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I can see into the future: there will be a trainer with a Venusaur, Dragonite, Charizard, Blastoise, (shiny)Ninetales, and Alakazam. His name shall be Aaron. He shall be the CHAMPION OF KANTO!!!!


A trainer with with a Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile, Torterra, Serperior, and a Dragonite.
This trainer shall have traveled to every region before coming back to Kanto to defeat the Champion, Team Rocket and Team Galactic (who have joined forces). This trainer's name could be Will.
Actually, Team Rocket and Team Galactic will not factor in much into the early story. A new, more powerful and lethal enemy awaits... Which will be introduced around Route 23, or Chapter Five. The Teams will increase in influence in the later chapters, though, as will the Legion. (Hint hint!)

And actually, I think the Pokemon Champion at the time will be some top trainer from the games, like Red or Gold, or even Blue or Koga or Steven Stone. I will factor in an OC, though. And he will have a Venusaur, Tyranitar, Zorua (unevolved but still high level), and a Shiny! The rest of his team is up to you.

And by the way, here's Chapter Three!

The wild is a brutal mistress when you are unprepared. Even a tranquil road like Route One can be harsh and unforgiving if you are unready. Sky and I were absolutely doomed.
I forgot to bring any food, for one thing. We left for Route 1 in such a hurry, we brought absolutely nothing but our Poke Balls and the jackets on our backs. Needless to say, we were starving. For another thing, we had absolutely no idea what we were doing. The general thought in our head was "Get to Viridian City", but we had no idea if we were going to train our Pokemon along the way, or make a beeline for Viridian, or take a different path and end back up in Pallet Town. To cap it all off, we were absolutely and hopelessly lost.
"Well, I can't see Pallet Town anymore. I have no idea where we are, or how we got there," Sky announced.
"Well, that's what being a Trainer is all about. You don't have a Town Map, I suppose?"
"Actually, as a matter of fact, I do! It's on my Pokegear!"
"Pokegear? You have a Pokegear?"
"Um, of course! I had it for two months now!" Sky's Pokegear, which I never knew he had, was blue, with white edges. "Now let's see, the Map says we are... in Professor Oak's lab. Useless piece of junk!"
"Hey, at least it gets radio. Right?"
"Yeah, it... Wait a minute, is that a Nidoran?"
A bright sky-blue Nidoran was taking a nap not twelve feet from where we were standing. This was a major discovery, as the only Pokemon usually seen on Route One were Pidgey and Rattata.
"I call it! I want that Nidoran!" Sky shouted.
"Um, sir, we don't have any Poke Balls, remember?"
"BLAST IT! How can things get any worse?"
Two seconds later, the air temperature dropped at least 20 degrees colder than it used to be in a split second. The Nidoran was jolted awake by the sudden cold, and ran off into the woods.
"Great Mewfive! Did you just feel that?" I asked Sky.
"Arceus must be out to get us! That's not possible!"
A blue streak of light flew up from the horizon in the distance, with a long tail of light trailing behind it, and flew in the general direction of the sea.
"Oh, that would explain it. Articuno just left," Sky thought aloud.
"Oh, that's what that was!"
"Well, at least we have fire. Charmander, come on out!" Sky released his Charmander. The fire from its tail provided some protection from the cold, but we could still easily see our breath.
"And I found the road, too!" We were standing in front of a dirt path, with footsteps and a sign saying "Route One: Trainer's Route". Two Rattata were foraging for food, and the Nidoran from before was munching placidly on some fruit from a tree branch.
"Might as well battle one of these Rattata. Charmander, use Ember on one of those Rattata!"
Charmander let forth a wide Ember attack, which landed on both Rattata. One ran off, and the other struck back with a Quick Attack, knocking Charmander to the ground. Charmander got up and Scratched the enemy Rattata repeatedly, causing it to run away.
"I guess I got the Experience, right? Now what about the Nidoran?"
The female Nidoran stopped eating for several seconds, looked at us as if it was deciding whether to battle us or not, then continued eating. I nonchalantly grabbed a fruit off a tree, biting into its juicy flesh.
"Leave it alone, I guess. Maybe there's a Pidgey around to beat up?"
As we were walking away, the Nidoran dissolved into red energy and flew into the woods. Rival Trainer caught the Nidoran, was my first thought. Somebody shouted "Yeah! I caught it! A Nidoran!" Just then, the Poke Ball exploded and the Trainer was revealed.
The first thing I noticed was that it was a girl. She was wearing a white jacket, jeans, and sandals. She had brown hair, a red backpack, and two Poke Balls on her belt.
The Nidoran scampered off into the tall grass, and the Trainer stomped out of hiding.
"Dang it! Dang it! I hunted all day looking for a Nidoran! I'm heading back to Viridian," she shouted to no one in particular. She turned around, walked a few feet in our direction, and then noticed us.
"Hi, my name's Green. I suppose you want to battle me too?" she asked.

