Intro song: Cartoons have never gone this low,
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Narrator: Tonight, on Samus and Pikachu: Bolts of roundness!
Samus: Ah...what a wonderful day! Nothing but rolly places and roundies! And a blue sky to top it off!
Pikachu: What blue sky? We're in a god damn space ship.
Samus: Thanks for killing the mood. Why cant you be round?
Pikachu: What is it with you and your obsession with round objects?
Pikachu: Uhh...okay...
Just then an emergency strikes the CERES labs, where the last metroid is kept!
Announcer: Samus! Are you there? Its an emergency! The colony is under attack by space pirates!
Ridley: Wee! I'll be taking the infant metroid now!
The metroid is snatched by Ridley while the scientists desperatly try to contact Samus!
Announcer: Samus! Answer me!
Messaging System: Hello, Samus is not here right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEEEEEEEEEP!
Announcer: Samus...I can see you in morph ball mode trying to hide from me...
Samus: @#$%!
Will Samus decide to come to their aid in time? Or will she just sit in morph ball mode? Why is this happening? Why isn't Pikachu doing anything?
Pikachu: I've been trying to get Samus out of morph ball mode!
Samus: But I dont WANNA!
Why is Samus being such a bitch? When will she start working? Why am I asking YOU all these questions? Stay tooned!
When something good will happen, nobody knows
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
There! Hows that? Post your comments here!
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Narrator: Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: round and round part 1
Pikachu: Come on! Get out of that stupid morph ball!
Samus: But Im only happy when Im ROUND!!!
Pikachu: This is hopeless.
Pikachu still struggles to get Samus going, however he hatches an idea
Pikachu: Hey Samus...look what I've got.
Samus: Oh my's...A GIANT ROUNDY!!!
Pikachu has lured Samus out of morph ball mode using a large health restore!
Pikachu: If you want the giant roundy, you need to save the people aboard CERES and the baby metroid.
Samus: Your right! Hang on CERES! Samus is coming to-
Samus then looks at the screen and sees that all the scientest aboard CERES have been roasted, including the person trying to contact her!
Samus: Oops...well, at least I can save the metroid!
Pikachu: Good. Lets go!
Samus: Wait! Pikachu!
Pikachu: What?
Samus: I just realized how ROUND the metroid's nuclei are!
Pikachu: Will you stop thinking about those!?!
The duo then board Samus's gun ship. While they may be on track, Samus is as annoying as ever.
Samus: Are we there yet?
Pikachu: No.
Samus: Are we there yet?
Pikachu: No!
Samus: Are we there yet?
Pikachu: No!
Samus: Are we there yet?
Pikachu: NO!!!
Samus: ...Are we there YET?
Pikachu: Oh god damn it! Your the most annoying person ever!
Samus: I am not! You should try being around Ghost Nappa for more than 5 minutes.
Ghost Nappa: Ve-Ve-Geta-Geta! Ve-Ve-Ve-Ve-Geta! Ve-Ve-Geta-Geta GHOST NAPPA! Woooo! ...Huh? Hey Vegeta, another pokemon.
Pikachu: Oh sweet jumping crap...
Ghost Nappa: Its so cute! Can you catch it for me Vegeta?
Vegeta: Uh...fine.
As Vegeta starts pelting Pikachu with pokeballs, we must call this episode to a close. When will they get to the colony? Will they save the metroid? Will Ghost Nappa and Vegeta finally realize that they are in the wrong parody and go back to working for Team Four Star? Find out the answers to none of these questions, as well as no others, next time.
I need people to comment. After you see it please post your reply.
hahaha funny fan fic moe please ^^
sure. Here is a new one I thought up.
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: round and round part 2
Where we last left off Samus and Pikachu were heading over to CERES in an attempt to save the baby metroid. However they have picked up a few uninvited of which is testing their patience.
Ghost Nappa: Are we there yet?
Others: No!
