin: Ridley? To je daleko predugo.
Draygon: Erm, the @#$% did he just say?
Ridley: He's speaking in dovah. Here, I can talk to him.
Alduin: Tko je, dovraga su ti ljudi?
Ridley: Samo hrpa Prostora Pirati sebi slično.
Alduin: Prostora Pirati? Zanimljivo je gdje naši putovi ponekad nas vode.
Mother Brain: Is he saying anything important?
Ridley: No, not yet.
Meanwhile, back at the plot!
Ridley: Hey wait a second we aren't done here!
Too bad bitch.
Pirate Commando: Okay Space Pirates...ATTACK!!!
The 19 other remaining Space Pirates finally launch the attack! Each of them begin charging up the hill and firing randomly.
Samus: Here they come!
Pikachu: I got them now! PikaaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
Pikachu unleashes one of his fairly new lightning missiles. The missile clean destroys one Space Pirate into a mass of green blood and sends 2 others flying away, but the Pirates keep a coming, being too fast and too strong to be killed by any other weapons.
Samus: Goddamn it!
Pikachu: Don't worry, I'll kill em with missiles!
Pikachu fires 3 more of his Pika-missiles, which take out a total of 8 Pirates. Pikachu then falls on the floor.
Chilla: Pikikins! GET UP!!!
Pikachu: Those blasts...took...all my...energy...I can't...really...-GAAAAACK!!!
Pikachu is hit square on by 3 space pirate blasts. The blast force sends him flying off the hill.
Chilla: Pikachu!!! NO!!!
Samus: Were' so doomed.
Chilla: You...dare kill my Pikachu!
Random Space Pirate: Er...
Pikachu: I'm not dead moron.
Chilla: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Random Space Pirate: The hell is she doing?
Chilla: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
A black and red aura of pure power begins building around Chilla. All the remaining Space Pirates begin to back away.
Chilla: RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!
And then, the area erupted with giant orange crystals, and the screen goes black.


sweet i love pokemon
I hope you like metroid too, because otherwise most of this stuff won't make sense.
Pikachu: And btw, you should read season one first.
Samus: Its on page 2 of the fan fic section
Chilla: It has like 5000 views!
Samus: Seriously?
Chilla: Erm...maybe 3000
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Charlie Sheen!

Pikachu: Something's not quite right here
Ridley: I'll say.

Sub Zero Furnace Time Ultra!

