Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Johto Jen: Goin' Hoenn
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I'm not done yetBig Grin

Prologue: "Guess I should get going for Hoenn." Jen said. She was back home, enjoying her time back with her family. It had been two weeks since she won the Silver Conference, and two weeks since she last saw her friends Crystal, Gold, and Keshia. After she won, she said her goodbyes and came home, the others did the same.
"I wonder if I'll run into them again." Jen said, packing her supplies.

In Kanto, Keshia was packing her supplies, preparing to travel to Hoenn.
"I think I'll bring Radar, Dewgong, and Noctowl with me and Flareon." Keshia said. Gathering up her pokemon, she prepared to leave.

In Hoenn, Gold was wondering why he didn't cchallenge Hoenn before.
"Oh well, at least I got to make a lot of friends in Johto. I wonder if I'll see them again." He left for New Bark town, equipted with all his pokemon.

In Sinnoh, Crystal was still getting laughed at by her brother.
"Okay hot shot. If you think you're so tough, how about you battle Jen?" Crystal asked. That shut him up.
"Be nice to Keith, he suffered a loss in the competition, so go easy on him." Their mother said.
"Don't tell me, he was the one who started it!" Crystal said.
"That goes for Keith too." She said.
"I'm going out for awhile okay?" Crystal said, then left. However, she took her pokemon and enough supplies to last her for awhile, and was headed for Hoenn.
"Glad to be away from him." Crystal said.
Five days, and no one wanted to be coordinator, I can't wait to tell my brother!

Name: Rikki
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Pokemon: Ralts
Style: Long, very curley light blonde hair, green eyes, gold gloves, brown furry boots, red jacket, blue shirt, silver pants
1st reply by meeeeeeeeeee
anyway i can't wait for it!!!!!!!!!!our travels continue yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
but why another girl???gold will be upset i think.....i wouldn't mind if it was a boy
Shot in the dark, but are you at all excited about this?
well,to say the truth,i don't like blond girls.....they seem stupid.... thank God i'm not blond
i also wanted to ask,why didn't you put yourself in the story???we could travel all together!!
Who do you think Chris is?
huh???you mean chris is you???WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY IT EARLIER????????????
I THOUGHT IT WAS OBVIOUS!!! I said in Chris' Tale that it was my day dream, and the main character was my day dreamed avatar
i may didn't see it.....
Okay, either I get started on this, or it will turn into a chat thread between me and LuXray

Chapter 1: "Hey dad, I'm off now." Jen said.
"Good luck, and bring home another win, okay?" Chris said.
"Okay, but it might be hard since Pidgeot is staying to train here." Jen said.
"Don't worry, I'll train him really well." Chris said.
We are staying as well. It was great travelling with you, but we are going to stay home this time Umbreon said.
I understand, but I'll miss you two Jen said. After that, she went out the door, on her way to the nearest harbor to go to Hoenn.
So, how do you think you'll meet your friends this time?
I don't know Gallade, but you didn't surprise me Jen said.
Darn Gallade said.

"One ticket to Hoenn please." Keshia said. She was at Vermillion city, getting ready to start her new adventure.
"Sure thing, but what about your friend there?" The man asked. Puzzled, Keshia turned around and saw Glaceon at her heels.
"Guess I shouldn't have left you behind, huh? She is with me." Keshia said, picking up Glaceon.

"Where am I suppossed to go again?" Gold asked himself. "Oh yeah, New Bark town, how could I forget?"

"Why do you feel the need to sneak out of the house every time you are going on a new adventure?!?"
"Sorry mom, but you would have stuck me with him this time, admit it." Crystal said. She was on the boat, talking to her mother on the phone.
"Maybe I would have, but what is so bad about traveling with family?" Her mom asked.
"He really annoys me. Speaking of which, where did he decide to go now?" Crystal asked.
"He went to Kanto, if you must know."
"Ouch, angry much? Oh, I got to go mom, the boat is docking." Crystal said.

"So, this is New Bark town is it?" Jen said.
Calm, peaceful, quaint Gallade said.
Those are the first three words that come to mind Jen said.
"So, did you think you would be going anywhere without me?" Jen turned around and hugged her friend Keshia.
"Great minds think alike I supposse." Keshia said.
"Yeah, and Hoenn is a big place, so we should get started soon." Jen said.
"Where do we get registered?" Keshia asked.
"I think over there." Jen said, pointing at a building. They went over and got registered together, then went to get lunch.
"Where to first?" Keshia asked.
"If I'm reading this right, the nearest gym is in Petalburg, northwest of here." Jen answered.
"Pity Pidgeot stayed behind." Keshia said.
"Yeah, I'm going to miss him." Jen said. A girl of 10 entered the resturant, with a Ralts on her shoulder, and looked around.
"Wonder who or what she is looking for." Jen said. Keshia turned and saw her, then shrugged. The girl's eyes wandered to them, then she walked over.
"Excuse me, are you perhaps Jen?" She asked.
"Depends on the situation." Jen said, to the amusement of Keshia.
"My name is Rikki, and my older sister is unfortunantly Maya." Rikki said.
"Wait, the same Maya who thought she could beat Chris?" Keshia asked.
"That's my dear old sister." Rikki said in a sarcastic tone.
"Say I was Jen, what would you want with me?" Jen asked.
"I wanted to apologize for my sister's behavior." Rikki said.
"Are you sure she is the older one?" Jen asked.
"She gets full of herself at times, but that was just crazy and insulting." Rikki said.
"That it was to my dad." Jen said.
"So you are the champs daughter. I was wondering, could I travel with you awhile?" Rikki asked.
"Um, I don't know. Keshia, what do you think?" Jen asked.
"She seems okay to me, why not?" Keshia said.
"I guess your coming with us." Jen said.
"Great, you won't regret it. I feel I should point out, however, that I too am a coordinator." Rikki said.
"Great! Less time it takes to move from gym battle to gym battle." Keshia said. They finished eating and left for Oldale town, when on the outskirts of the town, they saw two familiar faces.
"Hey Gold! Crystal!" Jen and Keshia shouted. That got their attention, and they turned around and yelled back for them to hurry up.
"Tipical Crystal. She doesn't wait for anyone, not even close friends." Jen said while running.
"About time we meet up. I'll have you know I was looking everywhere in Oldale twon for you two." Crystal said.
"We weren't in Oldale town. We were getting registered in New Bark town, then got lunch and a new traveling companion." Keshia said, pointing at Rikki.
"Hello. My name is Rikki, and I hope we can get along." Rikki said.
"Well, keep up that politeness and we should be the best of friends." Crystal said.
"I find it wierd that I have become a male trainer in a group with four other female trainers." Gold said.
"Oh, Rikki isn't a trainer. She's a coordinator." Jen said.
"Well, less time to wait for matches, right?" Gold said.
"My thinking exactly." Keshia said.
"Well then, shall we get started?" Jen asked.
Just curious, but why doesn't my post count go up after I post these chapters? If it did, I could make Senior Member easy
Nice part!But,I think you've done a mistake.New Bark town is in johto.I think you wanted to say littleroot.
Wow, um I don't know. You were the only one to vote for me to stop writing my fan fiction stories when I posted that poll, so you can understand why I'm not completely willing to let you in right away. LuXray, golden charizard, what do you two think?
Kala rey you put a poll and staraptor didn't like the old jen so he voted negative you shound't take decisions by criticizing them from this poll...
my brother hadn't even read jen's travels.he just voted no cuz he's an idiot
well that doesn't sound like a yes. And he should have read my story before voting in the first place.
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