I think that Fr3quency would be a Haunter because he does a lot of jokes and he is a little mischievous
I think blue would be a blastoise because he loves the blue color
Em...I think deozard would be a deoxys.dunno why....LOL
Mirka should be a rapidash. She likes it.
no need to say what pokemon celebi would be...
Hm....link could be an espeon.Or an umbreon ^^
Mirka would be.. hmmm... zigzagoon. :3
xaralampos would be a smeargle because he like drawing
George7 would be a shiny Mightyena because he has it for avatar.
Dragar should be a umbreon or a celebi.
Celebi would be definitely a celebi
Kalas should be a mightyena like the wolf on the avatar.
hm....Celebi would be a mew or a celebi.Or a ponyta -dont know why! -
Mirka would be a Xatu, because mirka could predict many things that I´ll write on my fanfic and Xatus can see the future.
Aluado should be a Jumpluff