17-09-2013, 03:40 AM
17-09-2013, 03:43 AM
Sounds good to me!!!
09-10-2013, 06:08 AM
Where is the secret chapter starring ME?!?!?!? Have you even started writing it yet?
09-10-2013, 09:40 PM
I have two paragraphs written down! 
Okay, it's almost done. Don't die of anticipation.

Okay, it's almost done. Don't die of anticipation.
10-10-2013, 02:17 AM
*grassdragon dies of anticipation**A:TUS gets canceled**Fandom uses Uproar!*
*Alcovich reads grassdragon's new away reason*
*Alcovich reads grassdragon's new away reason*
10-10-2013, 02:42 AM
I already read it.
I'm gonna go pack my bags! See you in a few years!
And for your viewing pleasure:
I was called out of Viridian City on an emergency basis. Suicune was sighted north of Indigo Plateau, in the Kan-Joh Mountain Ranges. Needless to say, I booked it out there as fast as I could.
No use hiding things. I was on a mission to catch Suicune, the Legendary Dog that always appeared to humans. Archer never told me why; he just said "Go catch Suicune and I'll give you something shiny." It probably has to do with some top-secret money-making scheme. Selling Legendaries to rich collectors or something.
Once I arrived at Indigo Plateau, I jumped off my Aerodactyl, letting it catch a breather. I stopped to admire the stoic, austere architecture of the Elite Four Stadium. It served as a final destination for Trainers who wanted to make their mark, a reminder that Pokemon Training is more than just a game or a hobby. So many memories...
"Well, Aero, back to work. Let's catch this dog."
Jumping back on Aerodactyl, I activated my Suicune-Tracker. It's a device that searches for signatures of a legendary Pokemon (magnetic fields, unusual weather patterns, etc.) and compiles them into an algorithm that gives you the approximate location of that legendary. So easy to use, a 10-year-old could do it!
Anyway, I digress. Suicune was a few miles north, though it wouldn't stay there for long. I switched off the Tracker and pulled out my Pokemon.
After flying for about 3 minutes, I landed next to a small, crystal-blue lake. If Suicune was anywhere, it was here. I withdrew Aerodactyl and prepared for a fight.
"Hey Suicune! Come on out!"
No response.
"I'm a trainer who wants to fight you and be the very best, like all those before me!"
Still no response.
"Come on, Suicune, I know you're here! Remember the Cipher incident a few years back? You owe me a solid! Fight me, c'mon!"
I turned around to leave, thinking that Suicune had left by now, but I found a big blue dog staring me down.
"Ah, there you are, Suicune! I was hoping you would show up."
I don't want to work for Team Rocket, Aaron. I know your motive behind searching me out.
"Suicune, I don't want to hurt you. When the time comes, you will be an invaluable part of my plan. But for now, will you cooperate?
The few clouds overhead suddenly grew exponentially in number and poured down rain in sheets.
I never let anyone catch me without a fight, Aaron. You should know that.
"Well then, Go Sceptile! Leaf Blade!"
Sceptile jumped out of its Ball, pouncing immediately at Suicune with a razor-sharp Leaf Blade.
Suicune leaped out of the way, blasting Sceptile from behind with an Ice Beam. Sceptile, caught unprepared, fell face-first into the ground. Critical hit.
You really have to do better than that, Aaron.
"I did. Sceptile, get up!"
Sceptile picked itself off of the rain-soaked ground, its Focus Sash fluttering off its body as Overgrow kicked in, powering up Sceptile.
"Overgrow boosts the attack of Grass-type moves, and its hidden ability Unburden boosts its Speed when an item is used. Sceptile, Leaf Storm now!"
Sceptile used its new Speed to summon a maelstrom of leaves, dancing around and whipping them into a tornado before launching them at Suicune.
Suicune, in response, launched a Gust to counter the Leaf Storm tornado, but it was no use. Suicune was buffeted and slashed by the leaves, eventually collapsing into the mud.
"Sceptile, return! You've done good! Now go Gardevoir, and weaken this Pokemon!"
Gardevoir, as soon as it was brought into battle, proceeded to deflect Bubblebeams from Suicune and pelt it with Psychic attacks.
"Alright, now which Ball should I use? Net Balls would be fantastic against Suicune, but I don't have very many. Should I use Timer Balls? Nah, not soon enough. Maybe I'll just follow protocol and pelt it with Ultra Balls. I've decided: Net Ball, go!"
The Net Ball was lobbed through the rain-saturated air and sucked in Suicune.
The ball rocked several times, but Suicune broke out.
A few Net Balls later, and Suicune was mine. The rain stopped,the clouds broke up, and soon the only thing in the sky was the slowly setting sun.
"Well, Aero, back to base. Gardevoir, return. Let's give this Pokemon to the Execs and get the cash. Then, maybe I'll release you, Suicune. Maybe..."
I had to kind of cobble together some parts, as I wanted to get it over with. Reply! Is it good? Is it bad? Can you find the hidden spoiler, this Chapter's only reason for existence? Alcovich out!
I'm gonna go pack my bags! See you in a few years!
And for your viewing pleasure:
Chapter 5 1/2: Aaron's Rocket Adventure
I was called out of Viridian City on an emergency basis. Suicune was sighted north of Indigo Plateau, in the Kan-Joh Mountain Ranges. Needless to say, I booked it out there as fast as I could.
No use hiding things. I was on a mission to catch Suicune, the Legendary Dog that always appeared to humans. Archer never told me why; he just said "Go catch Suicune and I'll give you something shiny." It probably has to do with some top-secret money-making scheme. Selling Legendaries to rich collectors or something.
