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All right. I'll hold you to that.
I promise I will. He will be a regular evil character, along with a few others such as Meta Yoshi
Permission to ask of another inclusion?
Sure. I will include whoever you want. Just don't expect me to get their character right...
All right. Dark Samus is my idea. Unlike Samus, she doesn't go crazy over "roundies".
I also think that Star Wolf and Star Fox should be involved.
I'll try. If I do anything with star fox it will involve the buttons on the Arwing playing "whalers on the moon" when you press them. I was already gonna include Dark Samus as well.
Two thumbs up from me! I actually consider you (among other guys here) a friend. I'm looking forward to the season finale!
The finale will come tomorrow...give me more time to think. Its gonna be a very large episode.
Cartoons have never been this low
Getting 50,000 lawsuits wherever they go
Being stupid as sure as the wind will blow
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!

Which idiot company got this started
Must be 4 kids because they're that retarded
And to think that we didn't even know
About the Samus and Pikachu show!

The humor is really far afield
All in all we would rather see Garfield
Whenever it stops please let us know
Its the Samus and Pikachu show!

Tonight on Samus and Pikachu: Rayquaza of the ancients!

Yes folks, its the season finale. As we saw last time our heroes engaged the giant lizard Kraid in a fight to the death. Despite the fact that they tried their hardest, Kraid was just too powerful for them. Until Kraid got his head stuck in the door from falling over! However, he landed right on top of Samus, putting her out of commission! Fortunately, Pikachu and Chilla managed to pull off some cheap tactics to bring the lumbering behemoth to his knees. Just before they could finish him off however, a giant, snakelike creature burst through Kraid. The final battle of Brinstar has reached its climax!

