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At last, I managed to catch up and read the last 5 eps I missed. I noticed some political references to some of em but anyway your fics are always full of all sorts of references, which I like. Expect to the ones that are related to Metroid, which I have never played.

(07-02-2012 01:25 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Space Pirate #2: I wish Valve would make a Portal 3.
Space Pirate #1: Fat chance. Valve is incapable of counting to 3. Even WHEATLEY, dumb as he is, was able to do it.

So true, it's getting ridiculous how they only make a single sequel for their games. Still they are pretty good. But we would all love to see a something more than a sequel to our favorite valve games.

(11-02-2012 05:40 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, Samus is still dumber than a box of rocks. So is Chilla.

Yes but in the end it was Samus plan that actually worked.

Personally I didn't really like end of the last one. But anyway, waiting for more.
Meh, I kinda had thrown together a few ideas at the last minute. Sorry. I'm trying to go for a more humor related ending to this season, and the battle that comes next will be pretty epic. And these reactions of "ugh I don't like that Giratina88 is doing this" is kinda what Trollrod here is going for. Particularly amongst M.55, who I have no idea how he will react to this. He will either love it or be all like "WTF DID YOU DO" which once again is the reaction we're going for.
Of course there's no need to apologize. I just find all this trolling jokes and stuff extremely overused on the internet. Everybody thinks they can troll and be successful while nobody achieves this. Not to mention that with all these new "trolls", trolling itself has lost its meaning after all. Many of the people who create all these comics and memes and stuff don't even know what true trolling is. But that's just my opinion. You should keep writing your fic however you want to and I will keep on commenting.
Well, Trollrod will be the kind that spams memes. EVERYWHERE. Like pingas, pootis, mudkipz, ect.
That wasn't the real Dark Trainer!? HOLY SH*T! I did not see that coming! If he was a fake, then where's the real McCoy?
Dark Trainer: I've been busy solving the crisis of the planet Panequus! Ponies are slaughtering each other in Equestria, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends has been burnt to the ground by the anti imagination demons, and the city of Townsville is being attacked by pedobears! Currently, I'm in Equestria. There is a huge war between Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. I don't think things can get any worse-
At that moment, an ENORMOUS dragon flies right over the Dark Trainer's head.
Twilight Sparkle: You had to open your BIG FAT F*CKHOLE of a mouth, didn't you?
Pinkie Pie: Ooh ooh! I like f*ckholes! I especially like them when Rainbow Dash lets me lick-MMMPHHH!!!
Rainbow Dash: I THOUGHT we were not going to TALK about that!
Dark Trainer: And this is why I don't like being here.
Dark Trainer: Wait a second...you're all different types of ponies! Shouldn't you be KILLING each other?
Fluttershy: Uh...well...if we did that...then Lauren Faust would be bankrupt.

Well, you get the point. That planet is FUCKED.
No kidding. I'm going to send some of my forces to help him out. Is that okay?
There won't be anything anyone can do. Until the Dragonborn comes, the planet will be helpless.
R-r-ridley Ridley!
R-r-ridley Ridley

If there's a strange brony
In your neighborhood
Guess who it is
If there's a new fan fic
And it don't look good
Guess who it is

Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley!
Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley!
Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley!

R-r-ridley Ridley!

If there's lots of memes
With pony stuff
Guess who it is
If there's a new member
Who just won't shut up
Guess who it is

The forces of the internet. Vs Trollrod

Once again loyal viewers, its the season finale. Last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes managed to find out what was diverting the electricity. Turns out it was none other than the Space Pirate squid ghost Phantoon. After being mocked, and following a long conversation about those stupid hats in TF2, Phantoon grew in size and attacked! Try as they might, our heroes could not land a blow on him as all attacks would go right through him. Luckily, Pikachu figured out his weakness, and with the combination of a bunch of cheep tactics, monologues, and Machiavellian style fighting, our heroes were able to bring the behemoth to his knees. Well, not quite. Phantoon had one more surge of electricity, but before he could collect it, the Dark Trainer shot him down and took the energy for himself! It was here that our heroes learned that he was none other than the evil Trollrod the Ever Trolling. Trollrod then created an internet vortex, sucking in Samus and Phantoon while leaving the others at his mercy.

