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If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is

Pikachu: Yugioh GX much?
Draygon: I'll say...

Ninja bugs and mechanical dinos, oh my! Vs Meta Yoshi.

Anyways...last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes found the wave beam! ...yeah...thats about all they did. However, the Space Pirate commander Phantoon has gone back to the wrecked ship to feed, and the Dark Trainer is planing a trap to hold them off! Judging by the title, it seems as though Meta Yoshi has his OWN plans for our heroes. We rejoin them in lower Brinstar in search for the spazer beam.

Pikachu: I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!
Chilla: To catch them is my real test, to train them is my CAAAAUUUSE!!!
Samus: Chilla, you suck at singing. End of story.
Pikachu: So, where's the next item?
Samus: Well, it looks as though it's-
And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a rolling ball of something appears! This rolling ball seems to be none other than the infamous Meta Yoshi! Meta Yoshi spins really fast at our heroes and bounces off the walls trying to ram them!
Pikachu: ACK!!! THE HELL IS THAT!!!
Samus: Oh god, its Yoshi!
Chilla: Eh? Who's that?
Pikachu: Just one of our old enemies. LOOK OUT!!!
Pikachu manages to duck before Meta Yoshi rams into him. Sadly, Chilla did not, and is scooped up in Yoshi's claws.
Chilla: HELP!!! ITS GOT ME!!!
Meta Yoshi subsequently takes Chilla to the top of some sort of hill formation, and uses her as a hostage.
Meta Yoshi: Ah...Samus Aran...we meet again eh?
Pikachu: Yoshi! Let her go now!
Meta Yoshi: Mmm, I'd love to let your girlfriend go, but you see, she's kind of my hostage at the moment.
Samus: Big mistake you bastard! EAT SUPER MISSILES!!!
Samus prepares to unleash deadly super missiles at Meta Yoshi, but Pikachu stops her just before she fires.
Samus: What did you do that for!
Pikachu: LOOK!!!
Meta Yoshi, is in fact, now using Chilla as a meat shield
Meta Yoshi: Yeah, I wouldn't recommend trying to attack me. Nice try though.
Chilla: You coward! AAAACK!!!
After insulting him, Chilla has just been raked by Meta Yoshi's claws!
Meta Yoshi: Hehehe no. Next time, you should really watch what you say.
Pikachu: You little peace of shit! What do you want from us!
Meta Yoshi: Only a bit of amusement. Hahahaha!
At this, 2 ninja beetle like creatures enter the room
Samus: The hell are those?
Meta Yoshi: Mmm, yes, these are Desbrachians. They're kind of like insect ninjas.
Pikachu: "Ninja" is sort of subjective here.
Meta Yoshi: Enough talk. Let the battle begin!!!
The music plays and the Desbrachians begin to circle Samus and Pikachu.
Samus: Get ready!
Pikachu: This looks like it will hurt.
Meta Yoshi: Desbrachians!!! ATTACK!!!
The Desbrachians fly directly at Samus and Pikachu in an attempt to ram them. Luckily, our heroes dodge out of the way.
Samus fires a bunch of missiles at one of the Desbrachians, but amazingly, they do nothing!
Pikachu: Let me try something! BOOOOMSHAKA!!!
Pikachu fires a freezy wave beam bolt at the Desbrachians, but predictably, it does nothing.
Samus: We're dead!
Meta Yoshi: Sigh...at least make it entertaining!
Chilla: You sick bastard! Playing with people's lives isn't entertaining at all!
Meta Yoshi: Oh yeah, and what are YOU gonna do about it? HUH!?!
Chilla: THIS!!!
Chilla fires a barrage of orange crystals at Meta Yoshi. Meta Yoshi drops Chilla and starts cringing in pain.
The Desbrachians turn there attention from Samus and Pikachu and start advancing towards Chilla.
Pikachu: Samus! Now's your chance!!! FIRE AWAY!!!
Samus: RIGHTO!!!
Samus launches 5 missiles at the now unguarded Meta Yoshi. Each blast hits its target, knocking Meta Yoshi off the hill.
Meta Yoshi: URG!!! DAMN IT!!! Well, if thats the way you want it, lets see you face off against MORE Desbrachians!!!
At this, 5 more Desbrachians come out of the walls rearing to attack Samus
Samus: Damn it! More of them!!!
Chilla: Hey! Yoshi's trying to escape!
Sure enough, Meta Yoshi is crawling up the walls of the chamber, trying to escape the battle.
Pikachu: Oh no you don't! PikaaaaaCHHUUUUU!!!!
Pikachu launches freeze/wave bolts at Meta Yoshi, but they all get blocked by the Desbrachians.
Meta Yoshi: Well folks, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've gotta get going. BYE!!!
At this, Meta Yoshi scurries away, leaving the Desbrachians to deal with Samus and pals.
Samus: Once again, we're doomed!
Chilla: Not on my watch! HYYYAAAAAAAAARG!!!
Chilla unleashes another blast of orange crystals. These crystals pierce right through the Desbrachians, killing 3 of them on the spot. The other 4 have crystals sticking out of them and they seem to be badly wounded.
Pikachu: Nice one! They're weak to the crystals! Give them another blast!
Chilla: You got it!
Chilla tries to unleash another blast of crystals, but this time, nothing happens!
Chilla: You don't got it!
Pikachu: F*CK LETS RUN!!!
Samus, Pikachu, and Chilla start running for their lives while the Desbrachians pursue them.
Samus: Wait! There's a door just 40 meters ahead!
Chilla: Well then...RUUUUUUUUN!!!
Samus and co sprint even faster towards the door as the Desbrachians close in.
Samus fires her power beam at the door, causing it to open. The trio manages to make it inside the next room just before the Desbrachians manage to catch up with them. Right as the door closes, a Desbrachian jumps through the door, but it closes on its head and slices it off.
Samus: Pew...we made it.
Pikachu: That was close.
Chilla: I'll say.
Pikachu: That was a hell of an episode...
Meanwhile, in the wrecked ship
Dark Trainer: Looks like my blundering comrade failed again. Ah! Hello there Phantoon.
Phantoon: Dark Trainer? What are you doing here?
Dark Trainer: Just thought I'd...give you an upgrade...
Phantoon: What do you mean?
Dark Trainer: You'll see. Mewthree! Metacario!
Mewthree: Yes?
Dark Trainer: Upgrade Phantoon please.
Metacario: Roger.
Phantoon: Wait...what are they doing? Hey!
Dark Trainer: Trust me...its for your own good.
Phantoon: No wait wait wait, don't do this please I ha-AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGG!!!
Dark Trainer: I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but its the only way you'll be able to beat Samus...

