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I'm moving this fight here, and starting over. G88, I see potential to make a story out of this, but we write it together, alternating between chapters . Since you were hit first, I leave chapter 1 to you, my funny young friend
Arg...I'll have to do it tomorrow...later
Oshawott: Don't you wish your fan fics were, fun, like, mine?

Erīto heishi
Gin'yū tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!

Oshawott: Welcome back folks. The battles have been incredible, and the trolls number many. But never mind that, lets get to the battle between Samus Aran and Kalas Rey!
The battle between Samus and Kalas Rey is causing extensive damage to all rooms they go into. They are now in Brinstar, and slowly working their way up to the surface. Charizard keeps using that Dragon Pulse of it's, while Ridley is just...using his tail as a pogo stick?
Samus: What the fuck Ridley?
Ridley: Blame the programmers! That's one of my moves.
Samus: Do you have any moves that DON'T involve your tail?
Ridley: Besides the Aura Blast, I don't think so.
Kalas Rey: Will you 2 stop chatting!?! We're having a god damn battle to the death here!
Vulpix: The amazing part is that this is only the beginning of the fight!
Snivy: It makes you wonder how they keep it up.
Vulpix: Lets go to some other sources. How's it looking Pikachu?
Vulpix: Are you quite done?
Pikachu: Yes...I think so.
Oshawott: Anyways...lets get back to the fight.
Samus and Kalas Rey continue battling toward the surface, laying waste to everything in there path.
Ridley: Damn it! I'm getting owned here! These spaces are too tight and I can't seem to ram Charizard!
Samus: We just need to get to the surface. Then we'll be-
Before Samus can finish, Ridley's tail hits another roof, this time exposing light! They've reached the surface! As Charizard and Ridley go through to the surface, Kalas Rey can finally be seen clearly, revealing his true identity.
Samus: Oh my god...Kalas Rey...is...
Ridley: A giant mantis?
Oshawott: Yes folks you heard correctly, Kalas Rey is in fact, a giant mantis. Bravo. Back to the fight.
Kalas Rey: Yeah I'm a mantis. What about it?
Ridley: Nothing...its just...kinda...odd that-
Kalas Rey: You got something against mantises?
Ridley: I never said that!
Kalas Rey: Once a mantis hater, ALWAYS a mantis hater!
Samus: I didn't even know there WERE mantis haters!
Kalas Rey: Oh yes, lots of them. But there was once a time where mantises were respected by others and were treated fairly.
Ridley: So...what happened?
Kalas Rey: Well...some mantis started making some TV show, and ever since then our reputation has gone down the tubes!
Samus: Oh come on. It can't be that bad.

Hey everybody! Its time for your faaavorite show! That Bitchy Mantis! Staring: Mantis!
Mantis: Graaa! My wife divorced me and I lost my car. Pity me, won't you?

Samus: I stand corrected.
Kalas Rey: Damn right! Because of that us mantises cant even go out in public anymore!
Samus: But...wouldn't they take it down?
Kalas Rey: Well...they would...except for the company funding it is GIRATINA88 INC!
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Ridley: Holy-
Samus: Gasp!
Snivy: Oh my god!
Pikachu: No way!
Chilla: How could they!
Vulpix: It can't be!
Oshawott: Super special awesome plot twist!
*cricket cricket*
Vulpix: You REALLY need to stop quoting LittleKoriboh.
Oshawott: Sorry. Back to the fight...I guess.
Kalas Rey: Yes! Because of them, that show is staying on the air! And as long as that show airs, we cant go out in public! I get beat up whenever I go outside my house! So the only way to stop the persecution of mantises is to take down Giratina88 Inc.
Samus: Bring it, bug face!
Kalas Rey: You will die along with your company! Charizard! Go in for the kill!
Charizard: Charrrrooowwwww!!!
Samus: Kick his ass Ridley!
The battle keeps going, and this time with a meaning! Next part goes to Kalas Rey! Thank you and goodnight!
1: Dude, watch your language!
2: A bug. You made me a giant bug. Okay, if that is your game, then this will be sweet revenge in chapter 2
Though I write in the same way as a book, I'll adopt your writing format for this story

