Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: If the person above was a pokemon, which pokemon would they be?
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You are a SEP...


you're eevee!!!!
you are a lynx disquized as a pikacu!
Jolteon yay electricity!
well,you're garchomp
You're a shiny Spheal!
Ivysaur !

maybe a gengar....
Muahahaha. Toungue [insert Gengar's evil grin here]

Umbreon !
Creepy. That makes you a Mismagius.
Sad Gengar is better.

Anyway, you're Wartortle !
You are a Wobbafet because it looks like a Chu Chu Jelly.
You're (not) Desukan. Big Grin
You are a Seedot!
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