Well, I can’t think of anything else to put in this chapter, and I think it's gone on for quite enough now. I'm just going to end it here, and maybe later add some more stuff and revise the story. Tell me how I did, and if the story makes any sense (which I seriously doubt), commend me on it.

Oh right the synopsis:
Grey and Sky get lost off of Route 1, Sky is revealed to have a Pokegear, Articuno flies towards the Seafoam Islands, and the duo finds a Nidoran. The temperature changes inexplicably and confuses everybody. Sky's Charmander beats up a Rattata. The Nidoran escapes from capture by a rival female Trainer, Green (who will become a protagonist), who wants to battle the party.

You know the drill, comment and give me ideas on stuff. I hope you enjoyed!
(trumpet fanfare)
Important news incoming! I hope you enjoyed my fanfic, but-
(drumroll, cymbal crash)
I am going to-
(more trumpet fanfare, sounds of rending metal)
Well then, now that that is out of the way...

I am giving up on Grey's Kanto Adventure.
The storyline was bland, I ran out of ideas to mash in there, and to be honest, it sounded like it was written by a six-year-old.
Now, hear me out. I will create a new, better Grey's Kanto Adventure, with more ideas, better plotline, and better writing. The bad guys will be introduced more early, and there will be more characters.
I will also accept plot ideas and stuff like that from the readers.
If you want, I can create an epilogue to the Kanto Adventure following the storyline I was planning to implement.
Have you ever been in a race, where right after you started, you stumbled and almost fell? Then, you caught yourself and caught up to your opponent(s)?
No? Well, then, have you ever played a sport where you were doing really badly in the beginning, but then you began to do better and score more points, and now in the middle of the game, you're tied with the opponent?
No? Er, well uh, have you ever been in a Pokemon battle where your first Pokemon was OHKOed by the enemy, but then you brought out a big powerful Pokemon and pounded that first Pokemon into the ground?

That's how I feel with Grey's Kanto Adventure.
I've been thinking about it for a while, and I realized that Grey still has a lot of potential. Moar (intentional misspelling) episodes of Grey and Co.! In a little while, though. I'll pick up on Chapter Four.
It's kind of long... But here you go!

Chapter Four: On The Road Again

I will now be naming who is talking, to avoid confusion.

Green: "Viridian City: One Mile."

Green read the sign by the side of the road. We had stopped hiking and were taking a break in some tall grass.

Green: "Gary was here. Ash is a loser."

Route One was shorter than I thought. I thought it would take at least three days to walk to Viridian. Then again, I never planned to walk to Viridian.

Green: "Joey's Rattata is top percentage. Boy, these kids sure do write stupid stuff on here."

Green had sensed that we were fresh trainers, bumbling around Route One and all, and decided to take us under her wing. She was an experienced traveler, having battled for over a year, and was about to go professional: She had agreed to take on the Gym Challenge and represent Little Joe's, a popular restaurant chain. She would earn 15,000 Pokedollars for every badge she collected.

Sky was holding the Poke Ball that held the Nidoran (Female) he captured. After my tremendous loss against Green, Sky took the opportunity to sneak off and capture the enigmatic creature. To say that Green was jealous was an understatement.

I suddenly turned my attention towards the clouds. It was a bright and sunny day, with only a few white, puffy clouds in the sky. The sky was slightly tinged with orange, especially near the clouds. I could see a bird flying about a mile up, but I couldn't tell if it was a legendary bird or just an everyday Pidgeot.