Oshawott: Welcome back folks, and boy d I wish I could have left like you guys did. Things have been hectic here with the battle between Kalas Rey and Samus Aran, and VULPIX LEAVE ME ALONE!
Vulpix: You can't make me
Oshawott:There is a war going on so don't think I won't send you out to fight as well!
Vulpix: You wouldn't dare
Kalas Rey:Excuse me, if you two are done, I'd like to finish this battle sometime this year
Samus: They'll be at this for a while. Got any threes?
Kalas Rey: Go fish
Oshawott: You are playing go fish?!? Why?!?
Kalas Rey: Your company lost it's budget money for this war to go on. Samus and I can't keep going without a loan from teh bank, so get to that will yah?
Oshawott: Lost the...how do you loose money for a war?
Kalas Rey: You tell me, you lost it, and my comapny isn't paying for any war
Oshawott: Why not?
Kalas Rey: If I don't have the money to pay back Pikachu $20, do you think I've got the money for a war? Times are tough you know
Pikachu: Ha! See, I told you he owed me twenty bucks!
Just then, a herd of Sawsbuck, about twenty of the, stampeded into the studio, trampled Pikachu, then left.
Kalas Rey: Happy now? You got your twenty bucks
Pikachu: You will be hearing form my lawyers, once I come back from the hospital that is
Kalas Rey: Have fun. Now, I have to take this stupid mantis costume off, it is really hard to hold these cards
Samus: Wait, costume?
Kalas Rey: Yes, costume. Did you really think a mantis could train the strongest Charizard?
Samus: Nonsence! The strongest one belongs to Chris Eon, not you
Kalas Rey: Surprise!
Kalas Rey ripped off the costume, revealing himself to be none other than Chris Eon
Oshawott: Hey, we don't have the money for a plot twist!
Chris: Deal with it. The real Kalas Rey is watching this battle from his company. Now, got any fives?
Samus: Go fish
Chris: You're holding out on me, aren't you?
Samus: Nope, the budget doesn't allow me to do that
Oshawott: She's right, we're nearly broke. We're still waiting for the cash flow to reach us, which could take a few hours
Chris: I got time
Vulpix: We don't though! The budget won't allow us to keep this show running for too much lon-

I'm not as funny as Giratina88, so sorry. The next part is his, and he has a little damage control to doBig Grin. Also, the budget won't allow me to keep talking for much longer eith-
(29-03-2011 09:00 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Just then, a herd of Sawsbuck, about twenty of the, stampeded into the studio, trampled Pikachu, then left.
Kalas Rey: Happy now? You got your twenty bucks

That was an brilliant pun! Good job! This Action-Comedy-Internet References story seems awesome!

Also you're quite funny too.
I appreciate your compliment, but trust me, if I made a good pun, it was completely by accident
(29-03-2011 09:46 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]I appreciate your compliment, but trust me, if I made a good pun, it was completely by accident

Pun spammer here. I feel you man.

No thanks, I'm full from carma-apples

There we go, I'm back to terrible puns. The universe in now balanced once more
Oshawott: Remember when spp DIDN'T ban you for retarded crap? Neither do I!

Erīto heishi
Gin'yū tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!