Once I arrived at Indigo Plateau, I jumped off my Aerodactyl, letting it catch a breather. I stopped to admire the stoic, austere architecture of the Elite Four Stadium. It served as a final destination for Trainers who wanted to make their mark, a reminder that Pokemon Training is more than just a game or a hobby. So many memories...
"Well, Aero, back to work. Let's catch this dog."
Jumping back on Aerodactyl, I activated my Suicune-Tracker. It's a device that searches for signatures of a legendary Pokemon (magnetic fields, unusual weather patterns, etc.) and compiles them into an algorithm that gives you the approximate location of that legendary. So easy to use, a 10-year-old could do it!
Anyway, I digress. Suicune was a few miles north, though it wouldn't stay there for long. I switched off the Tracker and pulled out my Pokemon.
After flying for about 3 minutes, I landed next to a small, crystal-blue lake. If Suicune was anywhere, it was here. I withdrew Aerodactyl and prepared for a fight.
"Hey Suicune! Come on out!"
No response.
"I'm a trainer who wants to fight you and be the very best, like all those before me!"
Still no response.
"Come on, Suicune, I know you're here! Remember the Cipher incident a few years back? You owe me a solid! Fight me, c'mon!"
I turned around to leave, thinking that Suicune had left by now, but I found a big blue dog staring me down.
"Ah, there you are, Suicune! I was hoping you would show up."
I don't want to work for Team Rocket, Aaron. I know your motive behind searching me out.
"Suicune, I don't want to hurt you. When the time comes, you will be an invaluable part of my plan. But for now, will you cooperate?
The few clouds overhead suddenly grew exponentially in number and poured down rain in sheets.
I never let anyone catch me without a fight, Aaron. You should know that.
"Well then, Go Sceptile! Leaf Blade!"
Sceptile jumped out of its Ball, pouncing immediately at Suicune with a razor-sharp Leaf Blade.
Suicune leaped out of the way, blasting Sceptile from behind with an Ice Beam. Sceptile, caught unprepared, fell face-first into the ground. Critical hit.
You really have to do better than that, Aaron.
"I did. Sceptile, get up!"
Sceptile picked itself off of the rain-soaked ground, its Focus Sash fluttering off its body as Overgrow kicked in, powering up Sceptile.
"Overgrow boosts the attack of Grass-type moves, and its hidden ability Unburden boosts its Speed when an item is used. Sceptile, Leaf Storm now!"
Sceptile used its new Speed to summon a maelstrom of leaves, dancing around and whipping them into a tornado before launching them at Suicune.
Suicune, in response, launched a Gust to counter the Leaf Storm tornado, but it was no use. Suicune was buffeted and slashed by the leaves, eventually collapsing into the mud.
"Sceptile, return! You've done good! Now go Gardevoir, and weaken this Pokemon!"
Gardevoir, as soon as it was brought into battle, proceeded to deflect Bubblebeams from Suicune and pelt it with Psychic attacks.
"Alright, now which Ball should I use? Net Balls would be fantastic against Suicune, but I don't have very many. Should I use Timer Balls? Nah, not soon enough. Maybe I'll just follow protocol and pelt it with Ultra Balls. I've decided: Net Ball, go!"
The Net Ball was lobbed through the rain-saturated air and sucked in Suicune.
The ball rocked several times, but Suicune broke out.
A few Net Balls later, and Suicune was mine. The rain stopped,the clouds broke up, and soon the only thing in the sky was the slowly setting sun.
"Well, Aero, back to base. Gardevoir, return. Let's give this Pokemon to the Execs and get the cash. Then, maybe I'll release you, Suicune. Maybe..."
I had to kind of cobble together some parts, as I wanted to get it over with. Reply! Is it good? Is it bad? Can you find the hidden spoiler, this Chapter's only reason for existence? Alcovich out!
10-10-2013, 02:52 AM
Hidden spoiler? I didn't find it.
Anyway, it's really good!
Anyway, it's really good!
10-10-2013, 02:54 AM
It's actually pretty easy to find, if you read carefully.
Anyway, this has no real canonical value (aside from the spoiler). I just wanted to write from a different perspective.
Anyway, this has no real canonical value (aside from the spoiler). I just wanted to write from a different perspective.
10-10-2013, 03:04 AM
I still don't know what it is unless it's this:
or this:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Selling Legendaries to rich collectors or something.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Remember the Cipher incident a few years back?
10-10-2013, 03:08 AM
(10-10-2013 03:04 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Spoiler (Click to View)Selling Legendaries to rich collectors or something.
That has absolutely no correlation with anything ever. Team Rocket (and Lawrence III) does that all the time.
(10-10-2013 03:04 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Spoiler (Click to View)Remember the Cipher incident a few years back?
That's a nod to Pokemon Colosseum and XD, where they
Spoiler (Click to View)
captured several Legendaries to turn Shadow, including Suicune.

10-10-2013, 03:24 AM
10-10-2013, 03:27 AM
Then you shall never know the secret of Aaron.
Seriously, it's right there! It's a single sentence! How can I make it easier to find without spoiling the fun of finding it?
Okay okay, I'll post a hint.
What does a Trainer say to a challenger before battle?
Seriously, it's right there! It's a single sentence! How can I make it easier to find without spoiling the fun of finding it?
Okay okay, I'll post a hint.
What does a Trainer say to a challenger before battle?
10-10-2013, 03:38 AM
Spoiler (Click to View)
"Suicune, I don't want to hurt you. When the time comes, you will be an invaluable part of my plan. But for now, will you cooperate?
10-10-2013, 03:39 AM
This calls for speculation!
This calls for speculation!
19-10-2013, 06:40 PM
I rewrote Chapter 1!
In a way... (evil grin)
In a way... (evil grin)