ANYWAYS, last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes were in a life or death struggle with a large group of Space Pirates. After a few blundering efforts by the Pirates, they launched their attack! Our heroes tried their best to repel the attack, but to no avail. Pikachu managed to kill some of them, but was basted away by a direct hit. Things were looking bleak for our heroes when suddenly, Chilla got a case of Zebesian rage and huge orange crystals came out of the ground, slicing up everything in their path! We join Samus, Pikachu, and Chilla in yet another-
Mewtini: You can shut up now.
And back to the show
Chilla: Well, we took care of those guys, right?
Pikachu: Uh...Chilla?
Chilla: Yeah?
Pikachu: WHAT THE @#$% WAS THAT!?!
Chilla: Well all I did was...
Chilla looks out and sees that the entire area is covered with orange crystals with Pirates and other creatures impaled on them.
Chilla: Oh.
Samus: Jesus Chilla, that thing could have killed us!
Pikachu: Seriously, how the hell did you DO that?
Chilla: My guess, is that it's something the Pirates put into me. And I've just now learned to control it.
Pikachu: Good. That super turbo speed skill of yours won't do jack sh*t against Mother.
Chilla: Hey Samus, where are we going next?
Samus: Well according to the SMELIF the-
Pikachu: The WHAT?
Samus: The Super Massive Excessively Lazy Item Finder.
Meanwhile, in Tourian.
Ridley: Another acronym! Looks like that's six drinks Draygon.
Draygon: Urg...I'm soooo...urp...sexy...
Alduin: Pijenje igre? Stvarno sada?
Ridley: Krivi Mewtini za nas rezanjem. Inače mi ne bi ni biti to.
Alduin: Da, on je tuš.
Phantoon: Hey Ridley, you mind telling us what this guy is saying?
Ridley: Alright. Sure. Alduin, to je u redu ako sam prevesti ono što vi kažete?
Alduin: Svakako.
Ridley: He says it's okay.
Mother Brain: Ask him why he contacted us.
Ridley: Zašto ste nas kontaktirati?
Alduin: Ja vas kontaktirao jer sam čuo o vama nevolje. Vaš vođa, Majka Mozga, je previše retardiran ubiti lovac i dvije kuglice dlake, pa sam došao u pomoć.
Ridley: He says he heard about our predicament and since I'm an old friend of his he'd like to help.
Draygon: Woooh...Alduin is so...urp...hot...oh I am so...blurg...turned on...
Phantoon: Maybe we should stop these drinking games.
Draygon: No...urp...I feel great...
Mother Brain: Ridley, ask Alduin why he wants to help us.
Ridley: Majka želi znati zašto želite da nam pomognu.
Alduin: Pa, kao što si rekao, ja sam stari prijatelj od tvoje, i prijatelja pomoći prijateljima. Ja bih mrzim vidjeti ti dečki ne opet.
Ridley: He says he'd hate to see a good friend of his fail so much.
Alduin: To æe potrajati neko vrijeme, zar ne.
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT!
Samus: Hurray! I found the ICE BEAM!!!
Pikachu: I hope there's a plasmid that comes with this.
Samus: There is! It adds a freezing property to your thunder bolts.
Chilla: This ice beam also comes with an instruction manual apparent-
Before Chilla can finish, Samus oddly starts bonking enemies on the head with her arm cannon
Chilla: -ly
Pikachu: This won't end well.
Samus continues bonking creatures on the head until suddenly, the arm cannon cracks!
Samus: Uh oh.
The arm cannon glows, and then suddenly freezes Samus on the spot!
Chilla: Well would you look at that.
Samus: Erm...the instructions state-
Pikachu: That you're a moron. Well done! I think that-
Ridley: Thats all folks!
Pikachu: GOD DAMN IT!
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!

Ridley: God this is just like back in season one where Giratina88 lost contr-
Pikachu: SHHHHH!!! Nobody's supposed to know about that!

Power bombs and barrel rolls

Erm...anyways...last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes managed to recover from the Space Pirate attack and find the ice beam. All was well until Samus STUPIDLY decided to bonk creatures over the head with her arm cannon. The arm cannon cracked, and froze Samus on the spot. Meanwhile down in Tourian, the evil Space Pirate commanders have been contacting an old ally of Ridley's, the great dragon god Alduin. They are currently discussing how much Alduin should be payed for this job.