Sky: "Hey, Grey, aren't you coming? We're all going to do the last mile, then we'll be in Viridian."

I was so engrossed in the sky above that I hadn't noticed my friends leaving. Green was already a good way down the road, and Sky was waving for me to hurry up.

Grey: "What? Oh, sorry, I was... er... eh. I'm coming!"


I could see the Viridian skyline rising over the hill I was walking up. Once we cleared this hill, we'd be within Viridian.

Green"So, if your Pokemon uses Sunny Day, the sun will get stronger, but if it uses Rain Dance..."

Green had taken up a conversation with Sky about stats and abilities and whatnot. All I cared about was whether Water was weak to Grass. I was too tired to care about anything else. I wasn't used to walking all day. Although, I supposed I had to get used to it if I were to become a Master Trainer.

Sky: "I heard that if you surf on a Lapras off the coast of Cinnabar Island - It has to be a Lapras..." What in the world are they talking about, I wondered.

We had reached the top of the hill, and were officially within Viridian City. We had passed our first test as Pokemon Trainers.

Green: "Alright! Now that we're here, where would you..." Green stopped mid-sentence.

Grey: "What's up, Green? You look like you saw a ghost or something."

Sky: "It can't be that exciting to be in Viridian City, now can it?"

Green did not hear a word we said. Her entire mind was focused on one little rustling patch of grass.

Green: "There it is... I'm going to get it... It's not escaping this time..."

Grey: "What do you think got into her, Sky?"

Sky shrugged his shoulders, saying he had no idea.

Green suddenly snatched her Poke Ball, and threw it towards the grass. Her Ivysaur flew out of the ball before it hit the ground, and without a word being said, used Vine Whip on a Pikachu eating an Oran Berry. The Pikachu was hoisted into the air, ensnared in the Vine Whip. It tried to escape, wriggling and electrocuting Ivysaur, but it only ended up being squeezed tighter. Something wasn't quite right with the Pikachu, though. It looked different.


The ball shook as the Pikachu tried to escape. After ten seconds of suspense, we finally heard the softest "Ding" in the world.

Green: "WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Green screamed louder than the brakes of a train. "I CAUGHT THE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sky: "What's so great about a Pikachu, anyways? You can find them in spades in Viridian Forest."

Green: "This isn't just any Pikachu! This is a Shiny Pikachu!" Green was happier than a child with a million dollars.

Grey: "I don't think a Pokemon's luster has anything to do with its power. Does it?"

Green spent the next half hour explaining to us the mysteries of Shiny Pokemon, as we looked around the city for a place to eat.

My Pokegear said seven o'clock.


After our modest meal of "artesian" ramen noodles and Pokemon food (for the Pokemon, not us), Green showed us the Viridian Gym. We couldn't afford a more rounded meal, as Sky and I only had what money we saved up, and Green spent most of her money on traveling supplies.

I held the Poke Ball holding Squirtle. Squirtle was sleeping in its Poke Ball, sleepy from its meal, its tail tucked up as a pillow. It's so adorable, I thought.

There are several different types of Poke Balls produced by Silph Co. I am wont to use the design with the glass top that allows you to see your Pokemon, like a little window. You know, the kind from the manga. Green uses the cheaper kind, with the metal top that stores the Pokemon in a different way. I would love to spend all day discussing the schematics of Poke Balls, but I cannot. I have a story to tell.

As we approached the Gym, we saw a shadowy figure locking the gym doors.

Green: "That's the Gym Leader, Blue. Rumor has it that tonight, he's going to run the Four and take Gold."

Me and Sky looked at Green quizzically.

Green: "He's going to challenge the Elite Four, and then challenge Gold, the reigning Champion, for the title."

Grey: "Oh, okay. Say, who's that with him?"

I saw an even more shadowy figure than Blue a little ways behind the latter. He looked somewhat Pokemon-ish in shape. I couldn't put my finger on which Pokemon, though.

Green: "Who? Who's with Blue?"

I looked over again, to show Green who I was talking about, but both Blue and the mystery man were gone.

Green: "Strange... Well, it's getting dark out, so let's turn in. My mom lives in this town, so we can sleep at her place."

