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Staraptoras is your brother lux?
Before I start, I must clear something up. I let my poor memory get the better of me, and made a mistake with Gold's team. I forgot about Feuilles when he caught Sneasel, so here is his team with him: Arcinine, Scizor, Feuilles, Kingler, Manetric, Shuppet.

Chapter 2: "Hey Jen, are you sure we can really fit her contests in our scheduel?" Crystal asked.
"Well, luckily the contests are held on our way to the cities for our gym battles, so we should be able to manage just fine." Jen said.
"Okay, but just know that I am going to hold you responsible if I miss the competition." Crystal said.
"Hey guys, is that Petalburg?" Rikki asked. She pointed to a city coming in view, with a gym in plain sight.
"Yep, that'd be what we're looking for." Jen said.
"So Jen, give us the run down on Hoenn please." Gold said.
"I hate to say it, but I have very little knowledge of Hoenn. I don't know every gym leader's name, and I can't remember a badge name to save my life, but I do know the location of each and the type's they specialize in." Jen said.
"Hmm, guess we'll have to ask around to know." Keshia said. Entering the city, they went staight to the gym, only to find it closed until further notice.
"...Seriously? Can gym leader's even do this?" Crystal asked.
"The gym leader here is named Norman, I think, and sometimes goes off to train for awhile." Jen said.
"Well, what now?" Gold asked.
"Well, I for one don't want to wait around, why not go to the next gym and come back here later." Crystal said.
"Sure. We have to go through Petalburg woods to reach Roxanne, the rock specialist." Jen said. After that was decided, they went to the pokemon center to spend the night.
"I alway love the food in pokemon centers." Keshia said.
"You always love food that you can eat." Crystal said.
"I'd argue but there is food here, so I'll get back to you." Keshia said.
"Only prooving his pointo further." Jen said. Rikki's Ralts went over and brought her food next to Gallade.
Made a new friend, have you? Jen said.
Maybe, but so have you Gallade retorted.
"Hmm, that's wierd. My Ralts is never so open with new faces." Rikki said.
"Gallade says she is open with him because she is merely curious why he chose to become a Gallade and not a Gardevior." Jen said.
"Ah, so the rumors were true. You can speak mentally with your pokemon." Rikki said.
"Yep, and Gallade is saying that your Ralts is now lecturing him on his poor choice, and kindly asks you to get her away from him before he does something you won't be happy with." Jen said. Startled, Rikki ran over and grabbed Ralts, and took her away.
"Sorry, but Ralts isn't a fan of battling, of fighting types." Rikki said.
"She knows contests have battle rounds, right?" Keshia asked.
"Yes, but those are about grace and elegance, so she is okay with that, but not with the brute force of battles." Rikki said.
"Okay, but what about fighting types?" Jen asked.
"She sees them as the embodiment of battling in pokemon from." Rikki said.
"Gallade is telling me that your Ralts lectured him on choosing to embrace martial arts instead of his natural evolution." Jen said for Gallade.
"Well, that isn't right. Ralts, understand that not every pokemon feels the way about contests that you do." Rikki said. Ralts simply continued eating, ignoring Rikki's statement.
"What am I going to do with you?" Rikki sighed.
"Don't say anything." Jen warned as Gallade started to speak.
"So, anyone leave any pokemon behind?" Gold asked, trying to change the subject.
"Nope. I couldn't bare to be away from Serafina, Leader, or Shadow. And forget about me ever leaving behind my furry friend here. Besides, I've become greatly attached to Lucky and Sonia." Crystal said.
"I brought Flareon, Dewgong, Radar, and Parasect with me, then Galceon followed me all the way to Vermillion, so how could I possibly leave her after that?" Keshia said, petting Glaceon, who was on her lap eating.
"Pidgeot wanted to train witth my dad, but other than him and Heracross, the whole gang is with me." Jen said.
"As for me, Sneasel stayed behind, so I have my full team of six here." Gold said.
"Ralts is my only pokemon, since I only just started my journey." Rikki said.
"So your Ralts isn't very strong huh?" Jen asked.
"Not in power, but try to match her grace if you can." Rikki said.
"Well, I prefer to battle, but to each their own way of life I guess." Jen said. The next day, breakfast got a little out of hand. Gallade was eating, when all of a sudden his food flew up out of the bowl and right at him, then fell all over the floor.
"What the heck happened?" Jen asked.
"What a mess. Gallade, I think you need to eat more if you get that hungry." Keshia said. Gallade wan't amused, and immediatly turned to Ralts, who was eating away.
"Ralts, was it you who did that?" Rikki asked. Ralts shook her head, though Gallade wasn't convinced.
"Ralts, tell the truth. Did you throw Gallade's food at him?" Jen asked. Again, Ralts shook her head no, but gave off the sensation that she wasn't telling the truth. Gallade simply let it go and got more, and this time it didn't fly away.
Guess you didn't make a new friend Jen said.
Guess not, but atleast she has some guts to do that to a superior opponent Gallade said.
(14-10-2010 06:07 PM)alexkafroc Wrote: [ -> ]Staraptoras is your brother lux?

