Legendary Pokémon

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Well, hello guys. I am going to post here my first official fanfic. I hope you will enjoy it, and sorry in advance for all mistakes it may contain.
Well the story is something a Mystery Dungeon. No humans, only Pokemon.
The tittle is: "The Bitter-Sweet Taste of Betrayal". Well, it is kind of cynical, but I hope you don't mind!anyway, here goes the intro:

The Bitter-Sweet Taste of Betrayal


Pikachu had run out of time. In a few moments, Marowak would be there, and he would wait for an answer.

It was all her fault. She shouldn’t have insisted on doing it, also she shouldn’t have been alone, she should have been with the others. But no, she wouldn’t listen, she was proud of her powers, she thought she could face any opponent using her electric attacks. But they didn’t have any effect neither on Marowak nor on all the Cubone that came with him. A Bone Club simply made her faint. She had no clue how they knew she would be in the forest, but this didn’t matter anyway.

What mattered was that her superficiality and pride had brought her to this situation, she now had to reveal the secret, and once Infernape got word, he would immediately take action. She had failed. Failed to protect herself, to protect The Secret.

Being kept in a dark and cold dungeon, she had been waiting for one hour. She had set this time limit, in an attempt to win some extra time, but she hadn’t found any way to escape. She couldn’t let the others know either, since there wasn’t any possible exit from this dungeon, and it would take more hours until they realised what had happened to her and start searching her.

Dig or Iron Tail didn’t have any effect either. The walls and the floor were too solid. So, she had to think of a way to not give the answer Marowak wanted. But how? Could she lie? No, innocent Pokemon could be harmed this way. Maybe she could say the Chosen-Ones had already been found. But no, what was she thinking of, this would contradict The Prophecy.

So, the only thing that was left was to admit. But then The Plan would be ruined, everything would be ruined. What could she do? She started crying, thinking of the harm she had already caused. She felt such an idiot. It was all her fault...

And then, the door yank opened and Marowak came into her dungeon.

“So, did you have a nice time thinking? Now, speak the names! And no tricks!”

“No, I am not saying anything! I know nothing!” Pikachu screamed desperately.

“You do know. Now, speak.”

“I’d prefer to die!”

“My dear, you aren’t going to die...”

A brief pause followed.

“...but what about Pichu? Have you ever thought of your brother?”

She couldn’t believe her ears. They had caught Pichu as well?? But how? He was under the protection of The Ally...

“It’s just a bluff!!! You don’t fool me!”

“Is this a bluff too?” Marowak said and let a black tail fall on the ground.

Pikachu screamed with every bit of her voice.

“What did you do to him?”

A strong Thunderbolt was released and lit the whole room. However, it got absorbed by Marowak’s Lightningrod. Pikachu started crying and shuddering. Her brother... He was harmed... Due to her...

“Now, speak!”

“You... bustard!!!” Pikachu shouted and stood up. “No-one gets away with harming my brother! You are going to pay for this!!!”

Marowak laughed.

“How? Are you going to use Thunderbolt or what? Haha... You are so miserable...”

“No, but how about a Grass Knot?” Pikachu said with a self-confident voice, while her eyes turned to green.


Marowak didn’t manage to finish his phrase, because grass knots sprouted out of the ground and curled around his feet. Pikachu hit him with an Iron Tail, thus making him fall and get more damage. Then she ran out of the dungeon.

“Come back, now!!!”

However, she was too fast. While she was running through the corridors of the underground of the castle, she was looking for Pichu.

“Pichu?? Where are you?”

And then she heard something behind her. She turned around only to see a Bonemerang coming towards her. She jumped to evade it. Now, it was in front of her. As she was on the point of evading it again, a second one hit her from behind. More Cubone were after her.

She stood up and started running again.


More Cubone appeared in front of her. They were in front of her, others were also behind. She was trapped.

“Quit now that you can!” one of them told her.

“No way!”

As she was about to jump over them, she suddenly froze, she couldn’t move at all. Her body fell on the ground paralyzed.