Ghost Nappa: Are we there yet?
Others: No!
Ghost Nappa: Are we there yet?
Others: No!
Ghost Nappa: Are we there yet?
Others: NO!!!
Ghost Nappa: Are we there yet?
Vegeta: OH GOD DAMN IT NAPPA!!! Ugh...this is so non-canon it hurts.
Ghost Nappa: You said it Vegeta.
Samus: How the @#$% did you two get here?!?
Ghost Nappa: With my magical ghost powers...of ghostliness!
Vegeta: Nappa, we used a plot device, thats how anything happens on crappy shows like this!
Pikachu: Can someone please tell me what happened to that "catch pikachu" sub-plot?
Vegeta: Well, that was abandon after Samus saw how round the pokeballs are.
Samus: YAY ROUND!!!!!!!!!
Vegeta: But seriously how do you put up with Samus?
Pikachu: I dont know. Its only the 3rd episode and already I want to kill her. By the way, how are you gonna get off the ship?
Vegeta: The same way we got on: plot device.
Ghost Nappa: Yay! Plot device!
As Vegeta and Nappa leave the ship Samus and Pikachu arrive at CERES space station!
Samus: We're here! Fear not, scientists! Its Samus to the res-
Samus realizes that the scientist have all been killed
Samus: Oh...right...they're all dead.
Pikachu: So much for saving them...lets hope we aren't to late to save the metroid.
Samus and Pikachu continue through the space station. After extensive searching, Samus and Pikachu find something startling!
Pikachu: Oh my god...its...
Samus: The baby metroid! In its stasis tank right in the open! Come to mama!!!
Pikachu: Wait, doesn't this seem a bit suspicious?
Pikachu: SAMUS!!!
Samus: WHAT!?!
Pikachu: Why is there a pair of yellow eyes floating in the air?
Unknown voice: Muhahahahaha!
Samus: Yep. We're screwed!
What will become of our heroes? Tune in next time to find out! Later: have you ever seen a leopard? Find out if actually want to, on Cat Patterns. Your local news is next.
When something good will happen, nobody knows
It's the Samus and Pikachu show!
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
tonight on Samus and Pikachu: round and round part 3
Last time Samus and Pikachu had landed at CERES in hope of saving the metroid. They managed to find it, but it appears they have found something else as well!
Samus:$ that-
Pikachu: It is.
Samus and Pikachu: RIDLEY!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!
The pair of yellow eyes belongs to none other than Ridley, the leader of the space pirates!
Ridley: Muhahahaha! Its about time you got here Samus! I was just beginning to get bored of being here.
Samus: hand over that metroid right now!
Ridley: Hm...whats the word Im looking for? Oh, thats it. NO!!!
Samus: Fine! We'll take you on! Get him Pikachu!
Pikachu: I am so going Super Metroid on your ass!
Ridley: Oh, you want to die do you? Are you sure you want your baby to see you get sent to hell? Because thats whats gonna happen!
Samus: Alright! Have a taste of my arm canon you-GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Before Samus can even take a shot Ridley turns her into a living bbq with his plasma breath!
Ridley: Gwahahahaha! Sorry, but this is just pathetic.
Samus: You monster! You can steal the baby, kill me and Pikachu, and lay waste to the galaxy. But when you ruin my hair, THATS when you cross the line!!! What are you doing?
Ridley: Im recording this battle. It's by far the most pathetic battle I've ever fought so I thought I'd capture it on camera. Wait till I show Kraid this!
Samus: I may be beaten...but there is one fatal flaw in your battling that you failed to see.
Ridley: And what might that be?
Samus: Flying is weak against electricity!
Ridley: Wha-
Samus: Pikachu! Thunder bolt!
Pikachu: Raaaaaaaa...BOOM-SHAKA!
Unknown to Ridley, Pikachu had been hiding in the shadows just waiting to strike! Pikachu's electrical storm however gets cut a bit short when Ridely grabs him out of the air!