And that concludes our episode! Tune in tomorrow for more Samus & Pikachuyness!
Update! You could also play this music during the battle scene if you want.
Ridley: You know what I just noticed Draygon?
Draygon: What?
Ridley: We still haven't had an episode about us Space Pirate commanders and our childhood.
Draygon: Why that's absurd!
Mewtini: Okay, what are you pmsing about THIS time Draygon.
Draygon: You haven't made an episode about us commanders in our childhood!!!
Mewtini: And why should I?
Ridley: Because if you DON'T do a mini series about the Space Pirate commanders' pasts, then you'll only have what, 4 episodes till the season finale? Aren't you trying to fill up more space and make the second season at least 5 pages long? Well let me tell you something, you're not gonna accomplish 5 pages when you're only on the beginning of the 3rd page and have only 4 episodes to go.
Mewtini: The only reason we had 6 pages in the first season is because me, Jankat, and m.55 talked so much!
Mother Brain: And yet somehow Kalas Rey gets what, like 9 pages per season.
Mewtini: SEASON? More like a SERIES if you ask me. And thats only because Luxray and pals talk so much THERE.
Meta Yoshi: Um guys...I just looked, they only have 6 pages in Johto Jen: Goin' Hoenn.
Mewtini: And the entire second and third page is taken up by Luxray, Kalas Rey, and None having a conversation!
Samus: And the entire first half of this episode has been taken up by YOUR conversation!
Pikachu: We haven't even done the opening song yet!
Draygon: Good, we're gonna make it special! Hit it Ridley!

The theme from the fresh prince plays, only it is remixed, Ridley is the one singing it, and noticeably, the entire song is sort of space pirate oriented, involving the space pirate commanders, the bad people being galactic federation, Ridley's "mom" being Mother Brain, and Bel Air is replaced with Zebes.

The Ridley and Co Show Part 1

Most of you probably think of Space Pirate commanders as mindless destructive beasts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, they look monstrous, but as a matter of fact they are far smarter than you and think and feel just like you do. Most people also aren't aware that these commanders had lives before their Space Pirate career. In fact, they were once little kids just like you, back in the days on planet Zebes. In those days, Ridley was covered with feathers, Kraid was like 5 feet tall, Phantoon fed off of batteries, and Draygon had a water bottle with her so she could breath. They met every day on the playground, where they would generally be involved in whatever middle school thing that was normal for Zebes.

Ridley: Oh hey Kraid.
Kraid: Heya Ridley.
Ridley: Damn, math was a bitch today.
Kraid: I'll say. Thats the first time in my LIFE I've ever gotten a D.
Ridley: And that Phantoon guy, I don't know whats up with him. Before lunch, he sucks at his classes, but after lunch, he makes perfect 100's on EVERYTHING. Even in our math class. And I swear, that stuff is impossible.
Kraid: I hear that guy eats batteries for lunch actually.
Ridley: He does?
Kraid: Yeah. He feeds on the electricity within them. Crazy, huh? Oh, here comes Draygon.
Ridley: Ugh, I can't stand her. Actually, I think she has a crush on me.
Kraid: She does talk about you a good amount.
Ridley: Well don't tell her anything stupid.
Draygon: Hiya Ridley and Kraid.
Ridley: Hey Draygon.
Draygon: Whats up?
Kraid: Not much, you?
Draygon: Same I guess.
Phantoon: Me too.
Ridley: Wait, when the hell did YOU get here?
Phantoon: I've been here the whole time. And in case you were wondering, yes, I do feed on electricity.
Draygon: I think it would be a good idea if you had one each class.
Meanwhile, back in the present.
Draygon: Aw shut up!
Ridley: Well, this part actually IS pretty boring. Why don't we skip ahead about 15 minutes when the Space Pirates attack.
Chilla: I love apple jacks.
Ridley: GET OFF THE SET!!!
Chilla: But it's my only LINE!!!
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Oshawott: Hello?
Kalas Rey: Hello. I'd like to complain about the amount of reused old jokes. They stopped being funny a long time ago. First there was the "sun and the moon position" joke, next the acronym thingy, and now you're using THIS again! All this is doing is promoting communist propaganda of the shoddiest kind. I can't even take a BATH without six or seven of them communists jumping in there with me! Every day, there's Lenin and Stalin, peeping in through the windows! Fidel Castro keeps hiding in the yard! And there's a bunch of chinese people that constantly come in and eat my wife's jam! OH!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! THE CRUELTY!!! THE INHUMANITY!!! ITS DRIVING ME CRA-
Oshawott hangs up the phone
Oshawott: And several butchers aprons.
Vulpix: Who was that?
Oshawott: Nobody. Nobody at all.
Meanwhile, back in the past.
Draygon: And that's how I got my first period.
Ridley: Your stories scare me sometimes.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Space Pirate ships land! A bunch of crab like zebesians swarm out of the ships and the terrified creatures begin fleeing from the playground. Everyone, that is, except for Ridley.
Ridley: What the hell are you doing on our planet?
Space Pirate Commando: YOUR planet? This is OUR planet now.
Ridley: Fat chance!!! Your gonna have to go through ME first!
Space Pirate Commando: You and what army?
Ridley unleashes a bloodcurdling scream and suddenly, all of the terrified creatures stop running and being terrified.
Random Space Pirate: What's going on?
The scream has replaced all of their fear with hate, and suddenly, all of the creatures of Zebes begin to attack!
Ridley: Fight my minions!!!
And so the battle for Zebes has begun! Who will win? Who will lose? Who will pay my credit card bills? Find out tomorrow!
The theme from the fresh prince in the above post plays, only it is remixed, Ridley is the one singing it, and noticeably, the entire song is sort of space pirate oriented, involving the space pirate commanders, the bad people being galactic federation, Ridley's "mom" being Mother Brain, and Bel Air is replaced with Zebes.

The Ridley and Co Show Part 2

Hello folks and welcome to the Ridley and Co special,part of the Samus and Pikachu franchise. We are airing these episodes in an effort to make the show seem longer than it really is, and also to add some backround to the backroundless Space Pirate commanders. Last time, our future enemies of Samus were busy acting and being 11 year olds on planet Zebes. All was well, until a semi-organized band of Space Pirates attacked the planet! Everyone began to flee, with the exception of Ridley, who, using an unearthly cry, managed to agitate the creatures of the planet into rage, and they all attacked the Pirates! The battle for Zebes has begun!

