false! acctually I recived it in france!
the next poster knows how to use C++ properly
false i dont ow what is it manuelf
the next poster have SSBB
(05-11-2009 07:00 PM)dark_lugia Wrote: [ -> ]i think im not noob and thats what i want you to believe
the next poster has super smash brawl
It was not a question.
False!I don't even have a wii(i have never seen one).
The next poster is a small noob.
false i am not a small noob i am a big noob
the next poster is ME
false its me
the next poster is me!!!
False.It's me again.
The next poster is cooler than Chuck Norris.
true!!!!!!!!!its me!!!!!!!!
the next poster knows where i come from....(tell it)
oh crap i wasnt so fast....nevermind i will answer to skorp:I AM COOLER THAN CHUCK NORRIS.everybody is cooler than him
the next poster knows where i live...
the next poster is dark_lugia
its me
the next poster knows where he comes from
who?tassaras7?then yes i know
the next poster is a Bleach fan(like me)
sorry, i only watch Family Guy
the next poster is married........TO MY PET POTATO!!!!!!!!!!(you had better say false, for i already know someone who is rich and would like to marry my potato)
false of course
the next poster eats now...
the next poster is having a problem with his girlfriend
f#cking true!!
the next poster hates one pice
the next poster wannt to kill me