no.staraptor is my brother
Sorry, on a roll with the other story, plus writers block here

Chapter 3: After the incident at breakfast, Gallade made sure to stay away from Ralts, not wanting to be bothered by her pranks.
"Rustborough(or however you spell it) is just through these incredibly thick woods." Jen said.
"Why are there so many trees?!?" Crystal said in annoyance.
"No idea. I'm not sure why it's called Petalburg Forest though." Keshia said.
"Sarcasm noted." Crystal said.
"Just stating the obvious." Keshia said. At last, they got through the forest, and were greeted by bright sunlight.
"Okay, time to get our first Hoenn badge!" Jen said.
"My first contest is here as well, and by the looks of my schedule book for contests, we aren't a moment too soon for me to sign up." Rikki said.
"Oh, well I guess we can see you perform. The gym isn't going to get up and walk away on us I supposse." Keshia said. Arriving in Rustborough, Rikki immediately signed up for the contest.
"Okay, now wish me luck for the first round!" Rikki said. She went out on stage when she was called, and let out Ralts.
"Magical Leaf!" Rikki said. Ralts let loose Magical Leaf, and it formed a hollow tornado above her.
"Now Confusion!" Rikki said. Ralts took over the attack and had it collide into each other, creating a mist of green sparks, then bowed.
"How was I?" Rikki asked.
"It was really pretty, I'll give you that." Jen said.
"What's the matter?" Rikki asked.
"Well, I guess it might be the fact that I'm not a coordinator type, but it was just kind of short for my taste." Jen said.
"Well, let's just see if I did good or not." Rikki said. The first round went by, and the coordinators who were going to the next round were put up on the monitor. Out of the four put up, Rikki was the third.
"Wow, glad I made it." Rikki said, sighing.
"I thought you were confident." Jen said.
"Okay, so I was nervous." Rikki said. On the battle stage, Rikki was the first to go up, and her opponent had chosen a Snover.
"Shine on Ralts!" Rikki said.
"Snover, use Ice Shard!" He said.
"Confusion!" Rikki said. Ice Shard was taken over, and swirled around Ralts, shimering beuatifully, then sent back at Snover. The boy's point monitor went down by a fourth, and he wasn't happy about that.
"Bullet Seed!" He said.
"Magical Leaf!" Rikki said. Magical Leaf cut right through Bullet Seed, and hit Snover hard, fainting it.
"Nice one Ralts!" Rikki said. The next round went by, and soon Rikki was on the final stage against a male coordinator named Ben.
"Shine on Ralts!" Rikki said.
"Go Granbull!" Ben said.
"Ralts, use Teleport!" Rikki said. Ralts was warping everywhere, making Granbull irritated and confused. His point meter went down a bit, and Ralts teleported on Granbull's head.
"Sheake it off and use Bite!" Ben said.
"Confusion!" Rikki said. Ralts took over Granbull, and flipped it in the air, then sent it back down crashing.
"Ouch, that is going to hurt tomorrow." Rikki said. Grabull got up and charged at Ralts, only to be stopped in it's tracks by Confusion, then sent crashing into the cieling then back down.
"Not very graceful, I'll admit, but effective." Rikki said. Granbull fainted after crashing into the ground, and Rikki ran to hug Ralts.
"We won our first ribbon!" Rikki cheered. She accepted her ribbon, and left with a feeling of happiness and pride.
"Okay, now that you're done with your contest, next is our gym battle!" Keshia said.

