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Please post another episode. But this time, don't make it so freakishly disturbing! I beg you!
...it gets worse...
Nno it doesntt, iit keeps getting betterr
the disturbing parts...anyways...
Who's that crazy kook destroying the world?
Its Zork! (Zork: thats me!) Zork and pals!

And now for something completely different
Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: and then there was plot!

Kraid: Worst episode title ever!
Etcoon: YOU SUCK!!!
GOD DAMN IT!!! It's just a mother fucking title!!!!!!!!!!!

So...anyways...last time on Samus and Pika-OH DEAR GOD!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!

Pikachu: That should take care of him!
Chilla: YAY PIKACHU!!! You are my hero!
Ridley: Where the hell did you get the tiger?
Pikachu: I bought it off e-bay...along with this talking Ridley doll!
Ridley doll: There's squirrels in my balls!
Ridley: OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*screen goes all multi colored and makes that beeping noise then goes to normal*

Good evening. We would like to apologize for the first part of the sketch. That was due to a misreading of the script, which was due to the same administrative error which resulted in the opening. While we aren't sure who is to blame, we are currently pointing our fingers at BP as they have caused a lot of problems in the past.

Samus: Anyways...back on track we are now heading over to Kraid's lair!
Pikachu: Finally! Say...wasn't there acid here before?
Samus: I really don't care about that. Why is there water?
Pikachu: To hell if I know! I'm only concerned about that dead trooper we left at the gate!
Chilla: Screw it! If he wanted lemon-aid so badly he should have gotten up and used his own damn legs!
Pikachu: But you have like, seven in your back pack!
Chilla: I DON'T WANNA HERE IT!!! Besides they're Chozo legs, not human legs.
Pikachu: Did you get those off e-bay? I found Chozo heads on e-bay.
Samus: Eh...they start smelling like rotten oranges after awhile.
Chilla: Just flush them down the toilet then. Thats what I do.
Samus: Don't do that! Then they start breeding in the drainage systems!
Pikachu: Yeah. The last thing you want is a Torizo bitting you in the ass.

Meanwhile...I need more ideas...

and thus...another failed episode concludes we-
Kermit: If you liked it then you shoulda put some green on it-
Never mind...
Ii just now noticed the refrance thingg, Ii cant remeber itt, aand now I am doing this deranged dance in my chair trying to remember itt D<
Yay for YGOTAS reference! I guess you have a writer's block. It's okay,it happens sometimes.
sorry about that...actually I was in a rush to write it because I had to go upstairs...
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!

Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: Balistic claws and belly spikes! Part 1

After a temporary loss of control of the show that lasted a couple of episodes, we have finally managed to get the show up and running. As you may remember yesterday was Valentines day and everything was swell with our characters. That is, until, Pikachu's love bazooka misfired and slammed into Chilla, causing her to become infatuated with Pikachu. We rejoin our heroes with the show already in progress.

Samus: I think you've iron tailed Chilla enough...you already knocked her unconscious.
Pikachu: Was (pant) just making sure...
Samus: I sure hope there is a cure for this.
Pikachu: Don't worry. I'm pretty sure the infatuation wears off.
Samus: And just how long will that take?
Pikachu: 3 weeks...give or take a few.
Samus: 3 WEEKS!!! We don't have that kind of time! Our current location is right near Kraid's lair and Chilla can't go into battle in her present condition!
Pikachu: So...how long do you think it will be before Chilla wakes up? Because I need to secure her so she doesn't get in the way.
Samus: Well...judging by the sun and the moon position...
Chilla: ...urg...where am I...
Samus: ...right now.
Chilla: Pikachu! My love for y-
Chilla then proceeds to chase Pikachu around again. Meanwhile in Tourian the Space Pirate commanders plan their attack
Ridley: Okay...its your turn Phantoon.
Phantoon: Come on...land on Vegeta...Vegeta...Vegeta...
Draygon: Looks like it landed on...the "Krillan and Gohan" space
Phantoon: AAAARRRG!!! Re-spin re-spin RE-SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kraid: Lucky little bastard got 2 of them...
Draygon: We should probably check on where Samus and the others are...
Ridley: Good idea! Mother Brain, hand us the crystal ball.
Mother Brain: DON'T YOU DARE ORDER ME!!! I AM YOUR LEADER!!! But here...take the ball.
Ridley: ...okay...lets just tune this thing...
The crystal ball makes a bunch of weird sounds as Ridley tries to focus it on our heroes
Ridley: Come on...work...
Crystal ball: Divido daga geo...krttzzzz...aboul tobad noche...bkrrrzzz...ladadoda...krrrttttzz...(guitar playing)...krrtzzz...and we will see how godless a nation we have become...krrtzzz...
Phantoon: That doesn't bode well.
Kraid: You must be on the american radio waves. Let me try.
The crystal ball manages to change to a channel and stay there, but it isn't the channel they had in mind
Crystal ball: And now...a little song
There was an old farmer who lived on a rock
He sat in the meadow just shaking his-
Kraid hurriedly turns it to another frequency before any more of the song can be heard
Ridley: ...I'm not sure how to respond to that...
Phantoon: Aw! It was just about to get good!
The other Pirate commanders give Phantoon akward stares at the rather gay remark he just made...
Kraid: ...uh...that was extremely disturbing...anyways I think I found them...
The commanders have managed to locate our heroes in the crystal ball and have found their coordinates...as well as what they have been doing...
Pikachu: Eat iron tail, you love sick bitch!
Chilla: OW OW OW!!! I thought you LOVED me!!! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Uuulp...
Chilla falls unconscious right then
Kraid: ...hopeless...where are they Draygon?
Draygon: It appears they are approaching your lair Kraid.
Kraid: WHAT! Already? I'm going up...I'll see you later.
Kraid then teleports over to his lair while the others continue their game...
Ridley: I'm betting 500 moneys he doesn't make it back.
Phantoon: Make it 1,000!
Ridley: Deal!
Samus, Pikachu and Chilla head over to Kraid's lair. But how will the battle go? Will Chilla recover in time? What tricks does Kraid have up his sleeve? Why am I wearing leather pants? All will be revealed next time!!!