This chapter has gone on long enough, so long story short, we talked to Green's mom, she thought Green and I were in love (like all moms do), and we fell asleep.

Grey and Co. made it to Viridian City, where Green caught a Shiny Pikachu. Come to think of it, that's all that really happened. I just wrote my first filler chapter!

Tell me what I did right and wrong, so I can do more right things! Hope you enjoyed!
(03-07-2013 02:34 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]There are several different types of Poke Balls produced by Silph Co. I am wont to use the design with the glass top that allows you to see your Pokemon, like a little window. You know, the kind from the manga. Green uses the cheaper kind, with the metal top that stores the Pokemon in a different way. I would love to spend all day discussing the schematics of Poke Balls, but I cannot. I have a story to tell.
The bold selection is grammatically incorrect.
I think you meant: I want to use the design with the glass top that allows you to see your Pokemon. (Take out the: like a little window)

(03-07-2013 02:34 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]This chapter has gone on long enough, so long story short, we talked to Green's mom, she thought Green and I were in love (like all moms do), and we fell asleep.

Are you and Green in love? That would make for an interesting development.

Mimicking my writing style. Smile

Don't use abbreviations for the names. It gets really confusing for the reader.

Overall, it's good and I can't wait to see what happens.
Maybe I'll show up. Hint Hint Alcovich. *cough*rival*cough*
(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]The bold selection is grammatically incorrect.
I think you meant: I want to use the design with the glass top that allows you to see your Pokemon. (Take out the: like a little window)

Use that word sometimes. It makes you sound sophisticated.

(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Are you and Green in love? That would make for an interesting development.

Maybe... Or maybe not. I still haven't decided.

(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Right
Mimicking my writing style. Smile

Don't use abbreviations for the names. It gets really confusing for the reader.

Gotcha! That was a little confusing... I think I'll edit it to remover the abbreviations.
I try and write in a way that makes you feel like you are a Pokemon Trainer, going really in depth and sometimes branching out into another subject, sort of like following a Trainer's train of thought.

(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Overall, it's good and I can't wait to see what happens.
Maybe I'll show up. Hint Hint Alcovich. *cough*rival*cough*

I actually have a more special role in mind for you... Wink
(03-07-2013 07:27 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]The bold selection is grammatically incorrect.
I think you meant: I want to use the design with the glass top that allows you to see your Pokemon. (Take out the: like a little window)

I use the word in its first sense.
Well, I learned something new.

(03-07-2013 07:27 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 05:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Overall, it's good and I can't wait to see what happens.
Maybe I'll show up. Hint Hint Alcovich. *cough*rival*cough*

I actually have a more special role in mind for you...
Ooooooooh! Can I get a hint?
(20-04-2013 02:03 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Team Rocket and Team Galactic (who have joined forces).
So I totally forgot that I wrote this. I must really like Team Rocket and Team Galactic.

You told me MONDAY at the latest for Chapter 5.

It is TUESDAY I must come after you with flaming swords and axes. Big Grin
This is your only warning.

Sorry, I've been lazy.
It's okay, I've been lazy too. (also I've been reading the Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore) (phenomenal books)
I actually have stuff to do this summer, and time is a precious commodity that cannot be obtained and spent willy-nilly. I shall try to devote my few hours of free time towards writing. Remember, distance makes the heart fonder and time makes the fanfictions better!

On a lighter note, I'M ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!
Halfway through the last scene! Woo!
Time makes the heart grow fonder, not distance.

I can't wait to see what happens Smile
Chapter Five: Uneventful Events

I caught a Pokemon at Route 22!

My Spearow was sitting in its Pokeball, tired out from its fight against Squirtle. As I picked it up, it eyed me warily, as if it were expecting another attack.

Squirtle was sitting next to me, digging into an Oran Berry I had given it.

Sky was slugging it out with another apprentice Trainer he had found while training. He was using the Nidoran he found (Green called it the only Nidoran in the history of Route One), while the opposing Trainer was fighting with an Ekans.

Sky: "Alright, Nidoran, use Double Kick!"

Trainer: "Wrap it before it can hurt you!"