Pikachu: Wha...what the hell?
Chilla: What did you do with Samus?
Trollrod: Problem, officer?
Pikachu: Damn straight there's a problem! What did you do with Samus!?!
Trollrod: Ahaha...I merely sucked her into the internet, where she will be at the mercy of trolls, memes, and furries.
Mewtini: Yeah, I take offence to that.
Pikachu: You monster! The forces of the internet are NOT something to be played around with!
Trollrod: Cool story bro.
Chilla: AGH!!! You make me sick! YAAAAAAAAAARG!!!
Chilla charges head on at Trollrod, who deflects her effortlessly.
Trollrod: Nice try. But to defeat me, you'll have to get through my army of MEMES!!!
Pikachu: The what?
Trollrod: PHASE 1!!! LOLCATZ!!!
An internet vortex opens up, and a bunch of lolcatz come pouring out.
Lolcat #1: I can haz kill streekz?
Trollrod: ATTACK!!!
The lolcatz charge at Pikachu and Chilla, bombarding them with stupid memes.
Lolcat #3: I LIEKZ MUDKIPZ!!!
Pikachu: MAKE IT STOP!!!
Pikachu fires electricity at the lolcatz, but they keep pouring out of the vortex.
Chilla: Its not working! There's too many of them!
Trollrod: Yawn...I'm bored. Keyboard Cat, play me a tune.
Keyboard Cat: Righto!
Keyboard Cat plays that silly little song he does in his video.
Pikachu: This is NOT the time for catchy little internet tunes!
Trollrod: Umadbro?
The lolcatz swarm Pikachu and Chilla. But just when things look bleak...
A mysterious blue, rolling, fast moving figure appears. The blue thingy heads straight into the army of lolcatz and decimates them.
Trollrod: What...who are you?
???: The only thing Sega ever did right!
Pikachu: Sonic the hedgehog?
Sonic: Damn straight!
Chilla: HOORAY!!!
Trollrod: Grr...LOLCATZ!!! Begin bombing!
Lolcat #4: This is lolcat to cat fort, what are your orders.
Meanwhile, at cat fort.
Lolcat #5: This is cat fort, commence bombing.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Narwhal: YEAH I'M A NARWHAL!!!
A squad of narwhal bombs crashes through the wrecked ship. Sonic pushes Chill and Pikachu out of the way just before they get hit.
Narwhal: I'm the jedi of the sea!
Lolcat #6: It no does workz!
Lolcat #7: RUN!!!
The remaining lolcatz retreat back into the vortex.
Trollrod: Okay, you were able to handle the cheesy memes. Now lets try for IRRITATING!!! COME FORTH NYAN CAT AND SPACE CORE!!!
The Nyan Cat and the Space Core come out of the vortex.
Nyan Cat: Awaiting orders sir!
Space Core: Space. Wanna go to space.
Pikachu: Oh please, what's a poptart cat and a metal ball gonna-
Nyan Cat launches her fierce Nyan Blast, while the Space Core fires its Space Lazor.
Chilla: Son of a-
Our team of heroes get pummeled by the beams and are sent flying.
Trollrod: Hahaha! This is too easy!
Sonic: Trollrod! You have to stop this!
Trollrod: ORLY?
Sonic: YA RLY!!! If you keep doing this, your powers will go out of control and the internet will fuse with real life resulting in-ACK!!!
Nyan Cat fires a rainbow beam at Sonic, which sends him flying.
Trollrod: Cool story bro. Tell it again.
Pikachu launches an electric blast at Trollrod, but Nyan Cat deflects it with a rainbow beam.
Pikachu: Well that was highly improbable-OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!!!
The deflected electricity plus the rainbow beam cuts right through Pikachu.
Trollrod: And now for phase 2. MUDKIPZ!!!
Chilla: The what?
A hoard of mudkipz comes through the internet vortex.
Mudkip #1: So I hearz u liekz mudkipz.
Mudkip #2: Mud!
Mudkip #3: Kip!
Mudkip #2: Mud!
Mudkip #3: Kip!
Pikachu: ACK!!! MUDKIPZ!!!
The mudkip hoard charges at Pikachu, Chilla, and Sonic with more overused memes.
Mudkip #4: I prezume u don't liek mudkipz eh?
Sonic: They just keep coming and coming!
The mudkipz pour out in endless numbers. Try as they might, our heroes cannot fight them off.