Ridley: Creatures of Zebes, ATTACK!!!
Geemer: REEEEEK!!!
Draygon: TACOS!!!
Space Pirate Commando: Pirates, ATTACK!!!
The creatures of Zebes and the Pirates charge and soon meet in combat. The pirates have strength on their side, but the creatures of Zebes have numbers, and with all the biology within 20 miles being ordered to attack by Ridley the Pirates soon start to back down.
Space Pirate #1: There's too many of them!
Space Pirate #2: How the hell did this HAPPEN?
Space Pirate #1: All because of that one bird dragon thingy...everything's trying to kill us!
Space Pirate Commando: Release the SCCPs!
Space Pirate #3: The what?
Space Pirate Commando: The Space Pirate Plasma Cannons.
Meanwhile, back in the present.
Ridley: Hey Mother Brain! Looks like you have to take 4 drinks!
Mother Brain: Go f*ck yourself Ridley!
Ridley: Maybe I will!
Chilla: Ah, Iseewhatudidthar Ridley.
Pikachu: SHUT UP CHILLA!!!
Chilla: But it's my only LINE!!!
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Oshawott: Really now Snivy? You used that joke again?
Snivy: It wasn't me! I swear I used a different joke!
Oshawott: Then how the hell did THAT end up there?
Snivy: Well judging by the sun and the moon position...it was probably the editors.
Vulpix: I'm surprised we haven't been fired yet.
Mewtini: I'M surprised this show is still on air!
Meanwhile, back in the past, the Space Pirates have unleashed their devastating SPPCs!
Space Pirate Commando: FIRE THE CANNONS!!!
The cannons fire, and hordes of creatures are blasted to bits. Still, more keep coming.
Ridley: Okay then! You want a battle? I'll give you a WAR!!! KRRRRAAAAAAYGAAAAAA!!!
Ridley unleashes yet another ear piercing scream, and suddenly Kraid, Draygon, and Phantoon come out and start attacking!
Phantoon: DIE PIRATES DIE!!!
Kraid: Destroy all...KILL all!
Draygon: I'm a PENGUIN!!!
Ridley: Note to self...Draygon's getting a death note.
Phantoon, Kraid, and Draygon attack the Pirate forces. They are a lot stronger than the other creatures of planet Zebes. Kraid attacks the Pirates by launchin spikes, Phantoon by using fire balls, and Draygon starts picking Pirates up and stinging them with her tail.
Kraid: Death to the Pirates! Death to ALL who oppose us!!!
At this, Kraid fires a spike at one of the SPPCs, and it explodes in a blast of purple flame.
Space Pirate #4: ACK!!! Those guys can even take out our SPPCs!
Space Pirate Commando: No problem! Release the META!
Space Pirate #5: The what?
Space Pirate Commando: The Mechanical Electric Titanium Ant!
Space Pirate #5: I thought it stood for Mother's Electric Toasted Almonds.
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Oshawott: Thats 2 four letter acronyms! 8 drinks Mewtini!
Mewtini: I suppose I kinda deserve this...
Snivy: Okay, that joke stopped being funny like 5 episodes ago.
Vulpix: Meh, I think it was funny until 2 episodes ago.
Snivy: I wasn't aware that we HAD an acronym in that episode.
Vulpix: Oh yeah.
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT.
Space Pirate Commando: RELEASE THE META!!!
A gigantic pirate ship lands, and tearing out of it is an enormous metallic ant!
Ridley: Holy shit on a sandwich...
The META begins stomping around, firing laser beams, and pretty much destroying everything in it's path.
Ridley: Sigh...looks like I'M gonna actually have to do someting!
Ridley: Come at me bro!
Ridley charges at the gigantic META and a cataclysmic battle seems to be inevitable for the planet. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will pay for this show? And why the hell do we keep using those crappy acronym jokes!?!
Snivy: Don't ask me.
Well...anyways...find out the answers to all of these questions tomorrow, on Samus and Pikachu!
At last, thanks to the snow we have no school today and plenty of free time to devote in readinng the new episodes of the Samus&Pikachu show.

(28-01-2012 10:01 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Chilla: You got it!
Chilla tries to unleash another blast of crystals, but this time, nothing happens!
Chilla: You don't got it!
(01-02-2012 01:08 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Mother Brain: Go f*ck yourself Ridley!
Ridley: Maybe I will!

lol at these lines. It was interesting that you showed some of the Pirate Commanders' childhood. Imo, it would be more entertaining if you let em chat a little bit more before the pirate attack occured. But anyway, you're the writer, you know better.
The theme from the fresh prince in the above post plays, only it is remixed, Ridley is the one singing it, and noticeably, the entire song is sort of space pirate oriented, involving the space pirate commanders, the bad people being galactic federation, Ridley's "mom" being Mother Brain, and Bel Air is replaced with Zebes.

The Ridley and Co Show Part 3

Welcome back to the Space Pirate filler saga, part of the Samus and Pikachu franchise. As explained before, we are airing these episodes in an attempt to make the 2nd season seem longer than it really is, so now you can see just how low Giratina88 inc will go to make a show appear to be a decent length.

Mewtini: Say, who's narrating these things anyways?
Snivy: Beats me.

Anyways, last time on the filler saga Ridley had led the creatures of Zebes into a huge battle against the Space Pirates. Even the SPPCs couldn't handle the enormous army of Zebes. However, the Pirates weren't done yet. They still have one more weapon up their sleeves: the enormous META! The META has now been released, forcing Ridley to join the fight. The battle for Zebes has reached it's peak!