Ekans lunged straight at Sky's Pokemon, Wrapping it with its powerful snake body, while Nidoran kicked it rapidly.

Trainer: "Okay, Bite it and knock it out!"

Sky: "Nidoran! Get free then Scratch it!"

Nidoran eventually Scratched its way out of Ekans's grasp, but not until it was bitten by the latter.

Sky: "Alright, Nidoran, come back! Go Charmander, crush that Pokemon!"

Charmander eagerly leaped at Ekans and hit it with a powerful Ember, causing it to jump back towards its Trainer.

Trainer: "Okay, Ekans return! Go Cyndaquil and use Smokescreen, then Tackle Charmander!"

The trainer's Cyndaquil flew out of its Pokeball, flooding the battlefield with a Smokescreen.

Sky: "Where did it go? Charmander use Ember, then get up close and Scratch it!

Charmander shot a fireball from its tail into the smoke, which happened to hit Cyndaquil and silhouette it against the smoke. Charmander, seeing its opponent, ran forward and hit it with a Scratch.

Trainer: "Cyndaquil, get back!" The trainer returned the Cyndaquil into its Poke Ball. "You win..." he said, talking to Sky.

Sky: "That was a pretty intense fight! Say, you're a tough Trainer. Can I get your Pokegear number?"

Trainer: "Yeah, let's rematch in the future!"


Sky and I had agreed to take turns fighting the Trainers we challenge. I fought the first Trainer, Green, and lost stupendously. Sky challenged this Youngster, Will, and won. We were heading back towards Viridian City when Green appeared.

Green: "Hey fellas! I couldn't find any Apricorns or Pokemon. I did, however, strip-harvest a Rawst Berry plant!

Grey: "Woo! Can you give me a Berry?"

Sky: "Say, who are those two guys up there?"

Sky had pointed to a hill upon which two men were standing, facing Viridian City. They were dressed entirely in dark shades of red and blue. They were clearly visible, though they did not seem to notice us.

Green: "Oh, they're just trainers. Experienced ones, at that. They were talking about Pokemon from the Hoenn Region or something."

As we passed behind them on the Route, we heard one of the men say "What about the local resistance?"

Green stopped. When I started to ask her why, she put up a hand and grinned. She crept closer to the men to eavesdrop on them. Green did say she was really into Hoenn.

Man #1: "What do you mean by that?"

Man #2: "Well, Gym Leader Blue will be one of the biggest impediments to our plans, as will some of the more experienced Trainers there."

Man #1: "Is that all?"

Man #2: "Well, Viridian City is within easy flying distance of Mount Silver, and you know that Silver Village is Red's home."

Man #1: "Good point. Red and Blue on the same team will be hard to beat. We should probably plan ahead."

Man #2: "Viridian City should probably just be -"

Man #1: "No, we can't do that. We need it as a forward base when we start the invasion. Otherwise -" A wild Spearow crowed loudly, blowing our cover rather gratuitously.

Man #1: "Hey, what are you kids doing here? Kids like you should be playing Pokemon or something, not gallivanting around Route 23! Don't you know it's dangerous?"

Green: "Sorry sir, I'll go back to Viridian."

Man #2: "Wait - were you listening in on our conversation?"

Man #1: "We were just writing a screenplay. Nothing serious. We weren't trying to literally take over the Kanto-" This elicited a punch from Man #2.

Man #2: "Yeah, we were planning a scene where an ancient terrorist order launches an attack against Viridian City. We have permission from-."

Green: "Okay we'll be on our way bye! And, um, can I get free tickets to the movie, when it comes out?"

Man #1: "No. Kids these days..."


Man #1: "Kids these days. They'll believe anything. Can you believe that, Maxie?

Man #2: "Mark my words, sir, Kanto will not last long against a full-blown attack from the Hoenn Legion."


After our encounter with the playwrights/terrorists (Green was sure they were terrorists, and was thinking of informing the Pokemon League), Green decided that we should make the trip through Viridian Forest tomorrow to get to Pewter.

Grey: "We should stop by the Poke Mart to refill our supplies before we leave tomorrow."

As we left the Poke Mart, our bags brimming with supplies, we spotted a poster on the wall of an abandoned building.

