the next poster playing DIAMOND
The next poster likes anime.
the next poster is sameone else
you mean me?then YES
the next poster has the swine flu

false. i'm bullet proof baby!(well, i can deflect a speeding bullet.........once. for those laighing at this, shut up.it hurts like heck!)
the next poster has died and come back to life to haunt fried turkey warehouses
Sure, i' m resurrected but the reason is not accurately defined yet.
The next poster has a secret that none can learn.
true, its that i murdured my mo-.......noone read that.
the next poster will finish my secret
i think no but....Did you kill your mother ?
the next poster has a Nintendo 64
the next poster has DSi
(04-12-2009 04:12 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]i'm bullet proof baby!
(04-12-2009 08:14 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]true, its that i murdured my mo-.......noone read that.

Great sense of humor Kalas Rey!
Wooh...I calmed down...
(05-12-2009 11:14 AM)staraptoras Wrote: [ -> ]true
the next poster has DSi
The next poster has a Surfin' Pikachu.
the next poster is someone else
The next poster is a competetive battler
the next poster has staraptor lvl 100
I do.
The next poster WOULD LIKE TO have a Staraptor at lv 100
the next poster have lvl 100 DIALGA