Trollrod: And to finish the job, ENTER BADGERS!!!
A hoard of badgers charges in and tramples over our heroes and some of the mudkipz.
Trollrod: ARCHERS!!! FIRE!!!
A bunch of soldiers from Skyrim fire their arrows, which ALL hit our heroes' knees.
Chilla: Sonic? Can't you use your super speed to avoid the attacks?
Sonic: Well, I USED to be able to do that, but then I took an arrow to the knee!
Chilla: This is no time for cheep internet jokes!
Sonic: No seriously. I did.
Chilla: Oh yeah.
Meanwhile, down in Tourian.
Ridley: Huh? Something's wrong in the wrecked ship.
Mother Brain: I sense it too. Someone's using the power of the internet.
Draygon: Well it looks like the Dark Trainer is the one using its power.
Ridley: Wait...if the Dark Trainer is using its power...that means...
Draygon: I lost the game, didn't I?
Mother Brain: Uh guys, that's NOT the Dark Trainer.
Draygon: Wait WHAT? WHAT!?!
Mother Brain: That being fighting Samus is known as Trollrod the Ever Trolling. He is a being that lives in the internet and is the fundamental basis for all trolls. This thing's goal is to fuse the internet with real life. And if that happens...
Draygon: Cats will be doing people things! Fat guys will be falling over in slow motion!
Draygon: THE END IS NIGH!!!
Ridley: NIGH!!!
Mother Brain: I'm SURROUNDED by idiots.
Meanwhile, back at the plot, our hereos are still struggling to fight off Trollrod's endless army of mudkipz and badgers. They are rather easy to defeat, but they keep pouring out of the internet, as so many people have used their memes SO many times.
Pikachu: Ack! If this keeps up, we'll be overrun!
Chilla: Wait a minute, I'll stop them!
Chilla gets out her laptop and flags every comment involving badgers and mudkipz.
Sonic: Huh? What is THAT gonna-
Suddenly, the mudkipz and badgers start shattering apart until all that is left is dust.
Chilla: Problem solved!
Trollrod: Hohoho...so you've managed to stop the weaker memes. But I have memes that are FAR stronger in power and ability to avoid flagging! Joining Nyan Cat and the Space Core will be...THESE GUYS!!!
Suddenly, even MORE memes pour through the vortex.
Trollrod: Say hello to the army of Pedobears!
Pedobear #1: Oooh...a little girl!
Pedobear #2: I wanna touch her first!
Chilla: Gulp!
Keyboard Cat: MOAR MUSIC!!!
The Keyboard Cat plays music while the Pedobears, lead by Nyan Cat and Space Core, attack.
Sonic: I got this!
Sonic goes all super speedy on some of the Pedobears. But no sooner are they destroyed then they are brought back.
Sonic: Crikey.
Several Pedobears keep following Chilla around.
Pedobear #3: Hey little girl...wanna come back to my van?
The Pedobear tries to touch Chilla, but gets smacked hard.
Chilla: BITCHSLAP!!!
Things don't seem to be going well for Sonic and Pikachu. Try as they might, the sheer magnitude of the memes means that every time one is defeated, another one takes its place. However, inside the internet, Samus wakes to find herself in a strange and unfamiliar world.
Lolcat: Hey, are you awake?
Samus: Urgh...where am I?
Lolcat: You're in the internet Samus.
Samus: Where are Pikachu and Chilla?
Lolcat: They are outside fighting Trollrod. He's defeating them and Sonic with really stupid overused memes. Now they have grown in power to the point where flagging and spam alerts won't work on them! He's practically invincible now.
Samus: Then how do I stop him?
Lolcat: You have to make him ragequit.
Samus: What?
Lolcat: The only way to stop super powered trolls is to make them so pissed off that they explode in a rage of fury.
Samus: And that's a ragequit?
Lolcat: Yeah.
Samus: But how will I do that?
Lolcat: Not sure exactly, but I hear furries and bronies work best.
Samus: THOSE weirdoes!?! I am NOT having a bunch of animal porn viewers help ME!