Vulpix: Where's that music coming from?
Oshawott: To be honest, I have no idea. Lets go over to the battle...again...
The battle between Samus and Kalas Rey is...wait...why are they playing go fish?
Kalas Rey: Okay...I'll take your 7s.
Samus: Here you go! Now its my turn...
Samus stares at her cards for a while. Finally she decides to make a move.
Samus: I fold.
Kalas Rey: You can't fold in Go Fish!
Ridley: Perhaps someone should be introduced to the international Go Fish rules.
Pikachu: How could you care about Go Fish at a time like this!
Samus: Pikachu? What happened?
Pikachu: Don't you remember? When Kalas Rey did his part I got attacked by all these horrible puns! Plus I'm freezing my ass off down here! I feel about as cold as a Stanley Coobrick movie.
Oshawott: Hey...um guys...um...just wondering...uh...aren't you supposed to be FIGHTING TO THE DEATH!!!
Samus: Oh yeah, I forgot.
Snivy: These guys are hopeless...
Oshawott: Tell me about it...GET OFF OF ME VULPIX!!!
Vulpix: But don't you want my looooove Oshy?
Meanwhile back at the plot Kalas Rey and Charizard are beating the crap out of Samus and Ridley. It seems that open spaces are Charizard's forte. Charizard manages to smash Ridley against a mountain, dealing major damage.
Ridley: Ow!!! I sure am glad I have health insurance...
Samus: How could you POSSIBLY be thinking about @$@#%#@@#$@#&*@#*&%#@ health insurance at a time like this!!!
Ridley: Maybe I should be more concerned with life insurance...
Samus: God damn it!
Meanwhile back in pokemon japan
Oshawott: Ah crap...this fight is going down the tubes for us! Kalas Rey has Samus backed into a corner!
Snivy: I'd hate to say it, but Samus and Ridley don't have any chance of winning unless-
Vulpix: SWEET JESUS!!! Something else has entered the fight!
Snivy: Go to the fight now!
Meanwhile back at the plot a new combatant has arrived to fight. But who is he?
???: What the...Ridley? You couldn't handle one Charizard!?! I should fire you for this!
Ridley: Fire me! Why I should-
Kalas Rey: Wait a second, who are you anyways? Reveal yourself!
???: Who am I? Only the creator of "Samus and Pikachu"!
Pikachu: But...that couldn't be...unless...you're...
Kalas Rey: Giratina88...
The new combatant is none other than the creator of both "Samus and Pikachu" and the Oshawott characters. We're thinking of calling the new show "Pokerus" by the way-
Kalas Rey: NO!!! I can't BELIEVE you would ADVERTISE your own fan fics during a fight!
Giratina88: Whats wrong with that?
Kalas Rey: Its just so low! I'd expect something like that from Dunsparce or Aluado, but coming from you, its just shameful!
Giratina88: Silence! This is MY chapter! Next plot scene please.
The almighty Giratina88 reveals his true form, as a pokemon mix...thingy. He looks like a demented Victini with Giratina colors and 6 wings. He also has rather sharp claws as well.
Kalas Rey: Okay that is NOT fair!
Giratina88: Whats not fair? I'm just more awesome than you. Deal with it.
Kalas Rey: Its not fair that YOU can be a Satan Victini but all I can be is a f*cking mantis! Seriously, who writes this crap!
Giratina88: I do.
Pikachu: I think we need a better writing staff...
Samus: Ditto.
Chilla: Hey Giratina88! Is it time for my cameo yet?
Giratina88: Shut up Chilla! That joke sucked!
Chilla: But its my only LINE!!!!
Cue another awkward silence
Pikachu: Hey, we did that joke already!
Giratina88: Don't TELL them that!
Kalas Rey: And now your reusing jokes! Haven't you got any shame?
Giratina88: I'll give you a LOT to feel ashamed about RIGHT now if you don't-
Charizard: Could we possibly discuss this SOMEPLACE else!?!
Cue a bunch of gasping noises
Samus: Did he just...
Ridley: ...talk?
Charizard: Of course I talk.
Kalas Rey: Wait a minute. I've known you for YEARS and you NEVER talked.
Charizard: Thats probably because I didn't have anything to say.
Ridley: Go figure.
Oshawott: If only the REST of humanity would follow that, then we'd ALL be happier. Who will win? Who will lose? When are they actually gonna start killing each other? Seriously, I'm getting bored of-LET GO OF ME VULPIX!!!
Vulpix: Aw. Can't I stay on Oshy? You knooow you want me to. ACK!
All that is heard and seen are a bunch of thumps, Vulpix and Snivy falling to the ground, and Oshawott leaving hurriedly. With that, lets have Kalas Rey make the next chapter.
Reusing jokes? Maybe I was right about the budget
Giratina88, can you just keep going by yourself for a bit longer? I was hit by a brilliant idea last night, and it will take me a while to do it
Oshawott: Serebii.net! It stays crunchy, even in milk!

Erīto heishi
Gin'yū tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!

