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(10-11-2013 11:27 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

Well,the 888 reference.Toungue
So,my nickname is also 888 Toungue
I'm insane.Toungue
Like I said,
Chapter Seven: Hurry Up Alcovich, Ash Had Two Badges By Now!
Will Add More Later

My day started abruptly, and confusingly.

Sky: "Grey, get up! You're late already!" Sky shook me awake and threw my backpack at me.

Grey: "Hey, what's going on? What am I late for?"

Sky: "Our match with Brock, remember? Hurry up, we overslept! Get your Pokemon!"

Grey: "I don't have a match with Brock, last I know I was in the Viridian Forest."

Sky: "You don't remember? Alcovich, did you do this?"

Grey: "Who's Alcovich?"

Sky: "We met him yesterday! He's the author!"

Grey: "Author of what? The Pokedex?" By now I was completely and absolutely confused, not to mention sleepy and hungry.

Sky: "No, the story! Now hurry up and get ready or we'll miss it!" Sky ran out the door impatiently, dropping several Potions on the way out.

Putting the weird amnesia/Alcovich thing out of the way, I found my Poké Balls and put them in my backpack. I looked out the window and viewed an unfamiliar city, shadowed by the mountains in the distance. I assumed it was Pewter City. I turned to make some breakfast, but then Sky broke into the room again.

Sky: "Grey! What are you doing! Get your stuff and go now, the match is starting!"

Grey: "Alright, fine, I'm coming." I threw on some sandals, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door.

Sky and I hurried down the hallway, scrambling into the elevator. And THEN it hit me that I was in a hotel.

Grey: "We're in a hotel? Is it Trainer-friendly?"

Sky: "Alcovich really did a number on you, huh? I suppose he just wants to get things moving along..."

Grey: "Who was Alcovich again? I get the feeling he was important."

Sky: "Alcovich is -" The elevator dinged and the doors swung open. "Never mind! Hurry up!"

We dashed through the lobby and burst into the street at full speed.

Through my dashing and running through Pewter City with Sky, I got a mini-tour of the place. We ran through marketplaces, industrial belts, construction sites, all in a mad effort to get to the Gym.

Sky: "This way!" Sky turned around. "No, this way!"

Grey: "Do you even know where the Gym is?"

Sky: "Of course I know! It's..." Sky swung around a few times, then pointed to a large dojo that seemed to be carved of solid rock. "Right there! Can't miss it!"

Grey: "Right... Lead the way, sir."

Sky: "Hold on! I know a shortcut!"

Grey: "What shortcut? The building is in a direct line with us! The fastest way to get to the building is to head directly down the-"

Pewter Gym was imposing on the outside, but inside it was enormous. A massive ring littered with stones and covered in sand was built into the center of the floor, and built all around the ring were stadium seats, made to hold a few thousand. Today it looked like half the city was cheering on the Gym Leader as he thrashed opponent after opponent.

Sky: "That shortcut."

Grey: "Which shortcut? We just ran down the-"

???: "Oh, it's you guys! Terribly sorry, but you missed your match."

A youth of indiscriminate age was standing by the door, regarding us calmly. He looked at me and gave me a nod of the head.

Sky: "What!" Sky looked like he's been sucker-punched. "How... How did we miss..."

???: "I know, right? First time I fought Brock, he was a weakling. Killed 'im with a Bulbasaur. But look at him now!" As if on cue, a huge Onix with skin blacker than, well, onyx, slammed a Meganium right out of the ring. "Crazy, eh?"

Grey: "Who are you? And how did you recognize us?"

???: "Oh, right. About your match..." The youth took out a walkie-talkie and spoke some stuff into it, parts of which were "Grey and Sky need a match" and "pit of Seviper for all eternity". Eventually he looked up, said "Have fun", and just then the referee announced "And our next contestants, two beginner Trainers who are looking to leave their mark in the Pokemon world, here are Greeeey and Skyyyyyy!!!"

The crowd cheered, and someone started pushing us forward. The youth walked alongside us as we were ushered towards the ring.

Grey: "Just who are you?" Sky was busy cheering into the crowd and running to the ring.

???: "Oh, sorry about picking you up out of Viridian Forest like that. I bet that was worse than the GS ball storyline. Anyway, Author Alcovich at your service. Now go get 'em!" And with that, Alcovich walked out the door we came in.
I love it!!!! It's so amusing! Keep up the good work!
If I hadn't dallied around in the earlier chapters, I would've had time to do a cool filler chapter about an abandoned Charmander, and a Team Rocket Grunt, and a trainer with the jerkiness skills of Gary Oak.

I bet Grey really hates me now.
Say, you know what I was missing on Chapter Seven?
The Forums Wrote:An ending?

Actually, I was missing the Pokewatch News Update. That shall be my next update on Chapter Seven!
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