False. I like it but I'm not a fan.
The next poster is watching TV!
the next poster is funny
the next poster is fat
I'm not fat I'm fluffy. I wish you would realize which thread this is
true. I do realize what thread this is. What comedian sd that any way kalas?
The next poster made a reply to this post.
the next poster has never been to greece
That guy won last comic standing, but I can't remember his name. He had a comedy central special called Methro Jethro
I am the greatest fan fiction writer in the world
the next poster is Jen's fan
the next poster plays aq worlds
Um, I think false, but I'm not sure what aq worlds is
The next poster is able to beat me up
I don't know
the next poster has clicked my eggies
the next poster is weird
You and about 20 million others have said that, so I've just stopped caring. True
By the way LuXray, you can beat me up, I'm not that strong
I will rule the world
false cuz i will
the next poster wants to kill him^
Low selfesteem!

The next poster has an idiot sibling