Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: If the person above was a pokemon, which pokemon would they be?
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u are all pokemon
exept dunsparce ofc
You are a Dunsparce!
You are a Dunsparce too!
Now you... you are a Dunsparce too (or should I say three?)!
We all are Dunsparces Big Grin!
planet earth turns into a huge dunsparce
btw u are dunsparce a green one!!!
yay i am duns with giant wings! You well........shiny...............pinsor...no wait!.....shiny umbrellaeon
what is umbrellaeon?
u are flareon
You are a Maggyo.
you are that mummy pokemon
Of cource I am! You are an Ninetales.
you are gulpin..no,no...u are a chicorita!
You are a Turtwig!
you are.....carnivine!
You are another Maggyo!
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