Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Grey's Kanto Adventure (Abandoned)
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Well? Where is it?
(Alcovich takes too long) Toungue
*aims missiles*

(I'm just kidding about all that^)
It was suffering. I had to put it out of its misery.

Alcovich reflexively activated his deflector shields, then, as an added measure, he leveled his own missiles at Grassdragon.
You said you rewrote it though.

*aims death ray*
I did. I rewrote it WITH FIRE!!!!
(19-10-2013 08:54 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I did. I rewrote it WITH FIRE!!!!
Are you going to rewrite it with words?
Things I have been doing: (Click to View)
Things I have NOT been doing: (Click to View)
You remember when I said I would create GKA from scratch, and I made a new thread detailing all the stuff that I would put in it? And then I continued with this thread anyway?

Of course you don't. SkullTrinitiSkull
Actually, I do remember it. What of it?
(snaps fingers) You do not remember anything. That never happened.
Oh but I remember everything!!!!
This area has come under jurisdiction of the Alcovich Plot Protection Bureau. All civilians are to be removed from the area.

Move along, nothing to see here.
I'll have you know that I'm under the jurisdiction of Lance the Dragon Champion and he says I can stay.
And this is where I'd put Chapter Seven!

(09-04-2013 02:59 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]We had agreed, since we were eight, to travel the Kanto region, collect all eight Gym badges, and eventually fight for the title of Pokemon Champion. Now that we were twelve, we could finally do so.

I started reading your fanfic and I found a reference to me.
(09-04-2013 02:59 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]We had agreed, since we were eight, to travel the Kanto region, collect all eight Gym badges, and eventually fight for the title of Pokemon Champion. Now that we were twelve «which means 4 years later.2 boys so 2 times 4 equals with 8», we could finally do so.
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