The object of the game is to get the Delicious Cake and eat it. When somebody finds a solution, the next person improves the Delicious Cake's defenses so that that same solution cannot be used again.
For example:
Alcovich: Delicious Cake is in a bear trap.
Pkmn Trainer Red: I gab the Cake with a harpoon gun!
Now, the Cake is in a bear trap with a deflector shield around it.
Cynthia: I use EMP bombs to disable the shield!
To start: There is Delicious Cake in front of you. You are standing on a blank white plane which stretches into infinity. You must eat the Cake. Now, how do you obtain it?
Cool game
GD: The cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon.
The cake is a lie.

I speak the Truth, and there is Cake.
Then, I infiltrate the Pentagon using my I.D. Card from the War Days.
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor.
P.S. Delicious Cake must be capitalized. It's a proper noun, see?
I activate my anti-gravity device and I use it to make the Delicious Cake levitate, therefore, bypassing the laser turrets. Once the cake floats out of the vault, it's mine!
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices.
I use a shield to block the bullets. which I smuggle into the Pentagon by disguising it as a briefcase.
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets.
BTW, if it becomes impossible to get the Delicious Cake, you can restart.
I use my Mewtwo to use Physic to disable all the weapons and float the Delicious Cake to me.
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders.
I use a modified Genesect with Vital Spirit in order to bypass Darkrai.Then,I hack the defense systems.

The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders.It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made
I use a Rocket Launcher to blow up the Darkrai and the turret! Then, I simply walk in and take the Cake.
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof.
My Torterra uses Earthquake to break the turrets while my Snorlax has fallen asleep on Darkrai. I then take the Delicious Cake.
The Delicious Cake is in a vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai.
I take a completely different approach to obtaining the Delicious Cake.
I steal an F-16, then shoot missiles at the vault. This disables the turrets from their core computer system, which is NOT explosion proof. Then, I send my Venusaur out to use Sleep Powder on Darkrai and anyone else in the area, while I don a gas mask to prevent myself from falling prey to the Sleep Powder. I drop down from my F-16 (which crashes into a nearby freeway), dig the Delicious Cake out from under the rubble, and Teleport away before the authorities arrive.
The Delicious Cake is in an UNDERGROUND vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai.
I use Chaos Control to teleport in, grab the Delicious Cake, and teleport back out in the blink of an eye, bypassing all security.
The Delicious Cake is in an UNDERGROUND vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai. Chaos Control is not possible.
I use the Power of the Starman to repel all security (guards, turrets, etc.) and to OHKO the Darkrai and Mewtwo when they attack me.
The Delicious Cake is in an underground vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai. Chaos Control and Starman Power are not possible.
I go back in time and I take the Delicious Cake before all the security is in place.
The Delicious Cake is in an underground vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai. Chaos Control and Starman Power are not possible. Time Travel is not possible.
I use Hachi's Great Nyan Cat to revive me whenever I die and to create a shield around me so I don't die, then I simply walk in and take the Delicious Cake.
The Delicious Cake is in an underground vault inside the Pentagon, with a turret that shoots anyone who touches the Delicious Cake. The Turret is activated by a weight sensor. It's also unaffected by anti-gravity devices and has armor-piercing bullets. It's also guarded by a Darkrai that uses Dark Void on all intruders. It also has an anti-hackable system and every antivirus program ever made, and the Darkrai and turret are explosionproof. The turrets are Earthquake-proof and Mewtwo will levitate any Pokemon that try to sit on Darkrai. Chaos Control and Starman Power are not possible. Time Travel is not possible, and Hachi's Great Nyan Cat cannot help you.