Legendary Pokémon

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Thank you !I thought no one would like it,but you guyz do!
kk,and chapter 5:

Are you ready Celebi?Are you ready Glory?OK,here we go!We got in the gym.
It was quite scary there.But suddenly a light appeared.A woman stood in front of me.
-Are you a trainer?
-Then.Come with me....
She brought me to a battle room: a big orange room-with photos of normal pokemon on the walls.
-OK,as a gym leader,I accept your challenge.Zigzagzoon,GO!
-Ack!Go Celebi!
-Where did you find a Celebi?
-Pr.Noris gave it to me....
-A.OK then.Lets continue.
-Ziggy,attack with tackle!
-Celebi,avoid it!
-Damn again,my pokemon flinched!
-Celebi,it ours chance!Hit the zigzagzoon with natural power!!!
-Natural what?Oh no!"Ziggy" fainted at once.
I cant believe it....I -I-I defeated a gym leader!The badge is ours!I-I dont believe it!
-Take this...Its the ypio badge.
-And take this too.Its a bike.
-A bike?
-Yes-I see you are very tired till there.You came from the Building huh?
-How do you know?
-Dont bother...You are safe,dotn worry.I just know ...You have to rush now.
-There is a hole bunge of criminals around here.You have to rush to Candylake city.
-Mmmm-sounds tasty..
-Yes,indeed.Now,go on!
My 1st badge was gloing in my hands.Celebi was very proud-Glory too.Now we ar eon our way to Candylake city,the city which supposed to be a legend city....

Comments please!!Smile
i like the plot very much, although i think that you hurry very much when you write. dont hurry, because that makes the reader hurry too when they read. What I like very much are the names you have chosen... they are very good, truly! and the idea of the normal type gym was also good, but dont you think she leader was a bit weak? anyway,
i am looking forward to read the nexr chapter!! good work so far...(that leader was a bit suspicious too ....)
Superb!Big Grin
- YOU!
- YOU!
- ME!!!
- ME!!!

I laughed! Big Grin And Candylake sounds really tasty... :9 Be careful with caries, though! xD
Hey, Mirka, you let me curious... After what do you name the cities and the region´s name? I named my "fanfiction" region Midori ´cause I wasn´t with any good idea and Midori is "green" on japanese (and looks a nice word too xD)
I am preparing a map of Astreon Region. I will post the next chater this afternoon,beacuse I have to study now Sad .Anyway,you will be very suprised by the ......... (cant say...)of Rose's and........(cant say Wink )
KK,I finished studying!You will have Astreon΄s picture today too!^^Now here is chapter..em...7,I think.lol

We have been walking all day and all night.I am very curious,beacuse there arent any wild pokemon or trainers here.Whatever.My Celebi will be better this way.And now...
-Celebi,Glory,look!!!There is a sign says Candylake city ,500 metres away.But...There isn anything that looks like a city at least 5 miles in front of us!!!!
-I think we should continue walking.What do you say?Celebi winked;Maybe I must get out Glory too.She is lonely there.So,I did it.
Finally we arrived at that spot the city "supposed" to be.There isnt anything here...
-Glory,why you are digging the ground?Glory "fights",and "fights",untill,she finds a stone thing on the ground.....
-What is this?Celebi,curious as always,decides to push it.
-Celebi?Celebi had opened a trap-door.
-beeeeeeee! (Celebi does bee som times...)
-Come on Glory!lets jump!
We did it.And guess where did thetrap door came from.
-Celebi,you did it!You found Candylake!Thanks Glory!Without you,we would be still upstairs!Glory sparkled happily.
-Excuse me young girl...There was an old lady that talked.
-Yes.Come with me please.
-Where are we going!
-You will see.And you will like it.
-(I think pr. told that.I hope this lady isnt a criminal)
-Ok,dear,now look!
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was in front of me,Celebi and Glory!Candylake city!Lets describe it:Candylake city has of course a big lake,which is filled with candy,like chocolates,ice creams,jellys and much much more!There is also a waterfall,that fills the lake with candy.A pokecenter and a pokemart are next to the waterfall.There is a candystore near the pokecenter.A pokemon gym deep deep in the city,and some houses.All these in a big,BIG,ENORMOUS cave.
-Are you happy dear?You found us!You deserve congratsulations!
-Oh,yes.Move on,explore the city.And have a bath in the lake too.There is a hotel in a house,so you can have a bath.
-KK!Bye!Thanks for bringing me here!
I didnt explore the city;I would do it later.Now...
-Ready Celebi,ready Glory?Ok,lets jump!We got into the lake,and started eating,swimming,and etc.It was SO fun!BUT:
-What is it Celebi?I didnt understand,but Glory did.She dove and reached Celebi,which was pushing,heating and biting a stone -again-I dove too,and I reached them.It may seemed too,but I think that I saw the lady smiling suspiciously...
-Celebi...Glory?They had dissappeared.And suddnly,I did so.IN the candy...The candy pulled us down.I saw Celebi's head and Glory's tail for a moment.Then everything turned black....

Scary huh?Tell me if you want me to continue to chapter 8.And,do I describe the battles nice?
Wow, I'm curious about what will happen next.
Well at least Celebi is weak
p eic mirka? perimenoume t sinexeia! mn mas kratas se agonia!
KK:here it comes!
We were sitting in the dark for 2 hours.But sauddenly,that old cow came again.
-Come with me.
-KK,dont yell!
-Now...Candylake is a legend city.So,there is a legend here,and you will learn about it now...
-Here it is!The BLazio's cave! (if you have read the thread η φημη του αιωνα,you will know about Blazio.I fnot,I will tell about him at the end)
-Yes,but she isnt here now.She is..em...no one knows.
-OK,thats not the subject.
-Er.er...er...relax dear..
-NO I wont!
-I am out of here!
-Oh,my...you dont know how
-Yes..but you will tell me!
-O-O-O why would I do that?
-OK then.Celebi,attack!
-NO NO NO!Whatever you say!
-Just climb the candy.
-...oh my....
Finally,we were up.I would challenge the gym leader,but it turned out that the gym leader was ded,and the gym was empty.So,we left.FINALLY ...But there was one thing that I couldnt understand.Where was Blazio?And why did that woman bring me there?
It isnt quite big.But if you dont know Blazio she is a dragon,which is orange and black.Type:dragon,fire.She looks like a dragon,and she is.You will understand later.She is a created ancient pokemon that dont exists in the other regions,only at this.And it is my creature!^^
Quite well-written fanfic but to be honest I don't really like the idea of a fake pokemon... Oh well, that's your fanfic, I'll see later
An add to that chapter:info abot Blazio.Not part of the story.
I created Blazio when I was bored.I took a pen and a paper and I drew a dragon.I named her Blazio.She is orange-black,and is a dragon.A normal dragon.Not a pokemon like i said.A dragon,that used to protect Candylake,but not anymore.You will learn about it in the next chapter ^^.It cant be caught.You must earn her respect to be her friend.She doesnt fight to attack;only to protect someone.She has no moves,no species,but she is kind of c-o-o-l.lol
bravo (read and mine plz its the attack of Deozard)
nice! Well, I liked very much what you said about that dragon...(that you have to gain its trust and such..) will you show us a picture of it as well? I am waiting to see also the Region map... keep writing!!!
Keep it up. I like it more and more.
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