Pikachu: Does anyone have ANY idea why that music keeps playing?
Oshawott: I think its because-
Pikachu: Wait wait what the crap? How did YOU guys get here?
Vulpix: Yeah...we got tired of switching from one place to another so we came here.
Snivy: Its way more convenient. Lets turn the cameras up to the fight!
Above the surface of Zebes, Samus and Ridley are up against Kalas Rey and Charizard. Giratina88 has simply been firing trans-dimensional laser beams at both sides, for some unknown reason.
Samus: Ack! Giratina88 is trying to kill us!
Ridley: What the hell Girat?
Giratina88: Having you 2 fighting against Kalas Rey for me is really reducing Giratina88 Inc's ratings. So I'm gonna kill you all.
Samus: You can't do that! What about the next season of Samus and Pikachu?
Charizard: You know what? I'm sick of waiting! Time to die Giratina88!
Charizard makes a lounge for Giratina88 but misses and his claws end up slashing Ridley instead!
Ridley: ACK!!! My...chest! Take this you @#@$@#%&*@#$#@@*@*###$$% baloney!
Just before Ridley falls to the ground, he makes one last desperate move and (if your squeamish you may want to look away) slices off Charizard's head. Charizard's body thrashes about in midair for a few seconds, blood gushing from its neck, and then plummets to the ground with Ridley. Both hit the ground with a hard thump, and all that can be seen of their remains is blood splattered on the ground.
Kalas Rey: Thank god for these wings! Charizard! NO!!! WHY DID YOU DO IT!!! WHYYYYYYYY!!!
Oshawott: Whiner. With Ridley down, I'm assuming Samus is...dead as well. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go wash all this blood off of me. Yeck! Its so sticky!
Giratina88: Thats what she said!
Oshawott: ARG!!!
Snivy: And just like that folks, an epic battle has been turned into a "thats what she said" contest.
Chilla: Seriously, how DOES one get about joining a different fan fic?
Snivy: Heeeeey, I hear Pokemon Midori Version is hiring!
Pikachu: Nah...not my type.
Meanwhile back in the air
Giratina88: I should probably tell you something else.
Kalas Rey: What?
Giratina88: Before this episode, I kinda slipped a metroid into your fan fic.
Kalas Rey: You what?!?
Giratina88: Just thought I'd mess with them some more!
Kalas Rey: You don't get it! My fan fics have a much higher level of reality than yours! If the characters discover something that ISN'T a Pokemon, it could potentially break the fourth wall! Doing that in my fan fics would cause the entire Legendary Pokemon forums to explode!
Giratina88: Who cares? Once this is over, I'll be the only one left standing!
???: Not if we can't help it!
Giratina88: What!!! You...Aluado?
Aluado has arrived on the scene! His appearance is like some kind of blue, snake, thingy with arms and legs.
Aluado: Yes it's me, and I brought some friends! Come on out, Terraplant and Dunsparce!
Terraplant and Dunsparce reveal themselves. Terraplant is some kind of Piranah plant on steroids, and did I mention it has wings? Dunsparce looks like...well...a Dunsparce.
Aluado: We're here to stop you and Kalas Rey from breaking the forum walls and starting an all out member war!
Jankat: Did someone say member war?
Skorp: I think so!
Golden Charizard: Lets go in and join!
Aulado: No! Wait! This is exactly what I was trying to-
But it was too late. Before Aulado can finish his plea, Jankat rips through him with her poison claws, and an all out war begins amongst LP members!
Oshawott: Well...thats just wonderful. We've gone from nuclear attack, to war amongst fan fics, to go fish, to war amongst fan fic creators, all the way to a fight to the death amongst the members of LP! And it looks like Dunsparce is the first to die.
Dunsparce: Help! How am I falling!!! I thought I had WIIINGS!!!
Oshawott: Dunsparce has hit the ground! But the other members are still battling it out! Its the ultimate fight to the death!
Join us next time when Kalas Rey makes the chapter!
This was long,but enjoyable. I think that not rushing to finish will have better results.

Yeah,I know.
Sorry, still working on the movie event. You take the next one, then I take my turn, okay?
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