Alduin: ... i izdanje od 15 dolara minuta za mene ne manualnog rada treba vremena navratiti.
Ridley: Dobro onda. Ja ću o tome razgovarati s Majkom Mozga.
Mother Brain: So...how much does he want.
Ridley: Well, with payments including just being here, environmental risks, health insurance policies, the fact that he IS a god, travel costs, the work of having to kill 3 beings, the fact that one of them is a notorious bounty hunter, low bathroom quality, and possible manual labor assignments, the total comes to...15,000,000 moneys maximum.
Draygon: Its...a deal...urp...but I'd like to have sex first...
Phantoon: You know, I'm starting to think these drinking games are impairing our ability to battle.
Mother Brain: 15,000,00 moneys!!! What is he, trying to drive us into bankruptcy? Well, you can tell him the deal's off.
Alduin: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Phantoon: Gasp!
Mother Brain: What?
Ridley: Hey, you never told me you could speak English!
Alduin: Of course I can. I just prefer to speak Dovah.
Draygon: More sheep...lady gaga...urp...blur...monkeys...
Alduin: Anyways, you know just as well as I do that you have failed many times in the past at killing Samus and Pikachu.
Mother Brain: Yeah, so?
Alduin: What I'm saying is that I'm a GOD. I WILL solve your problems. I'm your only solution. Besides, how much good are a pokemon trainer and a shiny Yoshi gonna do for you? Considering that a godzilla sized lizard couldn't even beat her, and considering the fact that both you AND Ridley have died against Samus god knows how many times.
Mother Brain: That happened ONCE!!!
Ridley: I died like 5 times...
Alduin: Well thats my point. You have 2 choices here. You can keep your money and die again...or you can hire me and live.
Mother Brain: ...fair enough. Your hired.
Alduin: Thank you. I look forward to slaying your enemies like the vermin they are.
Draygon: Bye bye...mr poofy pajama pants...urp...
Meanwhile, back at the plot, Samus Pikachu, and Chilla decide to look for the next item expansion in lower Brinstar.
Samus: Okay, now how do I get up this tall shaft?
Pikachu: There's some rippers up there. Maybe you could freeze them and use them as platforms?
Samus: Good idea! Here goes nothing!
Meanwhile, down in Norfair.
Dark Trainer: Okay, I think we've found the place.
Meta Yoshi: Excellent. If Samus wants to get the grapple beam, she'll have to go through this passage.
Dark Trainer: And do you have a trap for her?
Meta Yoshi: Oh you bet I do. Gaurds! Release the Crocomire!
At this, a bunch of Space Pirates drag in a crate and open it up, revealing a large orange beast within.
Meta Yoshi: Excellent. There's no way they can kill Crocomire!
Dark Trainer: Oh really, and why do you say that?
Meta Yoshi: If you had noticed, the Crocomire has an impenetrable hide. He cannot be hurt by any conventional weapons!
Dark Trainer: Relying on a mindless beast to do complex tasks? You've gone soft Yoshi. If I wanted something done, I'd use a pokemon for the job. Unlike these creatures, pokemon are actually capable of understanding orders and being able to use reason to get the job done, whereas this beast will act purely on instinct and have no regard for what you want. He could urinate on you and he wouldn't care.
Meta Yoshi: Blah blah blah WHATEVER!
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT, Samus is currently being eaten by a man eating plant.
Samus: AAAAAG!!! LET GO OF ME!!!
The plant soon realizes it cant eat Samus's metal armor, and spits her out
Pikachu: Samus, are you having your period again?
Chilla: What's that.
Pikachu: You'll have one soon.
Samus: Hey look, I think I found the power bombs!
Pikachu: Hurray! And the plasmid?
Samus: Power bomb electric balls!
Chilla: Its a shame I don't get anything.
Samus: WOOOOO!!! Now to test it out!
Pikachu: No wait Samus not-
Samus unleashes a devastating power bomb that roasts Pikachu and Chilla and scorches the entire room.
Pikachu: Ow...moron...
Chilla: Can't...feel...anything...
Samus: Oops! Sorry guys.
And thats all for tonight. Tune in tomorrow for another WONDERFUL episode of Samus and Pikachu!
(25-01-2012 01:30 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Meanwhile, back at the PLOT, Samus is currently being eaten by a man eating plant.
Samus: AAAAAG!!! LET GO OF ME!!!
The plant soon realizes it cant eat Samus's metal armor, and spits her out
Pikachu: Samus, are you having your period again?

Lol, you really made what you said on the chat a good joke. Anyway, nice new eps and I will finish re-reading or reading for the first time all the old ones soon, once I will be in mood and have the time to do this.

Oh, and just check at the numbers next to our post-counter.
And the scrolls have foretold
Of black wings in the cold
That when brothers wage war come unfurled
Alduin Bane of Kings
Ancient shadow unbound
With a hunger to swallow the world!

Pikachu: The f*ck was that?
Alduin: Thats part of the Skyrim Song. I love that part.

Throw yourself in the lava, Mildred! Vs Crocomire.

Anyways...last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes managed to find power bombs. Samus, however, once again mishandled her new weapon, and roasted Pikachu and Chilla by accident. Down in Tourian, however, the Space Pirate commanders have finished their discussion with Alduin, Bane of Kings. Mother Brain was not pleased with the amount of money that she had to pay, but knew that there was no other real way to defeat Samus. The rest of the commanders are involved in a drinking game where every time someone says an acronym, Draygon has to take a drink. The number of drinks depends on the amount of letters. And in Norfair, Meta Yoshi and the Dark Trainer have constructed a complicated trap for-
Dark Trainer: Complicated my ass! All Yoshi did was release some orange dino crap of a creature.
Yoshi: Oh you can just go straight to hell!
We rejoin our heroes on the search for the next item.