Ridley: Graaaaaaaa! How dare you! That electric attack of yours was caught on video! I cant show that to the other space pirates! It would be humiliating! Now I cant prove Kraid that I'm better than him! I think I'll just squeeze you to death! (Click) Huh?
Samus: Did you step on something?
Ridley: Well Im sure it wasn't-
Alarm: Self destruct sequence activated. Ship will self destruct in 1:00.
Ridley: Oops...
Pikachu: You idiot.
Ridley: Well...I'd love to stay and kill you but...uh something just came up.
Samus: And what would that be?
Ridley: Getting out of here alive!
Pikachu: There's no time for that the ship is gonna blow!!!
Samus and Pikachu hurry down the halls to the gunship as CERES begins to tear itself apart.
Pikachu: Would you shut up! Hey, I think I see our gunship!
Samus: YAY!!!!! Oooooh!
Samus comes to a stop for reasons unknown. Why is this?
Pikachu: Samus come on!
Samus: I found something really important!
Pikachu: What is it?
Pikachu: Jesus Christ get in the ship already!
Samus and Pikachu manage to get into the gunship and fly away just before CERES explodes into a million pieces. But what fate will befall our heroes? What is Ridley planning to do with the baby metroid? Why is he taking it to the planet Zebes? Why isn't Adventure Time on yet? Um...find out what happens, next time! Latter, is Debbie's true love the man he seems? Or does he have a few skeletons in his closet? Richard seems pretty keen to find out! See all this tonight on Chuck and Debbie. Your local news is next
When something good will happen, nobody knows
It's the Samus and Pikachu Show!
Very weird. All I have to say is weird
I came up with it while eating ramen maybe that had something to do with it.
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: Mini boss madness! Part 1.
When we last left off Samus and Pikachu had arived at the CERES space station to rescue the baby metroid, only to find that Ridley had beaten them to it! Ridley then took off and set the ship to self destruct. Fortunately our heroes got out just in time. Now the search for the baby begins on planet Zebes. However, our heroes are currently having some...slight issues.
Pikachu: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Why are these things trying to kill me!?!
Samus: I keep telling you: on planet Zebes, EVERYTHING tries to kill you.
Samus: See? Just thunder bolt everything and the rest falls into place!
Pikachu: We should probably be collecting items.
Samus: Okay! Hey...a ROUNDY!!!
Pikachu: Just shoot it! There should be an item inside.
Samus shoots the round object and it turns into a missile launcher.
Samus: Eh...its not round anymore.
Pikachu: Hey! Go back!
Pikachu: Do it or I thunder bolt you.
Samus: Ugh...fine.
(item collection song plays)
Samus: The hell was that?
Pikachu: I dont care, just hurry up and get the morph ball bombs.
Samus and Pikachu head back up Old Torian to get the morph ball bombs
Pikachu: YAAG! What the @#$% are those crab people doing here!?!
Samus: Those are the space pirates. They are responsible for the kidnapping of the metroid!
Pikachu: Then lets kick their ass!
Many pirates with sore asses later
Samus: Huh. Its works literally as well as figuratively!
Pikachu: Look! There's the morph ball upgrade! Its in the hands of that Chozo statue.
Samus: ROUNDY!!!!!!!!!! Huh?
Just as Samus tries to pick it up the Chozo statue comes to life and tries to kill them!
Samus: MY ROUNDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pikachu: Holy Christ!
The statue starts wildly charging at our heroes and brings Pikachu to his knees. Samus, however, wont go down so easy.
Torizo/ fake Chozo statue: Uooooooooogo!
Samus blasts the Torizo with several missiles in a desperate attempt to get her "roundy"
Pikachu: You did it! We beet the Torizo! Samus?
Samus: Wooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo!!! ROUNDY ROUNDY ROUNDY!!!
Pikachu: Never mind!
