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Full Version: Johto Jen: Goin' Hoenn
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Me, yes. My stories, no
unfortunately,you're right......
(25-11-2010 10:08 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]unfortunately,you're right......

Unfortunately? If I was dead, my stories would ceise to continue
Chapter 5: The group was eating their lunch at the pokemon center while the pokemon were playing with Rikki's Ditto. Ditto was transforming into a copy of the pokemon and then mixed themselves up, and the others had to guess who was the real one. Jen and the others would occasionally play along as well.
"Hmm, tough one." Keshia said.
"That's what you said about the others." Jen said.
"Okay then, you tell me which Glaceon is the real one." Keshia said.
"Fine, I will." Jen said. Jen went over and studied the two pokemon closely.
"The one on the left." Jen said. The Glaceon on the right turned back into Ditto, a small dissapointed look on her face.
"How did you know?" Keshia asked.
"Lucky guess, must be." Gold said.
"Nope. Ditto had a slightly more blank look on her face, and that's how I knew." Jen said.
"I'll definately get the next one. Ditto, go on and tranform." Keshia said. The trainers closed their eyes, as did the pokemon except for Venusour. Ditto turned into Venusour and let them know they were ready.
"Okay guys, let Keshia try first before any of you guess, alright?" Jen asked.
"Hmm...Got it! The Venusour on the right is the fake." Keshia said confidently. Ditto, on the left turned back to normal, a proud look on her face this time.
"What? I was sure I was right." Keshia said.
"Well, you weren't." Crystal said. They played that game for a few more minutes, then decided to get moving.
"My Ditto has won more times than she lost, and she is happy about that." Rikki said.
"Just don't let it get to her head." Crsytal said.
"Hey, I just thought of something. Dewford is across the sea. How are we suppossed to get there?" Rikki asked.
"No problem. There's a boat near Petalburg woods that can give us a ride there." Gold said.
"Never mind then." Rikki said. Making their way through the forest, dusk snuck up on them quickly.
"Dark already?" Gold said.
"Apparently so." Jen said.
Better set up camp here Gallade said. Letting all the pokemon out for dinner, they once more paired up with others to eat, with the exception of Furry, Ralts, Glaceon and Gallade. Furry went to Crystal, Ralts went to Rikki, Glaceon went to Keshia, and Gallade went to Jen.
"Did you here that?" Gold asked. Stiffening up, they listened carefully until they heard a rustling in the bushes.
"Here we go." Jen said. A Shroomish rushed out at them from the bushes, spraying Poison Powder everywhere.
"Don't breath it in!" Jen said through her shirt. Venusour charged Shroomish, not being effected by the poison.
"Glad to have him on our side." Keshia said. Shroomish was knocked out just by colliding with Venusour.
"So what to do with this one?" Jen asked.
"My team is full." Gold said.
"Same here." Crystal said.
"I doubt I could do anything with it." Rikki said.
"If I caught it, my team would be filled up, but I don't want it on my team." Keshia said.
"Same here." Jen said.
"Can we just leave it here?" Gold asked.
"No. We already set up camp. It will wake up soon, and probably spray more Poison Powder." Jen said.
"I guess I'll take it." Rikki said. She threw a pokeball and caught it.
"Well then, we'd better get some sleep." Crystal said.
i hate rikki!!!she's blond and she catches all the good pokemon.do you know how nice and strong are brelooms?
I can still make it happen, but choose who has to leave: Serafina, Sonia, Furry, Shadow, Leader, or Lucky. You can only have six, so choose who has to leave and I'll make it happen
I DON'T NEED A BRELOOM RIGHT NOW!!!!!!I JUST SAID SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE SO NICE POKEMON!!!!!IF and only IF i had to choose one of 'em,it would be Lucky unless she evolves but i still want her
AND you should write my team members with this order:Serafina,Shadow,Leader,Furry,Sonia,Lucky(order i caught them)
1: Lucky=Altaria
2: What does it matter about the order?
3: If you want, I can make a rivalry between you and Rikki
i like Lucky i wouldve chose furry
Furry=Furret, Crystal's special little friend. I can't let her go, LuXray would never forgive me if I did
Fine whatever you say
If you read my fan fics, you'd know that LuXray often posted saying Furry rules
kinda already know. Furry does rule just think that there could be something stronger
Careful what you say about one of LuXray's favorite pokemon
yeah i should be careful
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