Samus: Okay team, according to the NIALIF, the next-
Pikachu: Should I ask?
Samus: The Newly Improved Absurdly Lazy Item Finder.
Meanwhile in Tourian
Ridley: Another acronym! Looks like thats 6 more drinks Draygon!
Draygon: Glub...glub glub glub...uurrrr...hey Ridley...u wanna do it...
Ridley: Erm...I don't think thats-ACK!!!
Draygon has jumped on Ridley and is currently in the process of mounting him
Draygon: WEEEEE!!!
Mother Brain: I didn't know it was possible for those 2 to breed.
Phantoon: Apparently so.
Draygon: Thanks Phantoon...I like potatoes too...
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Chilla: So, we have to go back through Norfair to get the grapple beam?
Samus: Yes.
Chilla: Pity. I actually liked Brinstar's climate.
Pikachu: Well not to worry Chilla! You can bring certain climates with you with the all new AMBEG! Now with Brinstar climate!
Samus: The what?
Pikachu: The Amazingly Muscular Badass Environment Generator.
Meanwhile, in Tourian.
Ridley: GASP...gasp...okay...now that we got Drayg-oh, looks like you need to take five more drinks Draygon! Draygon?
Dragyon offers no response. She just lies on the ground unconscious.
Phantoon: I think she's stoned.
Ridley: NOW you see that!?! You sure are slow, Sherlock!
Phantoon: Shut up Watson!
Meanwhile, somewhere less stupid, Samus has come upon a place where she needs to use power bombs to move on.
Samus: Alright guys! Here comes another power bomb!
Pikachu: No wait Chilla and I haven't-
Before Pikachu can finish Samus unleashes another power bomb which vaporizes the room and roasts Pikachu and Chilla again.
Pikachu: ...set up a shield yet...
Chilla: You...retard...
Samus, Pikachu, and Chilla continue down through a couple of passages until they find something odd...
Samus: Okay and now we take a left and...
Pikachu: Where the F*CK is the DOOR!!!
Samus: There's just a spiky wall there...
Chilla: How odd...
Pikachu: Well maybe its the other-
Pikachu: Gulp...way...
Samus: HOLY SH*T ON A F*CKING SANDWICH WITH @#$@%@#^$##^$#$@@#$@@$**&&@@ WITH A SIDE OF FRIES!!!
Our heroes have come face to face with Crocomire, the giant orange 4 legged croc...thing...there's a picture at the bottom of the episode.
Samus: DIE DIE DIE!!!
Samus fires several blasts of missiles at Crocomire, but they do nothing but make it laugh!
Crocomire: WARARARARAH!!!
Pikachu: Okay, people like you REALLY piss me off! TASTE MY FURY!!!
Pikachu fires a pika missile into Crocomire's mouth while he is laughing. The attack works, and Crocomire starts moving back.
Chilla: Not sure what that did...wait a second!
Pikachu: What?
Chilla: There's a lava pit about 30 meters behind Crocomire! If we can just keep pushing it back it will fall in the lava!
Samus: Wow! That was the best idea I ever had!
Chilla: But I thought of it fi-
Samus and Pikachu fire attacks every time Crocomire opens it's mouth, and they successfully drive it to the edge of the lava pit.
Pikachu: Great! One more attack should do it!
Samus launches one more super missile at Crocomire, which successfully knocks it into the lava!
Samus: Hurray!
Chilla: EEEEWWW, its skin's melting off!
Crocomire, being the heat resistant being it is, hasn't died yet. Slowly, its skin starts melting off, until its brain becomes exposed, at which point Crocomire goes below the surface of the lava and starts swimming away.
Samus: Erm...where did it just.
Crocomire leaps out of the lava in one last desperate attack! It utterly fails though, because by now Crocomire has been reduced to bone. Its skeleton hangs there for a second, then humorously falls to the ground.
Chilla: Well that was anti climactic.
Tune in tomorrow for another episode of Samus and Pikachu!
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

