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You remember when I said that I would work on Chapter Six?

Quote:I, as well, will start working on Chapter Six of my fanfiction.

Well, I kinda sorta maybe a little lied.

I promise, I will start working on it today.
Chapter 6, Chapter 6, who writes thee. Does thou know who writes thee?

Will Alcovich write Chapter 6 or will he not write Chapter 6? That is the question.

O Chapter 6, Chapter 6, wherefore art thou Chapter 6?
Okay, I had made a ton of progress on Chapter Six, then my computer shut off due to a blackout and I lost ALL my story. Blame the blackout.
CURSE YOU BLACKOUT!!!!!!!!!!! I've been there before. :/
Now I have a laptop and the battery keeps the power going when the electricity goes out.
I grant you more time to write Chapter 6.
Until Monday. I think that's when it'll be done.
Don't give yourself a deadline. Finish Chapter 6 when you're able. Don't rush it.
I have had absolutely no time to work on the story. I thought I would get a little of the story done today, but a bunch of other stuff cropped up. Sorry.

Maybe it'll be done next weekend!
It's okay.
When it comes to writing stories, it's best if you don't try to rush. Otherwise it doesn't turn out the way you want it to.

Speaking of stories, I have about half of Chapter 11 of A:US written. I should finish it either tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully.

I'll probably have it out by the end of September. Sad *sigh*
Chapter Six: Traversing the Bosque Verde

(There's going to be this new thing where there's a news program showing the news, so you can see the world flow around Grey's adventure. It's going to get pretty interesting in the late story.)

Pokégear: "Pokéwatch News, your source for all news relevant to Pokemon trainers! Catch up on what's happening with Pokéwatch News!"

Announcer #1: "I'm live here at Indigo Plateau in front of thousands of people! Blue has just defeated Gold and taken the title of Champion in a battle to remember! Every Pokémon trainer and their mother is out here, cheering on the new Champion! It all feels like a dream, it happened so fast! One minute, Gold is champion, and the next -"

Announcer #2: "As stated by my colleague, it was a surprise to everyone that Blue showed up on such a short notice. According to the few eyewitnesses who saw the battle's beginning, Gold was training with Lance, the renowned Dragon Master and member of the Elite Four, when Blue walked in, demanded a battle and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Announcer #1: "Hal, why are you boring the listeners with that drivel? Get this folks - Mewtwo was used by Blue as a Pokemon! Mewtwo! Yes, Mewtwo! Meyoooootoooo! The Legendary -"

Announcer #2: "That's right, Mewtwo was confirmed to have been a part of Blue's team, and a key one at that. Blue said in his brief interview with us that -"

Green: (turns off Pokegear radio) "Told you so."


We stood before the entrance to the ancient Viridian Forest. Green was doing another inventory of our supplies (Do you want to run out of Antidotes in the Viridian Forest?), while Sky was listening to the Poke Flute over the Radio and I was looking in the Pokedex.

Green: "Okay guys, we have two options. We can take the Pewter Highway, which is a direct beeline to Pewter City. Lots of people commute from here to Pewter, and wild Pokémon will never bother us. We can get there in less than four hours. However, it's not a lot of fun. Our other option is to take the Trainer's Path through Viridian Forest. It's a natural maze in there, there's only faint footpaths to travel by, and wild Pokémon own the place. Only real Trainers who know what they're doing can even attempt to go through there. Stray down the wrong path, and you might walk into a Beedrill hive. Disturb the wrong Berry plant, and a Scyther might just cut you to ribbons. Go anywhere near a baby Kangaskhan, and its mother could crush you into an unidentifiable pulp. Trainers are responsible for their own deaths and injuries sustained while on the Trainer's Path."

Sky: "Well, now that you put it that way..."

Our inventory complete, we packed up our stuff and set off into the Viridian Forest.

The blanket of trees darkened our path. The buzzing and hooting of the forest Pokemon filled our ears. It was the closest that Kanto could possibly get to a deep jungle.

Green: "Let's take this path. It looks well-traveled. It's always best to take the path that most people travel, and never stray from it. In the forest, of course."