“What is happening?” she managed to say, without moving her lips very much.

A Slowbro followed by Marowak came to her.

“Do you like my Psychic? You know, I can keep you like this for days.” Slowbro said.

“You, betrayer!” she shouted. “You should feel ashamed of yourself!”

“Shut up” said Marowak. “Now, do it the good way, or do you want a better taste of Psychic?”

“No, never! You won’t get a word from me!”

Slowbro, clutched his fist. A wave of pain covered Pikachu’s body. However, she didn’t speak. She would prefer to die.

“If I do it any longer, she will pass out!” Slowbro said.

“Wait... I have the last resort... Hey, Pikachu? Remember this?”

The little black tail fell in front of her eyes again. Tears streamed down on her face again.

And then screamed the names.

“Thanks for the co-operation. Oh, by the way, this was just a piece of black fur. I have a dozen of them in my room... Pichu is under the protection of The Ally anyway...”
please, comment it...I accept any type of critic!! Smile
Hey, you write well! I liked very much your fanfic. Please, don´t delay as much as me to write Toungue ´cause I wanna know what happens now! And what´s the prophecy, etc.!
I wonder why Pikachu didn´t use Grass Knot before instead of trying Thunderbolt Toungue
Hey, thx a lot! About Pikachu, she used Thunderbolt because she was angry. And once she calmed down a bit she thought more clearly Toungue anyway, thx again for reading and commenting! Ok, so here goes the next chapter... It is in the pattern of the first Mystery Dungeon and boring..but I promise it gets more interesting!!! Big Grin
Chapter I
First contact

“Where am I? Who am I? Am I dreaming this? I feel a pleasant breeze... I hear a voice from over there... I wonder who it is...”

He opened his eyes. The light was so bright, he couldn’t see at first. But once his sight adapted to the light, he managed to see a figure right in front of him. Two lit up happy eyes were looking at him adoringly.

“Hi! I am Eevee.”

“Hello...” he said. He felt kind of dizzy still.

“And you are? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around.”

“Well, actually I am a human... And I am surprised you can speak... I didn’t know Pokemon would speak...”

“Hahaha... That was funny.”

“What are you laughing at? Did I say anything funny?”

“Are you kidding me? You? Human? Well, in every way I look at you, you are just a plain Togetic...”

“What? What did you just say??”

“I said, you are a To-ge-tic!”

Togetic couldn’t believe it. How was such something possible? He couldn’t remember much, but he knew he was a human!

“I... I don’t understand...”

“Well, you are a Po-ke-mon! And we all live in the Pokemon World, there are no humans here. Now we are in the Moving Woods, which lies near Crimson Town, where I also live. Did I help at all?”

“Well... I still feel confused...”

“Ok, you must have hit your head on a branch and fainted or something like that... Although thinking you are human... That’s kind of funny... And weird... But, it doesn’t matter. I kind of like you actually. You also seem to need some help, right?”

“I think so...”

“I am willing to assist you in any way.” Eevee said, revealing her beautiful smile. “Would you like to come to Crimson Town, to my home? You may remember more if you see the town.”

“I guess so...”


They both started walking through the woods. It was quiet there. The leaves of the trees absorbed a lot of light, so it was kind of dark as well, but by no means scary. Quite the opposite. The bushes around, the sound of the running water. Everything seemed so peaceful and friendly in there.

Togetic still felt confused. He didn’t really know what was going on. He woke up with no identity, or actually with a false identity. He was looking at his hands surprised. They were short and white. Human hands were not this way. He could also see a white body with blue and red triangles on it. He was a Pokemon. Could Eevee’s explanation be true? Could he have hit his head anywhere and lost his memory? He couldn’t remember. Actually he couldn’t remember anything from his life. Who he was, what he was doing, where he had lived etc. The only feeling he had was he was a human... Although he may not have been.