Ridley: Alright you oversized ant, FEEL MY WRATH!!!
Ridley launches a devastating blast of fire from his mouth, but it has practically no effect on the META.
Ridley: Erm...hold on...let me try that again...
Ridley uses another blast of fire, but again nothing happens.
Ridley: Okay...maybe if I try it again...
Ridley uses a third blast of fire, which yet again does next to nothing.
Ridley: Okay, this clearly isn't working.
Draygon: Hey Ridley, I got an idea!
Ridley: What is it?
Draygon whispers into Ridley's ear.
Ridley: Okay!
Ridley uses yet another blast of fire, with predictable results.
Kraid: If it didn't work the first three times, then WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK IT WOULD WORK THE FOURTH!?!
Ridley: Kraid's right, UNLESS...
Ridley uses ANOTHER blast of fire, which of course gets the same results.
Ridley: Oh come on! Can't you at least pretend to be hurt?
Ridley: I'm just gonna...you know...RUN!!!
Ridley flees just as the META fires its laser beams. The META of course gives pursuit.
Ridley: Time to summon some back up. KRAAAAAAYAAAAAGUUUUU!!!!
Another scream pierces the air, and the creatures of Zebes turn their attention to the META.
Creatures of all kinds start pouring out of the ground, with the one thought in their mind being to defeat the META.
Space Pirate #1: The hell? Even the META is now having problems!
Space Pirate #2: How the hell did that dragon bird DO this!?!
Space Pirate Commando: Never in my life have I seen anything like this...
The creatures of Zebes keep coming and swarming onto the META. The META tries its best to fight, but it is starting to weaken as the amount of creatures that keep attacking it are slowing draining it's health.
Space Pirate Commando: Wait a minute! That dragon is unguarded! EVERYONE ATTACK!!!
Suddenly, all of the remaining Pirates charge at Ridley. With the creatures of Zebes all preoccupied with the META it-
Chilla: I have to pee.
Ridley: I'm trying to have a FLASHBACK here!
Samus: These fillers are really starting to get to me.
Pikachu: At least we don't have any more of those communists in here.
Kim Jong Un: I should probably go now.
Pikachu: Spoke too soon...
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT.
Space Pirate Commando: CHAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!
The Space Pirates charge at the virtually undefended Ridley, who is taken by surprise.
Ridley: Oh crackers and milk...
Space Pirate Commando: EVERYONE!!! FIIIIIIIIRE!!!
???: WAIT!!! Hold your fire!
Space Pirate Commando: GASP! Commander Hypaxxus...
The voice came from none other than a pirate named Hypaxxus, who at that time was commander!
Hypaxxus: Quiet you. Hey you! Furry...dragon...thingy...whats your name?
Ridley: My name is Ridley. Why do you care?
Hypaxxus: Because I've been watching this battle and I saw how you were able to command simple minded creatures into doing your will. They were even able to take on the ferocious META. The Pirates could use that kind of leadership.
Ridley: Sooo...you want me...to join you?
Hypaxxus: Precisely.
Ridley: Why should I join you?
Hypaxxus: Because if you do, I'll give you a cookie!
Ridley: F*CK YEAH!!! I am SO joining! Could I take along some people though?
Hypaxxus: Okay...but you can only choose one.
Ridley: I pick Kraid.
Kraid: YEAH!!! EAT IT NERDS!!!
Draygon: F*ck you Ridley!
Meanwhile, back in the present.
Ridley: And so over the years I rose in the ranks as a Space Pirate until I became a commander. The end.
Draygon: Well, that took a good 45 minutes.
Mother Brain: Wait, you seriously joined the Space Pirates for a COOKIE?!?
Ridley: Yeah.
Mother Brain: It kinda worries me that you're a commander...
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Oshawott: FINALLY, we're done with the filler saga!
Mewtini: That took a good few days to make.
Vulpix: And, we got through an entire episode without doing an overused joke!
Mewtini: I consider this a victory: End the episode now before we screw up.
And that's all folks! Tune in next time for a none filler episode of Samus and Pikachu!
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

The x-ray factor

Last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes were walking along on their merry way in search of the spazer beam. Everything was pretty much gumdrops and ice cream on their side until the infamous Meta Yoshi showed up! Besides flat our ruining their day, Meta Yoshi abducted Chilla, used her as a meat shield, and released 2 plated beetle ninja thingys called Desbrachians to attack Samus and Pikachu! The 2 tried their best to damage them, but nothing seemed to be working at all until Chilla broke loose and used her crystal powers on some extra Desbrachians that Meta Yoshi released. Sadly, she was not able to call upon her power again, so our heroes had to flee as the remaining Desbrachians gave pursuit, making it in the door just in time. We join our heroes now as they search for the x-ray visor.

Samus: I tell you, I am SO GLAD that the whole filler saga is finally over.
Pikachu: Even for Mewtini, that was pretty low.
Chilla: I'll say.
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Mewtini: Who typed THAT in!?!
Everyone goes all quiet.
Mewtini: Come on! WHO TYPED THAT!
Okay...meanwhile, back at the-
Mewtini: Hold on a minute there! We aren't continuing the show until SOMEBODY owns up!
Oshawott: Sorry. That was me.
Mewtini: Right! I'm cutting your salary!
Vulpix: We don't even HAVE a salary.
Mewtini: Oh yeah.
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT.
Pikachu: I'm getting tired of those cut-scenes.
Chilla: Me too.
Pikachu: Hey Samus, where's the next item?
Samus: Well according to the NAAROMRIF, the next-
Chilla: The what?
Samus: The Not At All Redundant Overused Meme Related Item Finder.
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Snivy: DIE DIE DIE!!!
Snivy is currently smacking Mewtini over the head with a shovel for using such an overused joke.
Vulpix: I suppose now would be a good time to use a season one joke.
Oshawott: Judging by the sun and the moon position, that's probably not a good idea.
Vulpix: ...
Oshawott: Oh wait...
Meanwhile, somewhere less retarded.
Samus: As I was SAYING, the NAAROMRIF says that the next item is somewhere around here in lower Brinstar.
Pikachu: And what might that item happen to be?
Samus: Dunno. Lets just find out.
Chilla: I'm starting to think we never even needed that filler series at all.
Our heroes continue forth, and they enter a room with the only light coming from small little insects.
Pikachu: I suppose we didn't have enough money in the budget for proper lighting?
Samus: How the hell do they even LIGHT these places in the first place?
Meanwhile, down in Tourian.
Ridley: Do we really NEED electric lights throughout the fortress, because we won't use most of it.
Ridley: Okay okay...
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Samus: Hooray! The X-ray visor!
Pikachu: It says here that you can use it to see through walls!
Samus: Nice! Let's try it right now!
Samus uses her X-ray visor on a wall, revealing what looks to be 2 etcoons in their..."mating position"
Pikachu: Hey Samus, what do you see?
Samus: You DON'T want to know!
Meanwhile, on the wrecked ship.
Phantoon: Ugh...what happened?
Dark Trainer: You've been upgraded.
Phantoon: What am I...?
Dark Trainer: We made you a mechanical version of yourself. Now you're ghost and steel.
Phantoon: You idiot, that makes me weak to fire!
Dark Trainer: But fire will be your only weakness.
Phantoon: True...
Dark Trainer: Also, with your new meta body you can tap into the world beyond and summon some ghosts to help you out.
Phantoon: Excellent! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
The air around Phantoon glows blue, and all at once a huge amount of ghosts start pouring out of nowhere.
Well, thats all for tonight folks.
Awesome! I've never forgotten your comedy genius!
Thank you mystery.55! It looks as though the season finale is coming soon!
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

Luigi's haunted...space ship?

Last time on Samus and Pikachu, our writing staff had a lot of trouble so the episode wasn't all that great. We ended up using season 1 jokes and making the episode shorter than normal. Fortunately, this episode will be a lot better, as it is actually PLOT RELATED!!! Shocking, isn't it? At the end of last episode, Phantoon used his new powers given to him by the Dark Trainer to release an army of ghosts into the wrecked space ship. Unfortunately for our heroes, that's the exact place they seem to be headed. We rejoin them now with the show already in progress.