Mewtini: I take EXTREME offence to that!
Lolcat: First of all, most of them don't do that. Second, trolls hate furries and bronies more than anything. They drive them into a retarded rage, which will therefore make them ragequit. It's the only way to beat Trollrod.
Samus: Okay...but I still have one more question.
Lolcat: What?
Samus: Can I haz some of that CHEESEBURGER?
Lolcat: That's the spirit! Now GOOOOOO!!!!
Samus gets sent through the internet to get support of furries and bronies. Back at the plot, however, things aren't going well.
An army of green llamas has poured through the vortex and are attacking our heroes.
Pikachu: Chilla, aren't you flagging them?
Chilla: I keep trying! But there are so many, and they're just too powerful!
Sonic: How can that be?
Chilla: I don't know, but every time I try, I just get Rick Rolled!
Pikachu: No time for talking! HERE'S THE NEXT WAVE!!!
A huge amount of Llamas and Pedobears come pouring through the vortex.
Sonic: Luckily, I happened to set up a convenient wall to stop them!
The army of memes comes to a stop at the wall. Try as they might they can't get passed it.
Trollrod: Hmm...looks like I need to introduce more memes. MINECRAFT CREEPERS GO!!!
A bunch of creepers from Minecraft come out of the vortex and charge at the wall.
Creeper: Thatsssssssss...a nice WALL you got there.
The creepers explode on the wall, making it weak and prime for abuse.
Trollrod: FIRE THE LASERS!!!
The memes fire their lazors at the wall and obliterate it.
Sonic: Do NOT want!
Trollrod: It won't make any difference. The walls are inert. Now, DESTROY THEM!!!
The memes recharge their cannons and prepare to fire.
Pikachu: We're doomed.
The memes all fire a collective lazor blast. But just before it hits...
???: REJECTED!!!
The adventure sphere Rick is thrown into the air, deflecting the blast back at Trollrod.
Trollrod: Oh poopy.
Trollrod manages to protect against the blast, deflecting it onto the other memes, which explode.
Sonic: How did that...?
Samus: FEAR NOT!!! Samus Aran the DESTROYER has arrived!
Trollrod: More people I see.
Samus: Damn straight! And I'll send you back into the internet!
Trollrod: ORLY?
Samus: YA RLY! I'll do it with the powers of Valve, bronies, furries, and Ron Paul!
Ron Paul: I would like to legalize pot! Not because I actually use pot it's just that...well...
Samus: And that's all for him! But face the furry of Valve, furries, and bronies!
Trollrod waves his hand and a giant brownie falls on Samus.
Samus: HURR HURR HURR. Real funny.
Chilla: Just a typical day.
Trollrod: Oh please, what are a bunch of pony fappers gonna do?
Mewtini: OBJECTION!!!
Mewtini smacks Trollrod against a wall for his objection.
Mewtini: How DARE you criticize bronies and furries! These are perfectly normal people who just happen to like certain things! They do NOT fap to animals and they do NOT run around in the woods wearing bear costumes! I should file a LAW SUIT against people like you that-
Mewtini leaves the battle field and the plot continues.
Samus: Now, while bronies themselves might not be able to do anything, THEY can!
Samus opens up her own internet vortex, and out of it comes...
Samus: Say hello to Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Derpy Hooves!
Pikachu: Wait what?
Trollrod: FAKE N GAY.
Samus: PONIES!!! ATTACK!!!
Twilight Sparkle: DEATH TO TROLLS!!!
Rainbow Dash: SLAY THEM ALL!!!
Pinkie Pie: Make them eat cake!
Rainbow Dash: That's not threatening at ALL.
Trollrod: Still gay. Besides, what are a bunch of PONIES gonna-
Rainbow Dash: SONIC RAINBOOM!!!
Rainbow Dash charges at Trollrod and sonic rainbooms the crap out of him.
Samus: Okay Rick, it's your turn!
Samus throws Rick the adventure sphere, who pulls off karate moves on Trollrod.