Greek spleens and grapple beams

Last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes had found the power bombs, and went in search for the grapple beam. After many blundering efforts involving power bombs and a lot of acronyms later, our heroes found themselves face to face with the trap that Dark Trainer and Meta Yoshi set for them. This trap was none other than to release on them the mighty Crocomire! At first, our heroes could not find a way to damage the Crocomire, and all seemed lost. Fortunately, Chilla found a weak point in the creature's mouth, and Samus and Pikachu were able to hit it enough to drive the creature into the lava, where it melted. Meanwhile, down in Tourian, Dark Trainer and Meta Yoshi are reporting in on their mission status.

Meta Yoshi: ...and somehow it FAILED!!! I mean, my plan was PERFECT!!!
Dark Trainer: Perfect my fanny.
Meta Yoshi: My fanny is WAY nicer than your fanny!
Dark Trainer: Its a pity your fanny couldn't come up with a better plan.
Meta Yoshi: Oh you can just kiss my SHINY METAL ASS!!!
Dark Trainer: It doesn't look so shiny to me.
Meta Yoshi: Shinier than yours, meat-head.
Dark Trainer: Its not meat, its PHAZON!!!
Meta Yoshi: Blah blah blah WHATEVER!!!
Mother Brain: Girls, girls, your both pretty. Now can we PLEASE get on with this report!
Meta Yoshi: Sorry.
Mother Brain: Well, you morons have cost me a very valuable specimen.
Dark Trainer: Um, this was ALL Yoshi's idea, not mine. So blame him.
Meta Yoshi: Go f*ck yourself!
Meanwhile, in Norfair.
Samus: Ahah! The grapple beam at last!
Pikachu: Strange...for some reason the instructions are in greek.
Chilla: How would a bunch of SPACE PIRATES know about planet earth culture!?!
Pikachu: And here I thought everyone in this universe spoke english.
Chilla: NEXT, there gonna tell us their making ANOTHER Yu-gi-oh series!
Samus: Erm...Chilla...have you heard of Yu-gi-oh Zexal?
Chilla: OH GOD DAMN IT!!!
Meanwhile, in Tourian.
Draygon: He mentioned Yugioh! Looks like that's 12 drinks Ridley!
Ridley: Erm...I dunno...that seems like a lot but okay...
Ridley starts chugging down mugs of beer while Draygon and Phantoon look on
Phantoon: I suppose this is revenge for the hangover you got from last time?
Draygon: Damn straight!
Phantoon: But don't you think its a bad idea to get our best fighter drunk out of his mind?
Draygon: Oh, Ridley's fine. Right Ridley?
Ridley: Blarg chicka honk honk...eerrrp...
Draygon: See? He's fine.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Norfair, Samus is trying out her grapple beam. But things don't seem to be going so well.
Samus: Hey Pikachu?
Pikachu: Yeah Samus?
Samus: I should probably say, as a child, I pretty much a star at everything.
Pikachu: Uh huh?
Samus: And yet, there was always one thing I was bad at. Do you know what that was?
Pikachu: Let me guess...the SWING SET?
Samus is, in fact, hanging from her grapple beam on a grapple point. Since she is not good at swinging, she is not moving at all.
Samus: Hehe...a little help...please?
Chilla: You're hopeless...

And thats all for today folks! Tune in tomorrow for more SAMUS AND PIKACHU!!
Lol i know im a bit late but i just read the 1st ep. It's very good , im looking foward to reading the rest Smile Great job G88
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

You can wave my beam any time

Last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes, in the wake of the dead Crocomire, managed to find the grapple beam! Down in Tourian, Meta Yoshi and the Dark Trainer reported on their failure...with predictable results, while the Space Pirate commander Ridley was forced into a drinking game by Draygon, as revenge for the massive hangover Ridley gave her a couple episodes ago. We return to the action as Phantoon, the Space Pirate's personal...squid...ghost...whateveramobob, has detected something in Crateria.