Samus: Ah! Fresh air! Zebes's surface is much more pleasant without the acid rain!
Pikachu: It's still kinda cloudy though...
Chilla: This place seems kinda dead actually.
Pikachu: That's probably because of that nuclear strike Kalas Rey launched at us last year, remember?
Chilla: Oh yeah.
Samus: Okay team! It looks as though the next item is somewhere down that way!
Pikachu: And what item might that be?
Samus: Well, it seems to be something important, because the scanner is picking up massive energy readings.
Chilla: What are we waiting for then? Lets GOOOOO!!!
And with this, our heroes continue onward. As they get closer though, Pikachu spots something odd...
Pikachu: Hey guys, you might wanna take a look at this...
Chilla: Oh my god, that thing is huge!
Samus: Is that...a space ship?
The object in question is none other than a large space ship that seems to have crash-landed here long ago!
Chilla: Is the item we're looking for in that direction?
Samus: Seems as though it is.
Pikachu: Hold on just a minute!
Samus: What?
Pikachu: Don't you remember in season one when something like this happened?
Chilla: What do you mean?
Pikachu: Remember? We found a large energy reading, we went into some weird remote location? It was near the end of season one? We get there, and do you know what we found?
Chilla: Chinese food?
Samus: Roundies?
Rick Santorum: Gay people?
Pikachu: No, NO, and...wait, how did Rick Santorum even GET here?
Chilla: I suppose the Newt Gingrich I had invited him over.
Pikachu: Sigh...anyways, what we FOUND there was Kraid, one of the space pirate commanders!
Samus: Oh please, he wasn't THAT hard.
Pikachu: And after THAT, we had to fight some ancient Rayquaza that nearly killed us!
Chilla: So?
Pikachu: SO, since the same things are starting to happen now, it probably means we're gonna have another giant boss fight!
Samus: Against who?
Pikachu: Well...Draygon can't survive out of water...and Ridley wouldn't come and fight us THIS early...
Chilla: It would have to be Phantoon then.
Rick Santorum: Who is this Phantoon guy? He sounds like a godless pro-choice gay person.
Samus: Considering your last name is SANTORUM, you shouldn't be talking!
Chilla: Whats wrong with the name Santorum?
Pikachu: Google it sometime...and you will be sorry you did...
Our heroes once again continue onward toward the wrecked ship, swinging on grapple points and swimming through water until...
Pikachu: Finally we're here!
Chilla: And I thought it looked large from afar...this thing is the size of a Star Destroyer!
Samus: Conveniently, the front door is sticking up at ground level!
Pikachu: Well that was highly improbable...
Samus and co enter the wrecked ship to find that it is in decay and has no power at all.
Samus: So...they can pay for electricity for a bunch of underground passageways but can't even pay the bill for a simple space ship?
Chilla: I'm scared...
Pikachu: We'll be fine. All we have to do is turn the power back on in here.
Chilla: Please do it quickly.
Samus: Luckily, this suit has a built in flashlight!
Pikachu: Well then, lets try and find the generator and get the power back on.
The team continues on until they finally manage to find the generator. However, something seems wrong.
Samus: Strange...I cant seem to get the generator working.
Pikachu: How come?
Samus: I dunno...maybe you can try getting it running?
Pikachu: I'll do my best. PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
Pikachu fires an electric shock at the generator, and it starts working!
Pikachu: YES!!!
...for a few seconds. Then it suddenly gets drained away!
Pikachu: Oh COME ON!!!
Chilla: I think I see what's going on here.
Samus: Hm?
Chilla: Either there's something down there that's actually draining the electricity from this ship...
Pikachu: ...or?
Chilla: Or Mewtini just loves trolling us.
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Mewtini: I flat out DENY that.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Samus: Well, I got nothing.
Chilla: Me neither.
Pikachu: I'm lost...
Chilla: Ow! Who hit me!
Samus: Huh?
Pikachu: I'm not even near you!
Chilla: Well someone hit me!
Samus: Well it wasn't one of us.
Chilla: Oh god! IT WAS A GHOST!!! HOLD ME!!!
Chilla then proceeds to squeeze Pikachu. Just like old times...
Pikachu: Oh calm down Chilla! There's no such thing as-
Before Pikachu can finish, an enormous amount of ghost like creatures suddenly appear in the room!
Pikachu: I stand corrected. RUUUUUUUUN!!!!
Samus and co begin fleeing for their lives while the ghost thingys give pursuit.
Our heroes manage to make it out of the space ship just before the ghosts can catch up with them.
Samus: Well...looks like getting that item is gonna be harder than I thought...
Chilla: Those...things...evil...hate us...gulp...help...
Sadly, our heroes have been chased out of the wrecked ship by an army of Phantoon's ghosts. Will they be able to stop them? How will they manage to defeat Phantoon? What is the Dark Trainer really planning? Why can't we come up with anything funny? Stay tuned!
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

Ghost Busters! Part 1

Last episode, Giratina88 inc must have had some yacht bills piling up from season one so the episode they ended up making was a c-list. And considering this is Giratina88 inc we are talking about, that's saying something. But back to the point, last time on Samus and Pikachu our heroes had detected the next upgrade somewhere on Crateria. After traveling for a bit, they realized that the energy was in fact coming from a large wrecked space ship. Our heroes went inside, found that there was no power, and tried to start it back up. Well, the problem wasn't that there was no power, but rather that it was being diverted shortly after the source. Not only that, but it turned out that the place was infested with more ghosts than Justin Beiber has haters. Our heroes then proceeded to once again run like hell and making it out just before the ghosts caught up with them. We rejoin our heroes while they try to form a strategy to fight the ghosts.

