Legendary Pokémon

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Suddenly,an earthquake happened!The hole temple started to move.
-Quick,lets go!!!!
-RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!We got out soon enough.Behind us,the temple was destroyed.
-Phew...What happe-
-Dont move!
-Eh?said Tony
-I said DONT MOVE!!!A man was yelling.He was holding a strange pokeball.
-Hey,shut up,leave from here,now!said Cellon
-Oh ya,who is going to make me?
-Me!i said.Well,I must have a battle!
-Muhahahhahahaha!You think you can win me and my team?Girat,Sallop,Spon,come here!Two women and one man came.They were dressed in green,the women were wearing also white hats.
-Muhahahahaha,you think you can deafeat Team Freshia?
-Go Xatu!Then I called my pokemon out.
-Oh,dear,said that man.
-Hey,said a woman,probably Sallop,where on earth did you find that...We will take that..
-Myuuuu!Mew seemed angry,and then used Psychic on Mudkip,which fainted.
-Beee,beee be!Celebi used Giga Drain,and absorbed some of the energy that Poochyena had.
-Ouuu ou...Absol used whirlwind,and Xatu got back to its pokeball.
-Pika,pika chu!!!Pika used Thunderbolt at Zubat,which fainted.
-Tiu tiu tiu!Glory used thunder fang at Poochyena.It fainted.
-Wow,....How did they do all these things without my command?
-It seems that they liked Crystal and they sure love Mew,so they wanted to protect it!
-Heh,come back darlings.
-That cant be...yelled the man,give us that Mew,give us that MEW!
-OH YA?Come and get it!
Wait for the next part!Smile
Will this man attack you? Oh BTW great job there mirka.Wink
all your pokemon attacked together it doesnt look very real anyway keep working
WOW!!!!I didnt have time to read your fanfic before but now that we dont have school i read it all and i thinK that it is amazinG!!!!Celebi FTW!!Keep g00d worK mirkA!!
nc work! continue!!
Thanks everybody!I will post again on Saturday,-stupid school-,so see ya till then!

P.S.deozard,they attacked all together to protect Mew!Smile Aw,that was adorable Toungue
I can post a small part,now:
The man seems very very VERY angry.He looks at Mew all the time,and then looks at me,Cellon and Tony.Suddenly,he attacks!But thank God,he missed us.
-Argh,como'n Due,you are attacking to kids,said the man.
-AAAAA,screames,eeer,Due.Then he attacks again.This time,he fell on Cellon.
-Hey,leave from here,leave my brother!yells Tony
-AAAAAA,Due screams again,attacking Tony this time.He missed.
-Watch out Cellon,I screamed too,he is coming to you again!Cellon made it and got out a strange pokeball,a timer ball.
-Agh,go,Freed!A Tyranitar,appeared.The man fell on Tyranitar,which doestn look very happy .
-Freed,use Hyperbeam on Due!
-AAAACK!Due fell down,"fainted"
-Oh-oh...!Lets go,run run run run!yelled the other three.
-Hey,wait!Come back,now!
-We are not suckers,said one of them,and they ran to the city.
-Cellon,are you OK?Tony went next to Cellon
-Uh..yes I think so...
-All right,lets go,we must hurry!
-Myuuuu....Myyuuu!Mew shows us a path
-Mew,we cant go there,Cellon is hurt!
-It is OK;go alone,you do not need us anymore!said Tony smiling
-NO,I cant leave you here!
-You can,and you must leave now.
-We will meet you again one day,said Cellon,and I think that would be soon!
-Ar,alright then,....Bye,and thanks for everything!
-No problem,now,hurry,they said together.I said "Bye" again,and left.