Phantoon: Hey Draygon!
Draygon: Yeah Phantoon?
Phantoon: My PAMED is detecting a TON of resi-
Draygon: The what?
Phantoon: It stands for Personal Automated Mechanical Electricity Detector.
Ridley: Urrg...but I though...urp...it stood for...Pretty...blarr...Agitated Momma's Enormous Dick?
Phantoon: No, I believe thats the VAMED, the VERY Agitated Momma's Enormous Dick.
Draygon: Two 5 letter acronyms! 10 drinks Ridley!
Ridley: Muuuurrrph...I don't...feel so good...urrr...
Phantoon: Um...okay then...hey Mother!
Mother Brain: Yeah?
Phantoon: There's more electricity in that wrecked space ship! I'm off for lunch!
Mother Brain: Okay. You can take your lunch break now.
Phantoon: Well, I'm off then.
Phantoon closes his eye and his body begins to de-materialize until he completely vanishes
Ridley: Urrg...400...moneys says that...Phantoon...will get...killed by Samus...urp...at some point...
Draygon: Make it 5000!
Ridley: Deal.
Meanwhile, in Norfair, Samus and friends are on a quest to find the wave beam. However, they are finding more problems along the way...
Pikachu: I'll freeze them for you! PIIIKAKAKAKACHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
Pikachu unleashes a feeze bolt on the fune. The bolt hits its target and freezes the fune on the spot.
Chilla: Nice one!
Pikachu: All I think we have to do now is grapple beam across this pit
Chilla: Wait, Pikachu, how are you gonna get across?
Pikachu: I'll just quick attack my way across. And you?
Chilla: Light speed travel makes me a pretty good jumper.
Pikachu and Chilla then jump/quick attack across, while Samus makes her way by sqinging from grapple points.
Pikachu: Its just an item ball you ding dong.
Chilla: Hehe...ding dong...
Pikachu: Just shoot it.
Samus: NOOOOOOO!!!! NEVER!!!
Pikachu: Sigh...Samus...if you shoot the roundy, I'll give you all these marbles...
Samus: Ugh...fine.
Samus takes the bag of marbles, and then shoots the "roundy", revealing the wave beam.
Chilla: Alright! Thats the wave beam, right Samus?
Pikachu: Samus?
Instead of getting the wave beam, Samus is instead playing with the marbles she just got.
Pikachu: Same old same old...
Meanwhile, back in Tourian.
Dark Trainer: Well, Mother, there's just one problem.
Mother Brain: And that is...?
Dark Trainer: Considering the fact that Samus was able to take on Kraid and beat him, there is no way Phantoon will be able to win a fight against Samus and those pokemon in his present condition...not without a little help anyways.
Mother Brain: What are you saying?
Dark Trainer: I'm saying if I could hold them off until Phantoon grows to full power, we might be able to be rid of Samus once and for all. And I know just the way I could stall them...
Mother Brain: And how will you do THAT?
Dark Trainer: I've got my ways...
Mother Brain: Fair enough. Just remember to keep me informed on anything that happens.
Dark Trainer: Understood. I'm out.
Mother Brain: And now, the credits.

Thats all folks! Tune in tomorrow for another wonderful episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No wait...
(28-01-2012 01:54 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Ridley: Urrg...but I though...urp...it stood for...Pretty...blarr...Agitated Momma's Enormous Dick?

How did you thought of that..? Anyway, I guess this wll also end in a fight, propably Phantoon&mobs vs Samus&co. Not that it sounds bad. We will see, I guess.
(28-01-2012 02:14 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]How did you thought of that..? Anyway, I guess this wll also end in a fight, probably Phantoon&mobs vs Samus&co. Not that it sounds bad. We will see, I guess.

More like Phantoon, a bunch of ghosts, and Dark Trainer vs Samus and co.
4th wall breaking, obsession with roundies, random jokes and there is somehow a progress in plot. Good as usual.
Thank you Terraplant. And don't think I'll leave out your friend, GLaDOS. She'll play a role in later seasons.
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