Pikachu: Well, CLEARLY just charging in and fighting them won't work. Their's so many of them that they would probably tear us apart!
Chilla: Ghosts can DO that!?!
Pikachu: Anything's possible.
Chilla: So...do you have any ideas for strategy?
Samus: I DO I DO!!!
Pikachu: There's a first.
Samus: No seriously! Hear me out. It's a good idea.
Chilla: I hope so.
Samus: Okay...here's my idea. First, we go into the wrecked ship. Next, we wait for all the ghosts to appear and start to attack us. HOWEVER, before they attack us, we will tell them that Valve is selling Portal 3 just outside. When they get there, however, instead of there being Portal 3, there will be a giant screen playing Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" on it. Of course by then they will be so mad that they will focus their energies on destroying the screen rather than attacking us, leaving us free to find Phantoon, defeat the Jabberwocky, rescue Princess Peach and save Narnia! The end.
Chilla: That's a GREAT idea!
Pikachu: That's a RETARDED idea! First of all, ghosts can't even understand any languages! Second, even if they COULD hear us, they would have no f*cking idea what Valve is. Third, even if they DID know what Valve is, there would be no way they would fall for that because everyone knows that Valve can't count to 3. Finally, even if they COULD understand us, DID know what Valve was, and WERE just that gullible, then we probably wouldn't even be IN this situation in the FIRST PLACE!!! Are you even listening to me Samus?
Samus: Huh? Sorry, I lost you at "first".
Pikachu, in fury and disbelief, begins banging his head on a rock.
Chilla: Wait Pikachu! I read somewhere that banging your head on a rock could hurt you!
Samus: That's an urban legend.
Chilla: It is? I gotta stop reading the newspaper.
Samus: Considering how all these papers on online now, I'm surprised they can stay in business.
Pikachu: And considering that I have to travel with you 2 morons, I'M surprised we haven't been killed yet!
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc.
Oshawott: Uh, Mewtini, we have a problem.
Mewtini: Hm?
Oshawott: By the looks of things, this conversation could take up an entire episode before it gets back to the plot.
Vulpix: Can't we just take it out?
Snivy: I don't think we can do that. Can we?
Mewtini: Well...I guess so. Lets just put the full conversation on Pokerus.
Meanwhile, 10 minutes later.
Pikachu: ...but the whole problem is that most everyone else keeps calling the country Macedonia.
Samus: Hmm, this seems similar to the Israel/Palestine issue.
Chilla: Isn't it all technically Israel?
Pikachu: Technically, yes. Problem is, that land belonged to Palestine, and since they took it the Palestinians are really pissed off. How would you like it if some group took part of your country because it was supposedly some kind of "holy ground" for them?
Chilla: Its holy ground for Muslims too, right?
Pikachu: Yes. And that is precisely why there is so much conflict. The other Arab nations hate Israel too.
5 minutes later.
Samus: I still personally think they should have just taken Siberia.
Pikachu: Are you kidding? NOBODY wants to live there. It's like Alaska without the gold.
Chilla: Wait, I feel like we're forgetting something.
Pikachu: Oh right, we STILL need to figure out how we're gonna bypass all of those ghosts!
Chilla: I have an idea!
Pikachu: Oh really?
Samus: I think we should just go with my Portal 3 idea.
Chilla: Oh shut up! Just hear me out, okay?
Samus: Fine.
Chilla: Okay, here's my idea. First, we go into the wrecked ship, as planned. Next, we're gonna have Pikachu electrically charge his tail. This will lure the ghosts to him and distract them from attacking us. Then, I'm gonna fly around at light speed to disorient the ghosts. Finally, Samus will use her x-ray visor to find the ghosts and destroy them! That should get us through the ship to find out what is draining the power.
Pikachu: Chilla...I'd never thought I'd say this...but that idea might actually work!
Chilla: Aw! You're so sweet! Thank you!
Pikachu: Eheheh...well, I try...anyways, I suppose we might as well test it out on some creatures here.
Chilla: Good idea! Hey, where did Samus go?
Rather than actually listening to anything, Samus has been using her speed buster and running across Crateria.
Samus leaps into the air at high speed, ripping through the planet's atmosphere. She probably would have escaped the gravitational field had it not been for the fact that one of Zebes's moons/parking-lots was right in her path. Samus hits the moon/parking-lot and shoots back down to the planet as a ball of fire. The tractor she nearly missed suffered no damage, but it was traumatized to the point where it went on to sue the Irken empire, specifically naming a certain Zim Jong Ill. Zim was subsequently given the axe.
Pikachu: Lordly.
Meanwhile, some distance away, a few Space Pirates are watching as well.
Space Pirate #1: Look, a shooting star! Make a wish!
Space Pirate #2: I wish Valve would make a Portal 3.
Space Pirate #1: Fat chance. Valve is incapable of counting to 3. Even WHEATLEY, dumb as he is, was able to do it.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Samus: LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!!!
Samus rams into the ground, creating a huge explosion. Luckily, she is relatively unharmed.
Chilla: You really might ought to consider ADHD medication.
Samus: Urgh...where's the leak...ma'am...
Chilla: This might take a while.
Pikachu: Now you noticed that? Man you're slow, Sherlock!
Chilla: Shut up Watson!
Samus: FINLAND!!!
Well, thats all the time we have, so till next time loyal viewers!
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

Ghost Busters! Part 2

It seems as though Giratina88 inc had money left over from all those yacht bills, because the last episode was quite decent. After our heroes had fled the wrecked ship due to the vast amount of hostile paranormal spirits, they decided that maybe the best way through was to come up with an intelligent strategy to use to fight them. Samus was the first to have an idea, but as you all know, the words "Samus" and "intelligent" are never found in the same sentence (unless the phrase "is definitely NOT" is in between the two), so predictably, her phony Valve related plan was god awful. The enormous amounts of stupidity that had been generated lead Pikachu to once again start banging his head on a rock. At this point, our heroes entered a long conversation with the topic starting with what the price of coffee would be in Greece if the euro fails, somewhere along the middle turning into a discussion about undefined borders, and ending with them talking about where else the Jews could have placed Israel. Of course, this discussion took forever, so we cut it out. After about 15 minutes they finally got back on topic, and surprisingly, it was Chilla who came up with an idea that would actually work to fight the ghosts in the wrecked ship. We rejoin our heroes with the show already in progress.