Poster: "Team Rocket - For a Greater Good - Enlist Today."

Sky: "Team Rocket? These guys just don't know when to give up!"

We had heard of Team Rocket, a group of criminals and villains who used Pokemon to further their own ends. They resurfaced several times, but each time they came back some kids smacked them down again.

Unknown: "We don't need new recruits, we just need to train our Pokemon once in a while."

We simultaneously whirled around to see who was talking to us. A Rocket Grunt was standing behind us, admiring the poster.

Rocket Grunt: "See, if we functioned more like Pokemon Trainers and not mindless criminals, we would be a lot more successful in our endeavors."

Green: "And you're telling us this, why?"

Rocket: "Oh hello! I didn't see you kids, I was just talking to myself."

Sky: "How come you guys resurfaced again? Don't you know when to quit?"

Rocket: "No, our leaders have absolutely no idea how to run this organization. If we keep capturing Pokemon out of the wild, throwing them at our enemies with no training, and calling ourselves Pokemon Trainers, then Team Rocket will go absolutely nowhere! We need to -"

Grey: "If you don't like the way Team Rocket is run, then how come you joined in the first place?

Rocket: "To bring a shred of competency to this organization. Oh wait, where are my manners? I'm having a conversation with people who I've never even met. My name is Aaron, but most people call me Grassdragon. I commonly use Grass and Dragon types."

Grey: "Are you a Trainer? How about a Pokemon battle?"

Aaron: "Sure, but let me warn you - I'm still a rookie, so I'll probably be easy to beat."

I lined up in the middle of the avenue for a fight against this Grunt.

Grey: "Go Squirtle!"

Aaron: "Houndoom."

Aaron threw his Poke Ball, summoning a howling Houndoom. I immediately withdrew Squirtle and ran like a wimp.

Aaron: "So, I win. Really?"

Green: "Actually, I'd like to fight you! Go Raichu!"

Just then, I wondered whatever happened to the Shiny Pikachu.

Aaron: "Houndoom, use Beat Up!"

Green: "Raichu, use Light Screen!"

Houndoom beat relentlessly into Raichu, but was mostly repelled by the Light Screen.

Aaron: "Houndoom, fall back and use Howl!"

Green: "Come at it with a Thunder Punch!"

Raichu launched at Houndoom with a Thunder Punch as it was howling, but then Houndoom jumped and hit Raichu with a devastating Flamethrower.

Green: "You're not getting away with that! Raichu, use Thunderbolt!"

Raichu got quickly to its feet, suffering from burns, and knocked Houndoom to the ground with Thunderbolt.

Aaron: "Alright Houndoom, you've had enough! Come back! Now go, Sandslash!"

Green: "Raichu come back! Go Ivysaur!"

Aaron: "Sandslash, use Swords Dance! Then go for a Metal Claw!"

Green: "Ivysaur, take it out with Razor Leaf!"

Ivysaur shot dozens of razor-sharp leaves at Sandslash, which missed their target. Sandslash, meanwhile, was slashing wildly with its claws.

Green: "Ivysaur, use Leech Seed! Then Slam it back with your vines, and finish it off with a Razor Leaf!"

Aaron: "Sandslash, go for the Metal Claw!"

Sandslash ran for Ivysaur and raked it with a Metal Claw, but then it was bound by the vines from the Leech Seed. Ivysaur slammed its foe to the ground with its powerful vines, then hit it with multiple Razor Leaves.

Aaron: "Sandslash, good job! Come back! Now, let's finish this Pokemon off with -"

Just then, Aaron's Pokegear rang loudly, interrupting the battle rather suddenly.

Aaron: "Boss! What's that? Uh-huh! Alright, I'll be there! Agent 27 out! Sorry fellas, I have to cut the battle short! See you around!"

Aaron ran down the street towards Route 22 without another word.

Green: "Well, I win. Now let's go inside somewhere, it's starting to burn outside."


Synopsis: Grey catches a Spearow. Sky wins a battle with another Trainer. The group encounters two Hoenn-based terrorists on Route 22. Green wins a fight against a Team Rocket Grunt.

Chapter Six will be all Viridian Forest! Tell me what you want to see, if you want a character, something I should do, anything!
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