Samus: Aiyeeeeeeeeeeeee! What is that thing!
Pikachu: Hold on...I'd recognize that creature anywhere...
Chilla: You don't mean...
Pikachu and Chilla: Rayquaza!
The smoke clears and they are correct, this creature is none other than a black, 3 eyed Rayquaza! Rayquaza begins flying erratically, smashing the walls of the room and making holes in the floor while it does it.
Pikachu: Arg! Its moving to fast for me to target it!
Samus: I'll shoot it down!
Samus fires a barrage of missiles at Rayquaza but most of them miss. The ones that do hit bounce off its hard skin.
Raquaza: Kyraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Samus: WHAT!!! How the hell did that fail!
Chilla: Rayquaza is more tough than that. Only ice can actually hurt it. Even so...this thing looks odd...
Pikachu: Never mind that! LOOK OUT!!!
Our heroes frantically try and dodge as Rayquaza unleashes a powerfull dragon breath attack. Samus and Chilla manage to dodge successfully, but Pikachu gets caught in the blast and falls to the ground unconscious.
Chilla: EEEEEEK!!! Pikachu!!!
Rayquaza: Kyaawarroooowahaaya!
Chilla: That does it! Taste my fury you giant black dick!
Chilla charges up her super speed and releases, whirling like a tornado around Rayquaza. Rayquaza doesn't seem like its being hurt much, but starts desperately trying to swat her with its short arms.
Samus: I think its working! Keep it up Chilla!
Rayquaza continues to be pummeled by Chilla and keeps on swatting. Finding that it cant hit her, it decides to do a twister attack to stop her. The twister works well, sending Chilla flying.
Chilla smacks into the ground, putting her in a critical condition. With 2 down, only Samus is left.
Samus: Oh shit! This can't be good!
Meanwhile, in Tourian.
Ridley: So...what is the status of our friend Kraid?
Phantoon: I'll go and check...hmm...
Draygon: Well? What's going on?
Phantoon: Judging by the sun and the moon position...Kraid is lying there dead.
Ridley: Ah! You know what that means, right?
Draygon: That I'm gonna be bankrupt...
Ridley: Correct! Hand over the moneys!
Phantoon and Draygon reluctantly hand over their moneys to Ridley, who isn't at all upset over Kraid's death. However, Phantoon detects something unusual where Kraid's body is.
Phantoon: Wait! There's more. Something else seems to be there. I can't quite make it out...
Draygon: Its power is off the charts! That thing is making the whole of Brinstar shake!
Ridley: It looks like a huge, black penis...
Draygon: Mother Brain, can you identify this?
Mother Brain enters the room in her new mobile unit. The lighting makes it so only Mother Brain's head is visible.
Mother Brain: That creature is a Rayquaza, and not a normal one at that. Normal Rayquaza aren't found in this part of the Galaxy. This thing is a rare sub species of Rayquaza. It is far more powerful than a normal one and is EXTREMELY rare. They burrow their way into new planets when they are still molten and live in their cores, only coming up to feed. These "Super Rayquaza" live off of energy they get from eating the planet they live in. Eventually the Super Rayquaza will have consumed the entire planet, and will move on to the nearest star it can find. This thing is probably billions of years old by the looks of it.
Ridley: And its fighting Samus?
Mother Brain: Currently it is. Howe-
Ridley: Wooohooo!!! Finally Samus will die! Time to party!!!
Mother Brain: I'M NOT FINISHED YET!!! As I was saying, after it kills Samus, it will probably move on to attack us. The Super Rayquaza is a mindless beast that only lives to destroy whatever is in it's way.
Ridley: And thats bad...right?
Mother Brain: Hell yes! This thing could compromise our entire operation!
Phantoon: But we need Samus dead! That is our priority, isn't it?
Mother Brain: As much as we hate Samus, this Super Rayquaza will cause about 1 million times more damage to us than Samus would ever cause. We need it destroyed! Now!
Draygon: That may be, but who do we have that can stand up against this monstrosity?
Mother Brain: Someone that has skill with these kinds of creatures...
Ridley: And that is?
Mother Brain: Not important. I will see you later.
Ridley: Whatever...
Mother Brain leaves the room and goes back to her chamber, communicating with the person she was talking about.
Mother Brain: ...yeah, it's huge alright. If we don't stop it soon it could tear the entire planet to bits.
???: Oh, and is there a reason why you can't do it yourself?
Mother Brain: I don't have the power to stop this thing is the reason. Which is why I need you to fly in there with the Wolfen II and blast it to bits! And while your at it...try and kill Samus for me, okay? Thats an order.
???: Understood. I'll be there in a flash. Wolf O'Donnell out.
Mother Brain: I sure hope this works...
Back on the battle field Samus is barely holding her own against Rayquaza. Pikachu is struggling to regain consciousness.
Pikachu: Urg...am I dead?
Raquaza: Wraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Pikachu: Either I'm in hell...or I'm still alive. And I think I'm still alive.
Rayquaza stops in its tracks and begins to charge up an Outrage attack
Pikachu: Samus! Look out!!!
Samus: For what!?!
Pikachu: GET DOWN!!! NOW!!!
Samus and Pikachu hit the deck just as Rayquaza slams into the wall right overhead with its Outrage. The attack completely destroys the wall as well as causing the ground to move in waves.
Samus: What was that!?!
Pikachu: That was Outrage. It is Rayquaza's most powerful attack. If we hadn't ducked in time, we would have been obliterated.
Samus: Good think we ducked in time then! It looks like Rayquaza hurt itself in that attack though.
Pikachu: Yes. That is the side affect of using such a strong attack. It hurts the user. It also has to keep using it 1 or 2 extra times. Each of those attacks will also hurt it.
Samus: So all we need to do for this battle is wait it out, and it will eventually be dead!
Pikachu: That is if we survive. F*ck! Its gotten back up again!
Samus: TAKE COVER!!!
Rayquaza continues to attack with Outrage and also using eye lasers while it is doing it. After a while, a well placed blast knocks Samus and Pikachu off their feet.
Samus: Ow...I'm guessing it hit us?
Pikachu: Urk...
Rayquaza: Grwaaahahahaha!
Rayquaza laughs at their weakness and puny efforts. But just before it is able to kill them, the battle is intervened.
Samus: Is that...a space ship?
Pikachu: Not just any space ship...the ship's pilot...
Samus: Who is it?
Pikachu: Wolf O'Donnell...
The ship is none other than the Wolfen II, with the infamous Wolf as it's pilot! Sadly enough, the Wolfen II gets grabbed by Rayquaza and thrown to the ground. Rayquaza prepares again the kill our heroes.
Pikachu: What a blow to our prospects that is...
Samus: Hey...Pikachu...I just realized...
Pikachu: Realized what?
Samus: I just...realized...there are ROUNDIES WHERE RAYQUAZA'S EYES SHOULD BE!!!!!
Pikachu: That may be because-
Samus: Come to me roudies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samus leaps into the air and lands on Rayquaza's head. Try as it might, Rayquaza can not shake her, and Samus goes to claim her prize.
Samus: Now to take the roundies!!!
Pikachu: SAMUS!!! Those aren't...you know what? Take the roundies off its head!!!
Samus, after making sure that they are round, proceeds to pull Rayquaza's eyes out. Rayquaza screams in pain as Samus dislodges them from its head.
Samus: Come out...stupid roundy! Grrrrrrrra!!!
Samus has ripped Rayquaza's eyes out! Rayquaza, now blind, is mindlessly thrashing about in pain.
Pikachu: Holy crap...what she'll do for a round object...
As Rayquaza thrashes about in agony the Wolfen II manages to recover and takes to the air. The ship ends up impaling Rayquaza right through the skull, causing it to fall to the ground dead. Meanwhile the Woflen II prepares to attack our heroes.
Wolf: Okay...now just to press the fire button...(click)
Instead of firing, the ship just plays the song "Whalers on the moon"
Wolf: You stupid ship! Huh?
Rayquaza's dead body begins to glow brighter and brighter, clearly ready to explode.
Wolf: Oh shit! Gotta go!
As the Wolfen II leaves, our heroes also prepare to get away.
Pikachu: Come on! I got Chilla, now lets get out of here before it blows up!!!
Samus: But I wanna appreciate my ROUNDIES!!!
Samus: Fine...
Our heroes manage to escape the area just before Rayquaza blows up in a huge burst of pure energy. Meanwhile back in Tourian, Wolf reports back to Mother Brain on the mission.
Mother Brain: Hm...so...you failed to kill her?
Wolf: Thats right...I would have but my stupid ship decided to listen to music instead of attack.
Mother Brain: Right right...I will not need you any more for now.
Wolf: Affirmative. Wolf O'Donnell out.
Mother Brain: ...hm...looks like Samus and those pokemon she is with are better than we thought. I guess it's time to play my next 2 figures. Dark Trainer! Meta Yoshi!
Dark Trainer: Yes?
Mother Brain: I need you 2 to track down and kill Samus and the pokemon traveling with her. Is that clear?
Meta Yoshi: Orders understood. Leave Pikachu to me. He will pay for his actions...
Dark Trainer: Hm?
Mother Brain: Get going! We need to end the episode!
Meta Yoshi and Dark Trainer: Right!
Mother Brain: Soon Samus...you will meet your match...

This concludes Season 1. Season 2 comes out this spring.
spring is in 2 days here
American spring is in a month. I live in america, not greece. By "spring" I meant late March or early April.
ok,why are you shoting?i had a question.
also nice part[i didnt read it but i say nice fore you,to not cry]
Read it please...it would make he happier.
ok,only because you are crying
I never said I was crying!
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