Then he looked at Eevee. She seemed so friendly. He felt actually lucky to have her right next to him. Who knows what he would have done if he woke up all alone. But she was going to help him, and so he could feel a bit more relieved. He tried to get rid of his worries. For the time being at least. Now he was safe.

After a few minutes they finally got out of the woods. Right in front of them was a small town. Many little tents and wooden houses were home to all regional Pokemon. Many of them were walking around the town –most probably being on shopping or something like that.

“So, my home is over there” Eevee said. “Let’s go.”

Eevee’s house was at the frontiers of the town. It was a little wooden house with a small garden in front of it too. They went through the garden and knocked at the door.

“Yes?” a male voice said after a few moments.

“It’s Eevee!” she said.

The door opened and a Bibarel appeared.

“Hi! Togetic, this is Bibarel, my best friend and room mate, and this Togetic, our guest for tonight!”

He seemed a little surprised to see Togetic, however he remained calm. Maybe he didn't like strangers that much...

“Oh, nice to meet you, Togetic! Please come in.”

The two got into the room. It consisted by a wooden dinning table in the middle of the room, something like a kitchen in a corner and two doors leading to separate rooms as well. They must have been the bedrooms.

“So, have a sit. Lunch is ready.”

“You must be hungry, aren’t you?” asked Eevee.

Just then Togetic realised how hungry he was. He hadn’t eaten for who knows how much time! He felt his stomach completely empty.


“Good” she said with a smile, “then let’s sit.”

They sat at the low table and waited for Bibarel to serve them.

“How did you two meet?” Bibarel asked while preparing the food. It must have been soup, and judging from the smell, delicious as well!

“Well, I met him in the Moving Woods. He was unconscious so I decided to help him. He isn’t from these parts either, isn’t that so, Togetic?”

Togetic was so grateful Eevee didn’t start talking about his lack of memory around. The fewer to know it, the better.

Bibarel brought their meal –three bowls of soup and some wooden spoons.

“Well, I must admit, Bibarel is the best cook around those parts. Everyone appreciates his cooking.”

“Yes, I guess so. Thank you very much about all in advance.” Togetic said.

After the meal, Eevee recommended Togetic took a nap, since he looked very tired. Maybe a good sleep would help him remember as well...
Chapter II
Sharp claws

He opened his eyes. He looked around. He was in a small room, lying on some soft straw. He stood up. In the corner of the room was a pot of water and a mirror. He went closer.

Two little eyes were looking at him disappointed. He was still Togetic. The white face, the spikes on his head, his wings... Wait just a sec... He had wings... So this meant he could fly as well!

He tried to concentrate on flapping them. But he couldn’t. He tried again and again. After a while he managed to flap them, however it was too weak to let him float. It was meaningless...

So, he was a Pokemon. He had to accept it. A new day started, so he decided to cheer up. Eevee and Bibarel may have woken up already... he thought. He got out of the room –which was actually Bibarel’s, however he claimed he would sleep at a friend’s of his. Eevee wasn’t there. Neither was Bibarel. He was alone.

“Hello? Is anybody home?”

No replies. He could wait but his curiosity overcame, so he decided to take a look into her room. He opened the door. There was a straw bed in there as well, a pot with water and a mirror, however, there was also a bookcase, full of books and some colourful potions. He went closer to the bookcase, it had drawn his attention.

He picked a book. It was very heavy –at least 500 pages- with a dark red cover and the title: “All Pokemon Species”. Another one –a green one- was about the preparation of Potions and the locations of their rare ingredients.

Suddenly he heard a very loud noise, which made the book slip from his hands. Many glass windows had broken in the other room. What was going on? The door was closed, so Togetic rushed to lock it. Maybe thieves? What did they want?

Then he heard some footsteps around. The table was overturned and wooden stuff fell on the floor. Someone was looking for something. But who could it be and what were they after? Togetic couldn’t just abandon the house like this. Maybe Eevee or Bibarel were in danger. Then silence followed. Where did they go? Did they leave? He tried to look through the keyhole. He could see nothing but a mess. A lot of broken things lay on the floor as well as the broken windows. But where was the one, or the ones who caused this?