We started down an old path between the trees. Butterfree flew overhead, Caterpie and Wurmple munched on leaves, and Kakuna and Metapod hung from branches.

Green: "That's odd..."

Sky: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Green: "Oh, it's probably nothing. Never mind."

Sky shook his head and continued his march.

During our long trek, I became observant. Rain clouds gathered above the horizon. Yanma flew around in the thicket. A Pidgeotto decided to follow us for a distance, but eventually flew off. Beedrill gutted a tree, looking for sap, while Kakuna hung on branches next to them. As we walked, I started seeing more Kakuna than usual.

Green: "Oh no. Don't tell me..."

Sky looked at Green quizzically, and decided to dig Charmander out of his pocket. I dug in one of my bag's pockets and took out Spearow.

Green: "The person who blazed this trail is an idiot. We just walked smack into the middle of a Beedrill hive."

Grey: "Doesn't that make us idiots for following this trail?"

Green: "Maybe we can get out of here before" *drowned out by loud buzzing*

Like a cloud of locusts rising over a field, a horde of Beedrill arose behind us, stingers pointed and ready to pierce. I thought of a professional army, leveling their weapons to deal death and destruction on the receiving end.

Green: "Maybe we can... Who am I kidding! It's every Trainer for themselves! Run!"

I sprang into the thicket, sprinting from the hordes of Beedrill close behind me. Roots grabbed at my feet; tree branches clawed at my face. I was afraid to look back, for fear that I would be caught. When it felt like I ran for a mile, I stopped and looked behind me.

The Beedrill were gone.



Exhausted, I grabbed my canteen and took a long swig of water. I lay for a while, catching my breath. And then my Pokégear rang, scaring the bejezus out of me.

Pokégear: "You have a call from GREEN. Answer?"

Green: "Grey! Where are you? I can't find you or Sky!"

Grey: "I dunno, I just bolted into the trees. I must be close to where you are."

Green: "Hang on a minute, I'll find you guys. Can you light a flare or something? I'm going to spot you from the air. My Fearow will fly around until we find you." *hangs up*

And then my Pokégear rang again!

Sky: "Grey? where are you?"

Grey: "I'M RIGHT HERE!" I yelled into the forest, hoping that Sky could hear me close by.

Sky: "Hey, was that you? I heard a voice yelling from far away, and-"

Grey: "Yeah that was me. Just sit tight, Green will pick us up."

Turning off the 'Gear, I sat down and made a ring of flares (Yes, it was extravagant, but it looked cool.) around me. With the beacon in place, I waited.

And waited.

I noticed a Nincada crawling rather close to me. I threw a rock near it to shoo it away, but it didn't budge. Well, I thought, if it won't leave I'll catch it.

Grey: "Squirtle, go. Do your thing."

I released Squirtle from its Poké Ball, hoping to scare away the bug. Nincada, however, launched at Squirtle with a Scratch.

Grey: "It's gonna be a fight, then? Use Bubble!"

Squirtle launched a stream of bubbles at its opponent like gunfire, fazing the Nincada and knocking it back.

Grey: "Pokeball go."

Three seconds later, Nincada was mine.

With my new capture, I waited for Green to find me.

And waited.

And waited.

And you will have to wait too, because this episode is done! I know I could have done better, so PLEEZ tell me what I'm doing wrong! And right.
I like it! The whole news thing is Cool

I'll get Chapter 12 of A:TUS up just as soon as I can.
Question Time: Should I work on Chapter Seven, rewrite Chapters 1-3, or work on a Secret Chapter starring Aaron?

Vote by replying.
You should definitely work on the Secret Chapter where Aaron becomes the Champion with his team of Splash only Magikarps Toungue Then Hachi hacks his way into my Chapter and I have to use my Yveltal to banish him from the story. (I know I broke the fourth wall)
It's actually a Secret Chapter that drives deeper into the overarching story that I want to exploit. Aaron definitely kicks As-...h Ketchum in this chapter!

It also involves a
Definitely the Secret Chapter starring me!
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