False X3
the next poster shall play D&D now!
super wrong haha>:}
next poster can use psycich powers o.0
o.o false
the next poster likes cockroaches
>.<gross no
th3 n3xt post3r eats food from greece
the next poster likes pepper!!! XD

xm,not rly in the form of a spice,i mean i use it but not to excess, though i like the vegetable very much

the next poster suffers from anophthalmia XD

false because i don't know what is this

the next poster is a gremlinXP
Let me check it out...Whew,I'm not a gremlin.What a relief.
The next poster likes eating fruit.
yes my fave is banans next poster will know what i am thinkin 0.O
Errr... not exacly... I love only few fruits...
The next poster have downloaded the new pokewalker route!
i wish
next poster is like mc and does not anerw my quistionXCXC
the next poster has register at the pocecomiunity forum.[i think that only i have]
If you mean
this one, then yes.
The next poster uses msn.
false,i only use facebook
the next poster is a new member in the forum
the next poster has play pokemon light platinum[in the computer]