How will things go for the next mini boss? Tune in next time to find out!
When something good will happen nobody knows
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
haha this is pretty funny. kinda like south park
Nice. It's a bit random but nice

Perhaps you could put some guest stars in a few episodes.
I'd like to see Star Fox and Star Wolf get in on the action in one episode. Star Wolf working for Ridley, of course.
OR you could include Dark Samus. Doppelganger battles are the best!
Cool. I was hoping to guest star a character from another fan fic.
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: The Space Pirate Big 5!
Last time Samus and Pikachu were in a fight with their first mini boss! Enraged by her roundy being stolen, Samus easily over powered the Torizo and took the morph ball bombs with her! We rejoin them walking along Crateria with Samus singing everyones favorite theme song.
Samus: With karate I'll kick your ass! Here at tidianimate square! Yeah you mother(naughty word) I'll kick you in your (bad word) there yeah, yeah!
yes this is indeed perfect. So perfect we may just skip this episode! How could anything go wrong-
Samus: Kihunters? They're chasing us?
Samus: Why is that!?!
Pikachu: I've been throwing rocks at their nest all morning.
Samus then decides to tie Pikachu to a tree and have him get stung by the giant bees.
Pikachu: A REAL friend would't take their side!
Sometime later Samus unties Pikachu and they head down to Brinstar.
Samus: Perhaps you will learn your lesson this time: NEVER anger the kihunters.
Pikachu: I thoroughly hate you Samus.
Our heroes take a slight detour and come across 4 golden statues.
Pikachu: Who are they?
Samus: They are the Space Pirate commanders. Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, and of course, Ridley.
Pikachu: They look really strong.
Samus: Yep. Its a good thing we dont have to fight them all at once.
Out of the blue, Ridley appears holding the metroid capsule, plus he brought the other commanders!
Samus: HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ridley: I'm not alone either! I brought some of my...friends with me.
Kraid: Hello.
Draygon: Mmm...bacon.
Phantoon: OW!!! I bit my eye again! Who thought that having an eye inside your mouth was a good idea?
Ridley: Needless to say, they aren't very bright.
Pikachu: I can tell...
Ridley: But back to the point...since your ass is gonna get kicked so hard, I think I'll show all of this to mother brain! Come on, mother brain probe!
In the mist of all this a probe belonging to Mother Brain appears, allowing her to see the fight.
Mother Brain: Well said, Ridley. I told you this would be a great idea.
Ridley: But this was my idea-
Ridley: Can we just get on with this.
Mother Brain: Right. Before we kill you, Samus, is there anything you would like to say?
Samus: As a matter of fact there is.
Pikachu: I hope you know what your doing.
Samus: Look to your men.
Mother brain: Yes?
Samus: Now back to me. Look back at your men. Back to me. I am not your men. I'm flicking you off! Now look at the ground. Back to me. Now look at Ridley's hand.
Ridley: Hey! What hap-
Samus: Where's the metroid? I threw it! Threw it as hard as I can! And there's not a damn thing you can-
Before she can even finish her sentence Phantoon teleports back with the capsule.
Pikachu: How the f*ck did you-
Phantoon: You can't beat my speed! Im the fastest in the universe!
Samus: Thats what she said!
Ridley: Anyways...thats not even the metroid.
Samus and Pikachu: ITS NOT!?!
Ridley: Yep. It was actually a failed attempt to turn Pokemon into bio-weapons. We call it "Project Stella77". This creature was named after the project. You can keep stella77 if you want...
Samus: That depends, is it a girl? Because I'm curious at how pokemon breed.
Ridley: Um...let me check.
Ridley opens the capsule, revealing a Minccino inside
Ridley: Hey...would you kindly pull down your-
Minccino: You pervert!
Ridley: Yep. Its a girl. But we ran out of space, so till next time viewers!
When something good will happen, nobody knows
Its the Samus and Pikachu show.
Random and pretty good. Keep it up!