Not very long, but I had writers block, so sorry
Chapter 4: "Okay, now time to earn our first Hoenn badge!" Keshia said.
"Eager much?" Jen asked.
Like you aren't Gallade said. They reached the gym soon, and went in.
"Roxanne, we challenge you to a match!" Jen said.
"I'd be happy to oblige. Graveller, Nosepass, come out!" Roxanne said.
"It's you and me Glaceon!"
"We fight as one Venusour!"
"Graveller, use Earthquake. Nosepass, use Magnet Rise!" Roxanne said. Nosepass rose into the air, and Graveller shook the ground violently, tripping Glaceon and causing Venusour to almost lose his balance.
"Venusour, use Razor Leaf!" Jen said. Just as Razor Leaf zipped by, Jen noticed one of the boulders twitch.
"Keshia, did you see that?" Jen asked.
"See what?" Keshia asked, confused.
"The boulder, I swear I saw it move a bit." Jen said.
"You okay? Come on, focus on the match." Keshia said.
"Fine." Jen said. Razor Leaf had knocked out Graveller, and Nosepass had barely avoided the hit, still in the air with Magnet Rise.
"Glaceon, Blizzard!" Kehsia said. Glaceon's Blizzard coated the entire gym in an icy cold frost. While Nosepass was getting hit by the attack, Jen's attention was once more caught by the same boulder shivering.
"Look! The boulder is moving!" Jen pointed.
"I can't see anything with Blizzard in use." Keshia said. Nosepass fell to the ground, covered in a thick coat of ice, fainted.
"Guess I lost that round." Roxanne said. Jen and Keshia went to collect their badges, and on their way back, Jen saw the boulder shiver once more.
"Venusour, Razor Leaf!" Jen said, pointing at the boulder. Although confused, Venusour hit the boulder, sending it crashing into the wall. After the collision. the boulder morphed to a Ditto, fainted.
"Thought so." Jen said.
"How could I have missed that?" Roxanne pondered. Before anything else was said, a pokeball was thron and captured the Ditto. Rikki went over to collect it, smiling to herself.
"I need more pokemon to be a good coordinator." Rikki explained.
"Now that that's out of the way, it's our turn." Crystal said impatiently.
"Go Onix and Golem!"
"Go hard or go home Feuilles!"
"Game on Leader!"
"Onix and Golem, use Dig!" Roxanne said.
"Feuilles, fly up!" Gold said.
"Iron Defence!" Crystal said. Feuilles flew up while Leader braced himself as Onix and Golem sprang up and hit Leader hard at the same time.
"Iron Defence or not, that hurt." Gold said.
"Hydro Pump!" Crystal said. At point blank range, Leader soaked Onix and shot it backwards.
"Then again, that probably hurt a lot more." Gold said.
"You going to help, or do I get to have all the fun?" Crytsal asked.
"You really think Feuilles was doing nothing?" Gold asked. Confused, Crystal looked up and saw that Feuilles was charging up a massive amount of energy in preparation for a giant Solarbeam.
"Leader, dive into a hole!" Crystal said. Leader quickly made his way into a hole and ducked into it.
"Let it loose Feuilles!" Gold said. He fired a beam far too large to avoid, hitting both Onix and Golem, knocking them both out at the same time.
"Since when did you become so strong?" Crystal asked.
"With enough time, any pokemon can make a Solarbeam that big." Gold said. The five of them left the gym, the trainers of the group happy in the fact that they won their first Hoenn badge.
"Where do we head to next?" Keshia asked.
"Dewford Island. I heard there is a fighting type gym there." Jen said.
"Should be easy for Lucky." Crystal said confidently.
"We'll just see, won't we?" Jen said.

Brawley is the name of the Dewford gym leader, right?
yeah that's his name
Okay, Hoenn never was my best, so I need some help to fill in some blank spots.
Roxanne: Rock types
Brawley: Fighting types
???: Electric types
Flannery: Fire types
Norman: Normal types
???: Flying types
??? and ???: Psychic types
???: Water types
Electric: Wattson
Flying: Winona
Psychic: Tate and Liza
Water: Wallace in Ruby/Saphire,Juan in Emerald. In Emerald Wallace is the champion whereas in Ruby/Saphire Steven is.
@KALAS RAY: Can Jen understand Pokemon language?
(25-11-2010 12:13 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]@KALAS RAY: Can Jen understand Pokemon language?

You haven't read the stories before this, have you? Jen has the ability to bond her soul to her pokemon, and therefore is able to communicate telepathically to them
she's so lucky....(kills jen hehehe)
I made her lucky (kills Crystal....hehehehehe)
why did you make her lucky???i wanna be lucky too!!!!!(kills kalas rey lol)
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i hate you..............!
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