He heard the door of the other room –Bibarel’s which was right next to the one he was- break. Then, some noise of breaking things and all of a sudden, three sharp glowing claws slashed the wall of the room he was in and made a hole on it. Silence again. Through the hole in the wall he could see a mess again. Now it was his turn!

Ok, plan B, I’d better get outta here!!

As he quickly moved to window, the door suddenly was slashed by the same sharp claws and smashed. A Pokemon jumped into the room.

“Here you are” Weavile said. “You should have escaped while you could. Now, you are mine!”


Togetic tried to escape through the window, but an Ice Beam froze it. He was trapped for good!

“What do you want from me?”

“Well, we’d better ask. What do you want from us? We are working for all Pokemon’s sake!” Weavile replied with a cold but in depth desperate voice.

“What do you mean? I don’t even know you!”

“You mean you know nothing? Ok, good try.”

He stopped talking. For one second Togetic thought he would let him go. But then Weavile spoke again:

“But still you are coming with me.”

“But why? I don’t...”

Before he could finish his word, Weavile was attacked by another Ice Beam. He closed his eyes waiting to be hit, to freeze, however he didn’t. Once he opened them again, he realised he was standing on air! He was flying! Weavile’s Ice Beam had hit the wall instead.


He tried one more Ice Beam, which Togetic also evaded by flying around. He didn’t know how, but he was doing it.

“Ok, enough with it, prepare for a taste of my claws!”

Weavile jumped into the air and attacked with a Night Slash. Togetic managed to fly around it again, thus causing Weavile to smash the frozen wall into pieces. He had opened an exit for him!

Togetic started flying as fast as he could out of the room. It was still early morning. Not many Pokemon were around, and the sun hadn’t fully risen yet. The chilly air hit Togetic’s face as he was flying away.

Once he thought he had flown high and far enough he turned around to see where Weavile was. But he couldn’t find him. Did he maybe give up? Anyway, he had to move before they would catch him. He turned around to fly away.

“Boo!” Weavile said, popping right in front of his face.


Togetic got really scared and immediately got hit by Weavile’s claws. It was a dreadful pain. He started falling and falling until he crushed into the ground and fainted due to the pain.
Nice chapters! I wonder what I´d feel if I woke up as a Togetic Toungue
Will Pikachu appear again? And sorry for not commenting the previous chapter, I had no time for that, unfortunately =/
haha! thx a lot! at least someone IS commenting my story! well, of course Pikachu will appear again, so will Marowak! they are both important for the story!! Toungue I will post the next chapter once I have fixed all the details!
Chapter III
A mixture of despair, loneliness and confusion

Once again Togetic opened his eyes, having no clue where he was. This time he was in a dark dungeon. The only light came from a firebrand. The floor consisted of huge cold rocks, and so did the walls.

He was alone in this room. He was feeling so confused, he had woken up without memory, once he found some aid he lost it and now he was imprisoned. He didn’t remember even his name, thought he was a human and just now couldn’t say whether it was day or night. How pathetic...

“Help someone?” he shouted desperately but one heard him, it was as if the voice stayed within the solid walls.

He sat down again and started thinking. Logic could help him at the moment. Maybe the word he had with Weavile would help. So, as far as he remembered, the only helpful thing Weavile had said was: “What do you want from us? We are working for all Pokemon’s sake”.

So what was it about? Was he a threat or what? He didn’t refer only to himself, but also to all Pokemon. Was he a threat to all Pokemon? And was he messing with other Pokemon’s work? He didn’t understand... Now he was even more confused.

So, he decided to think of something else. Him fly for example. It was awesome! Some self-encouragement was ideal. Yes, he had managed it, he could see things from so high! And he couldn’t do such a thing if he was a human. And maybe... maybe he had more powers as well! An Ice Beam for example or a Fire Blast? It all seemed so cool!

