Actually true!I ate more skin that the lamb itself!!!
The next poster was a loser in the egg smash

the next poster has buy new pokemon games
Yup i bought SS!
the next poster has a Soul Dew
false.I really want one but I can't catch latias in hg.
the next poster has both kyogre and groudon in hgss
True. (How did u know)
The next poster doesn't know who I am and what gender I am.
@djiga10, yes, I'm a girl.
True[i really dont know but i can guess..maybe girl??][if u r a boy forgive me]
The next poster in nervous about the school even nowadays......[with homework]
True. [8th grade]
Next poster needs a haircut.
I actually had my hair cut in the morning xD so false
the next poster lost his/her pokewalker while walking in a dark road alone xP
True. But it was worth it cuz my date was nice.
Next poster is lonely.
lonely in life?lonely right now?lonely,without girlfriend?
the next poster has a lamb
The next poster hasnt heard of Paramore.
true cuz of the Twilight madness that my sister has
the next poster is a headbanger

the next poster is new here

i dont think so............but i could say true since im registered for about 6 months
the next poster has 99 shiny pokemon
The next poster likes is very outgoing and always makes new friends.