When something good will happen, nobody knows
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!
Hhmmmm, lleather pantss............
Ppoor Chillaa D:
I feel bad for her too...
Cartoons have never been this low
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!

Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: Ballistic claws and belly spikes! Part 2

Last time on the show our heroes were heading through Kraid's lair, in search of him. The Pirates have noticed this and they have decided to send Kraid up to deal with them. We rejoin the show already in progress.

Samus: I think the Varia suit must be nearby. After all we will need it if we want to explore Norfair.
Pikachu: Does it come in injection form?
Samus: I think so. By the way, where's Chilla?
Chilla: Right here!
Samus: Wha-
Pikachu: Don't be alarmed. Giratina88 here grew bored so we are abandoning the infatuation sub plot all together!
Chilla: The what now?
Pikachu: Never mind.
Our heroes go deeper and deeper into Brinstar, until they find the eye door thingy that appears before you fight a boss
Samus: There's the living eye door thing. Now...just wait for it to open it's eye...
Pikachu: ...uh...
Chilla: How long should this take?
Samus waits for the eye door to open its eye, but it continues on snoozing. All the while that music from Jepordy is playing (the one when the contestants write the answer to the final question)
Chilla: hrm...
Samus: ...come on...open already...
Pikachu: Yawn...
The eye door keeps on snoozing and snoozing. Suddenly, Samus looses her patience with the door and decides to wake it up herself by tapping it on the eyelid.
Eye door: Grrrg...urg!
Samus: Hello Mr. eye door. I don't take to kindly to those who waste my time...
After saying this Samus blasts the door to pieces. The goo flies out and drenches our heroes.
Chilla: GOD DAMN IT!!!
Pikachu: What the hell is this green stuff?
Samus: Come on. Lets go through and get the Varia suit.
Our heroes go through the door into a rather large room with spikes on the floor. Nothing seems to be happening.
Pikachu: Terrific! All that stands between us and the Varia suit is-
Before Pikachu can finish the ground shakes and Kraid rises out of the ground
Pikachu: ...a giant 2 story lizard.
Kraid: Gwahahaha! The gigs up bitches! You've been causing us a lot of trouble recently, and I'm afraid I will need to kill you 3. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Samus: Thats Kraid for ya...
Kraid: Enough talking. Prepare to die!
Chilla: Um...we have a battle plan...right Samus? Samus?!?
Samus: Are you crazy!?! I'm gonna run for my life!!!
Samus then runs toward the door, which of course is locked. This action further enrages Kraid.
Kraid: HEY!!! Get back here!!!
Chilla: ...well...this doesn't look good...
Pikachu: I can't believe Samus tried to ditch us!
Samus bangs on the door even harder, and eventually fires. The shot deflects and hits Kraid in the mouth!
Kraid once again falls, this time hitting the wall and breaking the door open. However, Kraid falls on Samus, putting her out of commission. This forces Chilla and Pikachu to take extreme measures.
Pikachu: Shit! Samus is down! Repeat: Samus is down!!! Chilla!
Chilla: What!
Pikachu: Execute plan Gamma42! GAMMA42!!!!!!
Kraid: Ack!!!! Must...get...up. Oh crap, my head is stuck in the door.
Samus: urg...
Kraid starts to get free of the door way and is slowly getting back up
Kraid: Rrrr....THATS IT!!! NOW YOU GO TO HELL!!!
Pikachu: And now for something completely different.
Chilla: Its...
Just before Kraid manages to hit them, the battle is interrupted by the main theme of Monty Pythons Flying Circus, including the images from the opening. Kraid struggles to find his way through.
Kraid: Ugh...where are they...ACK!!!
As the opening ended the Giant Foot comes down right on Kraid! The Monty Python stuff goes away and Kraid is left lying there in his chamber with a fully recovered Samus ready to strike.
Samus: What the hell was that?
Pikachu: It was yet another plot device. Chilla and I were saving that plan in case you were put out of commission. The giant foot works every time!
Chilla: Hurry up and kill this thing before it gets up!
Samus walks up to the downed Kraid, prepared to fire and kill him. However, just before she can do this, Kraid bursts open. A giant snake like creature then rises out of his body.
Pikachu: HOLY CRAP!!!
Chilla: What is that thing!?!
Samus: I think I just wet myself...
Mystery Creature: KYRIOYASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this beast? Who did it rise out of Kraid? Why did it scream "kyrioyashi"? Find out, in the dramatic season finale of Samus and Pikachu!

When something good will happen, nobody knows
It's the Samus and Pikachu show!
YYAYY, aamazingg, aas alwayss :33
Hint on mystery creature: What pokemon makes that noise when you meet it?

Btw thank you! After the season finale I won't make more for a while, HOWEVER I will do other things with Samus and Pikachu, including a mini series on how it all began.
Wait a minute! What about the Dark Trainer?
He comes in NEXT season. I will garantee that...
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