“Togetic, use Water Pulse!” he ordered himself and opened his mouth in order to spit balls of water. But he didn’t. “Maybe not. Well, how about Shock Wave? Or Steel Wing?”

He tried both attacks, but he couldn’t perform them. Well, maybe I am too weak to do it... I need some more levels, yes that’s it, he thought. However, he got really disappointed again.

One or two hours had passed, and he started feeling hungry. And then, he heard some response. The door of his dungeon opened, and two Cubone came in.


They threw it on the floor.

“Wait! Tell me, what do you want from me?”

“What do we want from you? Well, what do you want from us?” one of them said angrily.

“What do you mean? I mean no harm to you! Believe me!”

“Ok, ok, Marowak has informed us about your plans. Don’t pretend you don’t know.”

“But I don’t!!”

“Even if you don’t and you are innocent, even if you are not The Chosen-One you are going to die.” the other Cubone said.

“Die? Wait! Don’t go!’

However, they had already left and locked him in again. He thought of what he was told. Now some new clues. He was going to die? But why? “What do you want from us?”. The same answer to the same question. But now he got one more clue: The Chosen-One. Was he the Chosen-One? Was the Chosen-One a threat to all Pokemon? But how? Marowak as well. Who was he? Their leader or what? Was he spreading around that Togetic was a threat to all Pokemon? And was Weavile influenced as well? And what about Eevee and Bibarel? Why did they help him since he was the Chosen-One?

He had no answers. Now he was more confused than ever. The thought of him dying had haunted him. No, I am not going to die! I am not the Chosen-One! I meant what I said! I mean no harm to Pokemon! I have to escape from here and let all Pokemon know I am not guilty...

As he started eating his poor food –which was really tasteless, especially in comparison to Bibarel’s food- he was thinking of how he would escape. How would he come out of the dungeon? He had to KO the Cubone first. And then he would see... Ok, first he had to know what powers he had. When he finished his food, he stood up.

“Ok, my powers, I need you. I know all Pokemon possess some, so do I. I order you to show yourself now, ‘cause this is important!”

However, nothing happened. He squeezed and pushed himself, but still nothing.

“Oh, damn it!” he said angry, and kicked the floor. “What’s wrong with you? Or, what’s wrong with me...?”

All the confidence he had now vanished into thin air. He was alone. His powers weren’t with him either.

“Why is it so hard? Can’t I just give a Double-Slap or a Mega Punch or what? It’s useless”.

Time went by, however he didn’t know how fast. And he didn’t care. He was disappointed and mostly of himself. When he felt tired, he just closed his eyes and slept.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes astonished. He looked at the firebrand. It was as if a Thunder hat hit him. This would help... How stupid of him. Fire would help him escape... He knew how... And then he fell asleep.
Did I say that you write well?Toungue Poor Togetic-guy, to wake up in a strange world, with no memory and marked to die... Keep writing, I wanna read the rest! Big Grin
hey...thx for commenting, at least someone IS reading it Toungue here goes the rest:
Chapter IV
The invisible stranger

Togetic woke up. Some food was waiting for him already. And he was hungry. While he started eating, he thought of things in a different way.
Ok, yesterday was yesterday, and today isn’t yesterday. Today I will find out about my powers.

When he finished his meal he stood up. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. He emptied his mind. Then, he tried to let his body do the rest. He thought maybe facing an opponent would help. The only possible was the firebrand. He put it opposite to him and pretended it was a tough opponent he had to beat.

“Ok, this is silly but still...”

He took a deep breath.

“So, the firebrand uses an amazing Flamethrower, but Togetic evaded it and KOs it with a... with a........”

Disappointment overtook him again.

“This isn’t working either...”

He picked up the firebrand and to put it where it was hanging from. However, he wasn’t very careful and so, his little white hand touched the fire and burnt.


The firebrand fell on the floor as Togetic was running around in pain. After a few moments the pain faded away. He was feeling relieved. And suddenly he felt as if he was hit by a Blizzard. The coldest Blizzard. Many colourful leaves were dancing all around him. Red, purple, yellow, pink, blue leaves were scattered in the air and the floor.

