Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: If the person above was a pokemon, which pokemon would they be?
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You are a Mew. A PINK ONE.
from your name i think that you are torterra

No, you're Combee!
no combee noooo
u're jynx.world's ugliest pokemon
You're an Umbreon!
Carnivine, 'cause your avatar is plantlike.
you are mismagius
You are a shiny charizard.
shiny charizard sucks
you are shiny espeon
Aren't those like green?

Anyways you are a Shiny Pinsor!!! Toungue(Look it up!) HarHarHarHarHarHarHar, the world's ugly-est pokemon. (Just kidding, you would make a nice shiny Eevee).
You are a Pokabu!
Darn it! You are a Oran Berry!
you are lvl 100 shiny magikarp with evs for spatk only
You are a Maggyo.
you are fly form heatran....lol
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