Pikachu: Well, now that we FINALLY got Samus to sit still, I suppose we should put this strategy to the test.
Chilla: Seems like a good idea.
Samus: Wait! Before we do that, I need to say something.
Chilla: If this has to do with Valve I swear...
Samus: No, this is something serious.
Pikachu: Sigh...fine.
Samus: Well, this training thing is probably gonna take forever, right?
Pikachu: Right.
Samus: And there's probably not much funny stuff we can put in, right?
Pikachu: Not really...
Chilla: Maybe we could make an acronym joke.
Chilla: But it's my only-AAACK!!!
Before Chilla can say her overused joke, Pikachu smacks her over the head with a large trout, knocking her out cold.
Pikachu: Overused meme is overused bro.
Meanwhile, down in Tourian.
Draygon: Wait, why are we doing this?
Ridley: I don't know, but we haven't had any lines for several episodes.
Mother Brain: Well considering you had 3 whole episodes entirely dedicated to talking about how you joined the Space Pirates for a stupid little cookie, so I honestly think you can take a brake. You'd get a lot more done if you would just stop bitching about stuff.
Ridley: Hey! Those episodes were IMPORTANT!!!
Mother Brain: Important my ass. We only aired them because Mewtini decided he needed more space taken up.
Ridley: It was a character development episode! Those are invaluable!
Mother Brain: It was ALSO an egotistical low budget filler which was so bad that it must have been directed by Christopher Columbus.
Ridley: Hey Draygon, you know what ELSE burns?
Draygon: What?
Ridley: THIS!!!
Ridley unleashes a devastating fire blast attack on poor Draygon, knocking her onto the ground.
Ridley: Huh, that seemed oddly familiar.
Mother Brain: I'll say.
Ridley: Hey, has Phantoon died yet?
Mother Brain: Nope, not yet.
Draygon: How can you tell?
Mother Brain: Because, he updates his twitter status like every 5 minutes.
Ridley: Urgh, this is taking too long.
Draygon: Okay then, if Phantoon doesn't die within 2 hours, I win the bet!
Ridley: Only if you double your wager!
Draygon: Deal!
Mother Brain: It's kind of unsettling how you have these bets...
Ridley: Hey, you're an oversized brain in a jar and you want to talk about ME being unsettling?
Mother Brain: Ah. Touche.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Samus: Okay Pikachu, fire up the SUMATMUG!
Pikachu: The what?
Samus: The Super Uber Mega Awesome Training Montage Ultra Generator!
Pikachu: "Montage" is sort of subjective here.
Pikachu fires up the SUMATMUG and suddenly our heroes go into a full feature training montage complete with the theme from the movie Rocky. The montage continues for a few minutes and ends with our heroes right in front of the wrecked ship.
Samus: Alright team...lets DO THIS!!!
Our heroes burst into the wrecked ship, and the ghosts immediately start appearing.
Chilla: Execute the plan! NOW!!!
At this, Chilla's master plan starts up. Pikachu electrically charges his tail, causing the ghosts to swarm it like bugs to a bug zapper. Next up, Chilla starts zipping around at high speed around the ghosts to disorient them before they can attack. At this point, Samus has charged up her super missiles, and is ready to fire.
Pikachu: They're all yours Samus!
Samus: I love the smell of super missiles in the morning!
Samus fires a boatload of devastating super missiles which completely destroy the ghosts.
Samus: Hooray!
Just kidding! The super missiles pass right through the ghosts, and the only thing they did was piss them off!
Pikachu: SON OF A @#$@#@@%!!! HOW THE @#@# DOES ALL THIS F#$@ING S$@# HAPPEN TO ME!!! WELL AS FAR AS A CARE YOU @#$@%@##@$#@ CAN HAVE A @#$#@%@#%@# WITH A GODDAMN PIG!!!!
Chilla: Lordly.
Samus: Would now be a good time to run?
Pikachu: Try asking THEM!
Samus: Okay. Hey guys! Should we be running from you?
Pikachu: Oh for the love of crap!
Samus: Pikachu, are you on your period again?
Chilla: Its okay Pikachu, it will only hurt for a bit.
Samus: Then we could get you Portal 3!
Chilla: We could get the GHOSTS Portal 3!
Samus: Or we could offer them to refinance their homes!
Chilla: Or even give them a bigger willy!
Ghost #1: I'd take the bigger willy, but I'm not sure where to put it...
Chilla: I could recommend some places!
Samus: You could put it in escrow!
Pikachu: Could we possibly discuss this SOMEPLACE else?
Samus: Pikachu, if you keep shouting, you're not getting Portal 3.
Ghost #2: Wait a second, did you just say something about Portal 3?
Pikachu: They can TALK?
Chilla: Anything's possible.
Samus: Uh...yeah, I did.
Ghost #3: You mean, Valve actually succeeded in counting to 3 and released a trilogy?
Samus: Yes! And they're selling Portal 3 in Brinstar right now! It's going really fast!
Ghost #3: TO BRINSTAR!!!
At this, all of the ghosts stampede out of the wrecked ship, leaving Samus and co as the only people in it.
Pikachu: Eh...how...the...f*ck...did that even...
Samus: I TOLD you that idea would work!
And so we conclude this episode as our heroes head to the heart of the wrecked ship to find the source of the energy being drained. So it shouldn't surprise you that the next episode is Samus and co versus Phantoon! Till next time folks!
You may have noticed, Pikachu, that Samus is smarter than most people give her credit. That includes me. I really didn't think that the Portal 3 thing would work, either.
Pray that Ridley doesn't hire Phoenix Wright to sue you guys, 'cause he's as good as dead,
Lol, Samus is still dumber than a box of rocks. So is Chilla.
If there's something strange
In the neighborhood
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Guess who it is
Ghost Samus (and Pikachu)!

Paranormal Inactivity! Vs Phantoon.

Where we left off our heroes decided to put their plan into actuion and fight the ghosts. After a training montage, a bunch of overused jokes, the Pirate commanders getting lines, and a few milkshakes, Samus and co burst into the wrecked ship. As the ghosts swarmed them, they put their plan into action, which worked quite well until they figured out that all shots go RIGHT THROUGH GHOSTS. Fortunately, Samus decided to use her original drug induced dip shit of a plan, and it actually WORKED. What a concept. We rejoin our heores as they find the source of whatever is draining the electricity.