Rick: Yeah, I've got a BLACK BELT!!! ...in bedroom.
Pikachu: Lordly.
King Dedede: Righto!
Trollrod: Mother...
King Dedede brings down the ban hammer on Trollrod's ass.
Chilla: YEAH!!!
Fluttershy: RIGHTO!!! No offence Trollrod, it's just-
Rarity: Oh don't be such a pussy! Derpy, prepare the Orbital Friendship Cannon!
Derpy Hooves: Muffins!
Rarity: Never mind. Rainbow Dash! YOU DO IT!!!
Pikachu: Awesome! Wait, isn't that gonna kill US too?
Fluttershy: You guys go! We'll hold him off until the cannon is ready!
Sonic: Okay!
Our heroes, with the addition of Sonic, start running like hell out of the space ship.
Chilla: Can't we save the ponies?
Samus: They'll be fine! Trollrod's internet vortex will suck them back where they belong!
Sonic: And us?
Samus: It's gonna kill us! RUN!!!
Pikachu: WAY AHEAD OF YOU!!!
Our heroes continue running for their lives and they make it out of the wrecked ship.
Sonic: Okay. Thank god we-
And then the Orbital Friendship Cannon fires. The enormous rainbow blast connects with the space ship, and a massive hellish rainbow colored explosion occurs. Since this blast made Trollrod ragequit, the blast suddenly gets sucked back in by the internet vortex.
Pikachu: Pwnd.
Samus: Indeed.
Meanwhile, down in Tourian.
Ridley: Looks like the wrecked ship...is gone?
Draygon: It exploded and then got sucked back in!
Ridley: The forces of the internet are strong indeed.
Mother Brain: Well, it looks like that's it for the Dark Trainer. Luckily, I have someone else...
Shadow: I'm only here to take out Sonic. I've told you that.
Mother Brain: I've hired Alduin as well to take out the rest of them. He'll be arriving soon.
Ridley: Excellent.
Meanwhile, in an ancient ruin in Equestria.
???: So...they think they can stop me...can they? They think, by finding someone to kill the dragons, that they can stop us? Well, its normal for ponies to be that foolish. Even their princess forgot about the ancient power within her planet. Soon...I will awaken, and chaos will reign...and they will fear the name of Gorea...
To be continued...
(20-02-2012 11:55 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Mudkip #1: So I hearz u liekz mudkipz.
Mudkip #2: Mud!
Mudkip #3: Kip!
Mudkip #2: Mud!
Mudkip #3: Kip!

This reminds me one time that one friend of minne and me had a competition about who could stand longer watching this video. After 2 and a half hours for continuous Mudkipz he quited.

(20-02-2012 11:55 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Mewtini: How DARE you criticize bronies and furries! These are perfectly normal people who just happen to like certain things! They do NOT fap to animals and they do NOT run around in the woods wearing bear costumes! I should file a LAW SUIT against people like you that-

Seems we tottally agree on this. I really like your views. Of course not on everything.

And another episode of the second season of the Samus & Pikachu Show. Even though I expected it to be a bit of a failure it's pretty good (and long) , and just a bit silly in some points. I guess the next one will have to do with Skyrim.

P.S. Db0 would love some more TF2 references.
I will put in TF2 references in the next season. And they will all revolve around hats (some supportive and some critical)
I can think of one Sonic villain that should fight both good and, um, evil. That villain is (pause for effect) THE TAILS DOLL!!!
[Image: tumblr_lvaf9padS11r3k1m8o1_500.png]

But seriously, I'm not sure how to make the tails doll work. I DO know how to make pony jokes (as evidenced above).
i think i just peed my self from laughing so hard... i just don't know what to think. Haha
And that's just what I'm going for here.
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