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Full Version: The Samus and Pikachu Show
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lloll, ttalking Ridley doll has Beaver feverr
I really don't know what I was thinking when I made that episode...I came up with it at the last minute...
Iit's funnyy, oonly good things can come out of thinking of something last minutee
I guess that is true. The only part I thought about a lot was the Tourian part. In my first version, I had the 4 pirate commanders and Mother Brain's probe looking at some video screen trying to see where Samus and the others were. However, instead an animation of a space pirate rubbing his crotch in weird ways in shown. After the others ask what it is, Ridley points out that it is just a space pirate masterbating. Phantoon then exclaims "So THATS how they do it" and the others give him odd stares...
Ii'm just sitting here whating at thatt...
Yeah...it was too long for me to fit in there...
(07-02-2011 12:16 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah...it was too long for me to fit in there...

Wait....what are you talking about?

BTW keep up the good job!
you and your twisted mind...
Oohh, llawll, ;P
O.O Tthat was an unexpected reactionn
Its the combination of omg, rofl, and lolz
I must admit, this thread is getting a lot more popular than I could have expected. I'm a little jealous to be honest, as it seems my threads aren't getting as much attention as this one. Good job
That may be because me and jankat talk too much...
Tteheee :B Wwe do talk a lott
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