A Magical Leaf! So that was his power! He got so excited he started scattering around more leaves. He didn’t know how he was doing it. All he knew was he was doing it. So then he got the idea. Fire would finally help him. What he did was to put all the leaves on fire. And so he did. And the results were pretty obvious...


He started kicking and hitting the door!


The door finally opened. Three Cubone came in shocked to see the whole room burning.

“How the hell did you manage this?” one of them shouted.

And so, the two of them tried to put out the fire with Mud Shot, while the third one was keeping an eye on Togetic –actually he was threatening him with his bone.

“You are in serious trouble!” Cubone said.

“So are you! Magical Leaf now!”

Many colourful leaves were created around his body and then circled all Cubone and hit them with force.

“Ha, get it!”


Togetic got out and started flying around, in an attempt to find the exit. Many corridors and dungeons were around him. He didn’t know where to go, so he just followed his instinct.

While turning left or right to every crossroad he found –it was like a maze!- he eventually crushed into some Pokemon. However, he couldn’t see anyone.

“Who’s there?”

However, no response. It may have been an enemy... So, he used a Magical Leaf! The colourful leaves all hit to a corner, where actually was no-one.


Or was there someone indeed?

“Who’s there?”

Then a huge tongue attacked Togetic, making him fall onto the floor. His opponent finally showed himself. It was a Kecleon.

“You? Could it be?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You are Togetic! You are...”

“The Chosen-One! Yes, I know! Please listen, I swear I haven’t harmed anyone! It’s all a co-incidence! I am innocent! Believe me!”

“I know.”

“No, it’s true, I... Excuse me? You believe me?”

“Of course, please, listen, you are in serious danger! You are going to be killed eventually!”

“I know, that’s why I escaped!”

“Please, listen, I am from The Ally. I can protect you. I promise. Infernape will kill you!”

Togetic was now confused again. Ally? What was that? And was Kecleon really going to protect him?

“Listen, we have no time. Since you escaped, others will find us soon. Wait, is Eevee with you too?”

“You know Eevee?”

“Well, of course, she’s of The Ally as well! Is she with you?”

“No, as far as I know.”

“Ok, so will you trust me?”


Togetic didn’t really think about it much. Just to know that Eevee was in that group too was enough to convince him.

“Now, will you take your tongue off me?”

“Yes, of course I am sorry.” he said embarrassed. “Ok, so one more thing. We have to free someone as well. It’s another member of The Ally. She is kept here too.”


Some Cubone came behind them.

“Here you are!”

A few Bonemerangs came towards them. Kecleon’s tongue sent them all back. Then, he released a Psybeam from his eyes that hit Cubone. Togetic thought a Magical Leaf would help as well. Kecleon’s tongue picked then a weakened Cubone up, squeezed it and asked:

“Where is Pikachu? Tell me!”

“Don’t know.”

He squeezed him more.

“Ok, ok, she’s over there!”

“Show the way!”

Cubone seemed to be co-operating. Being Binded by Kecleon’s tongue, it showed them the way to Pikachu’s dungeon.

“Open the door now!”

“I don’t have the keys!”

“I said OPEN!”

And then Cubone threw the keys onto the ground. Togetic grabbed them and unlocked the door.

“Carefully, it may be a trap” Kecleon warned.

Slowly, he opened the door. From the inside a scared voice was heard.

“Who is there?”


However, no response.
Ooo, pretty good. <333 Sorry for not posting all these days, but I was bored.
See? Somebody else is reading xD
Hey, will a Jumpluff appear sometime?Toungue And that´s nice chapter! I forgot that Togetic could learn Magical Leaf lol
Yes it is very good am very impressed.You are writing very good Umbreon
hehe, thx for the comments Big Grin well, I think Jumpluff is not in the main plot but I can make a brief appearance for it. Toungue
hey it's a very good story! will you place a Froslass in your story? plzzzzz!
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