Samus: Are you SURE this is the right place?
Pikachu: My electrical senses say the energy is being diverted to here, so yes.
Samus: There's nothing here though.
Chilla: There's air. Maybe the AIR is absorbing it.
Pikachu: Chilla, I highly doubt that the air-
Chilla: I KNEW it! I just f*cking KNEW it! The air was against us ALL ALONG!!!
Pikachu: Lordly, you people are retarded. It's not even shocking me anymore. This has become the NORM for you.
Samus: DIE AIR DIE!!!
Pikachu: Sigh...I bet Mother Brain doesn't have to deal with a bunch of retards.
Meanwhile, in Tourian.
Mother Brain fires her super charged hyper beam at Ridley and Draygon, effectively killing the "predict the future" competition.
Ridley: Ow...that's the last time I take meth...
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT.
Pikachu: I stand corrected. Anyways, the electriciy has to be around here.
Samus: Maybe you're electrical senses are just a bit-
And then suddenly, a bunch of blue fire balls appear and start circling our heroes!
Samus: Off?
Chilla: I'm scared! Hold me!
Chilla proceeds to squeeze Pikachu.
Pikachu: Ehehehe...uh...
Chilla: Oh, I feel SO much safer.
Pikachu: Do you really have to SQUEEZE so...eh...hard?
Chilla: Yes I DOOOO!!!
Pikachu: Uh...why?
Chilla: Because I LOOOVE you!
Samus: I suppose that love bazooka may not have worn off.
Chilla: Is that a BAD thing? Thanks to that, I've discovered I genuinely LIKE Pikachu.
Pikachu: Ehehe...why are you telling me this NOW though?
The ominous blue fire balls grow in number and start to close in.
Chilla: Because THAT.
Pikachu: Oh...that's happening now.
The blue fire balls converge, and the being that materializes is none other than...
Samus: Phantoon?
The being is none other than Phantoon, the Space Pirate squid ghost!
Pikachu: Lordly.
Chilla: Oh...it's that lightbulb...squid...ghosty...erm...seriously what the hell IS that thing?
Samus: You're a bit taller than what I remember.
Phantoon: Thank you for noticing! I have in fact grown!
Chilla: Well, you're still only like 3 meters tall.
Phantoon: And that's not intimidating?
Pikachu: Well, its big I guess, but nothing compared to Ridley and Kraid.
Samus: Although, Kraid makes EVERYONE look small.
Phantoon: URGH!!! I HATE Ridley and Kraid! Everyone always talks about how large and intimidating those 2 are! But when was the last time anyone ever gave a GALL STONE about me? NEVER!!!
Pikachu: Calm down. At least you appear in more games than Draygon.
Phantoon: Are you kidding me? EVERYONE appears in more games than her!
Samus: Say, do you know who's draining the electricity?
Phantoon: Sigh...I'M the one doing it you moron! You didn't even notice my new metallic body, DID you?
Pikachu: Oh yeah, I THOUGHT you looked different.
Phantoon: Grr...you people are PISSING ME OFF!!! I may not be intimidating at 3 meters tall, but how about if I grew to...
Phantoon takes in a bunch of electricity and he more than doubles in height.
Phantoon: 7 meters?
Chilla: Now that's more like it!
Phantoon: Why thank you.
Samus: Now all you need is the ability to breath fire, and you'll be unstoppable.
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 in.
Mewtini: What are you DOING!?! You chowder heads are taking up the entire episode with this crap!
Vulpix: I honestly blame Snivy.
Snivy: It was OSHAWOTT who came up with this episode in the first place!
Vulpix: Yes, but Oshy happens to be my boyfriend!
Oshawott: Okay, I NEVER agreed to that.
Vulpix: Yes you did! You're also my sex toy!
Snivy: I'd run if I were you.
Mewtini: Lordly.
Vulpix proceeds to chase Oshawott once again.
Snivy: Same old same old
Mewtini: Quite. Anyways, lets just skip this part.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Phantoon: And that's why I no longer eat bagels.
Samus: I feel like we're forgetting something.
Phantoon: Oh right! PREPARE TO DIE!!!
Phantoon closes his eye and starts flying around shooting fire balls.
Pikachu: Duck and cover!
Samus: Duck? Where?
Chilla: I like ducks. I like how they go YAAAAACK!!!
Chilla gets smacked by a bunch of blue fire balls and falls to the ground.
Samus: It's "quack", not "yack".
Phantoon: Are they normally this stupid?
Pikachu: Tell me about it.
Phantoon: Oh right, I'm trying to kill you. EAT THIS!!!
Phantoon smacks Samus with his tentacles.
Samus: YOWCH!!!
Chilla: Feel my pain you bitch.
Pikachu: Alright you oversized squid. FEEL MY WRATH!!!
Pikachu fires a bunch of electricity at Phantoon, but it all goes right through him!
Phantoon: Yeah, I'd hate to break it to you, but as long as I'm intangible, your attacks are useless!
Phantoon opens his eye and fires a big red laser at Pikachu.
Pikachu: ACK!!!
Chilla: You bastard! You hurt my Pikachu! FEEL THE FURY OF THE FURRY POKEMON!!!
Chilla fires a bunch of crystals at Phantoon. This time, they actually damage him.
Phantoon: GREAT GASBYS that hurt!!!
Samus: I don't get it...why did it work that time?
Pikachu: Hold on, I get it!
Samus: Hmm?
Pikachu: Phantoon fully materializes when he opens his eye! That's when he's vulnerable!
Phantoon: URGH!!! I HATE YOU PEOPLE!!! And although you may know my weakness, it won't help you now!
More electricity gets absorbed by Phantoon, and he swells to a good 15 meters.
Samus: Crumbs.
Phantoon: Not so puny NOW, am I?
Chilla: We'll, you're definitely bigger than Ridley, but Kraid still towers over you by a good 10 meters.
Phantoon: Oh REALLY!?! Well, my fine friends, can Kraid do...THIS!?!
Phantoon raises his lower half, opening a dark vortex that releases a bunch of ghost hands!
Phantoon: Hahaha! These are my Rage Hands! Have fun while they HAND you a good smacking!
Samus: I gotta HAND it to you, you're pretty HANDY when it comes to attacks.
Pikachu: That was horrible. LOOK OUT!!!
Phantoon's Rage Hands swoop down at our heroes. One of them makes a successful grab at Chilla, and pulls her in the air.
Chilla: ACK!!! HELP ME!!!
Pikachu: Damn it!
Phantoon: Yeah, I'd hate to break it to you, but I doubt Pikachu'll be able to save you from...THIS!!! SPINNY BLADE WALL!!!
A bunch of rotating giant blades come out of a wall, and Phantoon throws poor Chilla at it.
Phantoon: Machiavellian.
Chilla: PIKACHU!!! HELP!!!
Pikachu: I got this! PIKAAAAACHUUUUUlishious!!!
Pikachu fires a pika missile at the rotating blade wall, destroying it.
Pikachu: Machiavellian my fanny.
Chilla, who is still sailing through the air, harmlessly hits the wall and falls into Pikachu's arms.
Chilla: Pikachu! You saved me! SMOOOCH!!!
Chilla gives Pikachu a big kiss as a thank you.
Pikachu: Eehehehe...
Samus: Come on! You 2 can make out later! We're TRYING to kill Phantoon!
Pikachu: We were NOT making out!!!
Phantoon: Could you PLEASE stop having these stupid monologues and asides!
Chilla: Monologue. Monologue monologue.
Samus: Monologue monologue monologue!
Phantoon: DIE BITCHES!!!
Phantoon opens his eye and fires another deadly eye laser. Fortunately, our heroes are able to get out of the way.
Pikachu: AGAIN!!! STRIKE!!!
Samus, Pikachu, and Chilla fire a concentrated blast of beam/electricity/crystal at Phantoon, severely damaging him.
Samus: Machiavellian!
Pikachu: You don't even know who Machiavelli IS, do you?
Chilla: Who?
Pikachu: He's the guy who wrote this book called The Prince. Really famous.
A huge amount of electricity collects in front of Phantoon, just waiting to be absorbed.
Dark Trainer: Mewthree! Use shadow ball!
Mewthree: RIGHTO!!!
Suddenly, a giant shadow ball by Mewthree cuts through the air. The attack hits Phantoon, causing massive damage and making him lose the energy he collected.
Samus: What the hell?
Dark Trainer: Now to take the energy!
The Dark Trainer somersaults in the air, absorbing an enormous amount of electricity into his body.
Dark Trainer: YES!!! Now I can assume my TRUE FORM!!!
Pikachu: Wait, so you're NOT the Dark Trainer?
Dark Trainer: That's right! I happen to be none other than...
Dark Trainer's form blasts off, revealing him to be...
Trollrod launches an internet vortex, sucking Samus and Phantoon in and leaving the other defenseless. Looks like the final battle will be against the physical embodiment of trolling itself: The legendary TROLLROD!!! With his army of troll related Pokemon, Trollrod will prove a formidable foe to our heroes. Who will win? Who will lose? When will the trolling stop? How will M.55 react? Why am I narrating this in the first place? Tune in next time for the season finale!
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