I wonder when I will meet them again.Cellon said it would be soon...Anyway,now I am on my way to the unkown,in deep mountains,with team Freshia after me.
Wait again tommorow!:POr today maybe.See ya!
Great job there mirka.Wink
wow again and again and again
We have been walking for hours.Night has come,and I cannot see any city in front of us.
-Sigh...Where is our tent?
-Beee...Celebi is almost asleep
-Myuuu....So does Mew.And all my pokemon.
-Huh?A small Eevee appeared.It is great,it seems like a brown fox!
-Ee-vee,said Eevee again.It tries to smile,but now I can see it is hurt.
-Oh,dear,Glory,come here,and you too Dargon,Mew,Celebi,Pika,you too!
-Tiuuu!They came quickly.Celebi is sitting on my shoulder,so does Pika.Mew is sitting on my head.Dragon and Glory are next to me.
-Pika?Pika winked at Eevee.
-Come here little one,come here!Eevee seems to trust us.It doesn't get away.
-Ee-vee...On its back,there is a purple sign.It was poisoned!
-Eevee,do you want to come with us?It did not hear me...It fainted.
-Oh,dear...I-I...What can we do?
-Myuuu!Mew shows me the valley.I notice that there is a small town.
-Quick let's rush there!
-Excuse me!said a voice.It is coming from the bushes!
-No,do not worry,I am a trainer!said a voice again.A young boy appeared.
-Want to have a battle?
-I don't know,I must get this Eevee to that town.
-What,to Flame City?It is a great town!
-It is small,I can see.
-WHAT!?the boy seems angry.It is not small,he replied,go there and see!
-Will we have this battle?
-Ack,stop it,and shut up already!Eevee is in a bad condition!
-Fine,we will use only one Pokemon.Go,Onix!
-Whatever...Go,Mew!Mew standed up.It was almost asleep on my head!
-Mew,I whisper to it,please lets end this battle quickly.Eevee is going to die,it is too poisoned!
-Myuuu!Mew looks at me,then looks to the boy.
-I start first,I start first,yells the boy,Onix,use Rock Slide!
-Mew,avoid it!Mew did.Now,Mew,use Psychic!
-Myuuuu!!Mew did it,it hit Onix,but it did not faint.
-Ack,lets try again...Draon,go,Mew come back!For Mew,come back seems to mean "Come back to my hug"but,it sees that I hold Eevee,and prefers to sleep in my bag,It is too tired.
-Onix,Rock Slide again!Onix hit Dragon,but Dragon was not hurt too much.But it flinched!
-Onix,use Crunch!This time,Dragon fainted.
-Oh..no!Dragon,come back,go,Mew!Mew returned to battle,full of energy.
-Mew,use Psychic!Mew did,this time,Onix was defeated.
-Nooooo!Onix,poor Onix...
-Bye now.I must go.I look at Eevee.Is it a girl or a boy?
-Hey,little boy,can you tell me something?
-Is this Eevee a female or a male one?
-A female.When you are done,come back,this area is filled with rare Pokemon such as
Steelixs and Eevees.
We arrived at the city.The boy was right,the place is huge!We were too far,and it seemed very small.
-Where the Pokemon Center?I asked an old lady.
-What do you want it?The woman seems not to trust me...
-I have this little Eevee.She is too poisoned,she will die if I dont do something!
-Oh,dear!OK,the Center is there,down the street.
-Thank you!Quick,lets run!
-Huh?The woman seemed to be confused.When she saw my Pokemon following me,she almost fainted!
-Phew...Here we are.Where is Joy?
-Right here honey!
-Chans-ey!A Chansey was following her,carrying a little Pidgey.
-Now...What do you want me?She is very kind,and seems very happy.
-I have this little one,I say,and I give her Eevee.
-Oh,my god,it is the worst case I have seen,she whispers.
-Can you make her all right again?I do not want to lose her.
-Is she yours?
-No...I found her at a path.
-A path?Where?I show her where did I find Eevee.
-Argh..Team Freshia again..They take wild Pokemon and absorb their energy with cruel way.
-Anyway,can you make her OK?She is suffering.
-Yes,yes,wait a minute.She says something at Chansey,which seems confused.
-Chans-ey!Finally,it understood!Then they dissapeared in a door.

I am waiting for 3 hours.I am so worried...I remember Eevee's eyes.They seemed to be full of tears.When I see Team Freshia again,I will...
-Ready!Joy came happy.She is all right now,but you must take care of her.
-She is still a wild pokemon..Can I catch her?
-Don't ask me!Ask her!Eevee looks at me.She is very happy!
-What do you say Eevee?Want to join our journey?
-Ee-vee!She says happily.She jumbs from Joy's hands down.
-OK,then!I picked a pokeball,and threw it her.She was "caught"!
-How will you name her?asks Joy.
-That is a nice name!Also...
-Take this,it is a Pokefree.It is a map,mobile,and also shows your Pokemon moves!
-Wow,thank you!
-Here is my number,says Joy,call me when you nees me!She smiles.
-Is there a Gym Leader in this town?
-Yes,there is,Jogon.He is a fire-type user.
-Thank you Joy,thanks!You did many things for us!
-No problem!she smiles
-Chans-sey!Chansey does too.
-I have to go now!See you!

-What do you say girls and boys?Do you want to battle the leader?
-Bee bee!Celebi winked happily.
-Myuuu!Mew smiled
-Sol-A-bsol!Dragon started jumping.
-Pika-pika-pikachu!Pika laughed
-Ee-vee!Espy jumped on me
-Tiu tiuuuu!Glory hugged my feet
-OK then,lets go!!!

Wait for the next part!Toungue
Good one Mirka. It was big too.
nc work Big Grin
Very g00d!eevee huh??great...i hope this will become an umbreon...xDD
Heh,maybe,but,in Astreon....Muhahahaha!Well,you dont need to "migrate" pokemon from "GBA" cards,they are all there!I mean,Espeon and stuff exist,it is something like:5th Generation.LOL!Toungue
-OK,lets go!The Pokemon Gym is a few metres away.We are getting in,but,there are a lot of people here!
-What is happening!
-Ee-vee!Espy is scared.
-One-by-one please!Dont rush!A woman is speaking and she seems very angry.
-Um,can I challenge the leader?I ask her
-The leder?Oh,yes Jogon.Come with me.
-What are all these people doing here?
-Pff,there is a scientist there,and he is talking about his best friend's new Pokemon.
-What is its...
-I think it is called Mewtwo...But I dont believe him.I believed Jaky.
-A woman-scientist who came yesterday.She was talking about a Pokemon which lives at Legend Forest , and it is called Suicune.
-Suicune?My mum was telling me stories about it!
-Yes-Oh,here we are;Jagon is there,go ahead!I will be waiting here.
-OK!I walk in this dark room.I am worried about Espy.I wont let her battle,I will train her a little more.
-Come here!Come here!Sorry for the mess!says a man.Is he Jogon?Someone turned on the lights.The place is beautiful!It has glass walls,and red rocks at the back side;A chair which sits Jogon.The sun goes in from the glass walls.
-I am here.Can we battle?
-Of course young!With how many Pokemon?
-Three.I am full of confidence;Ι wont lose!
-Go Mew!
-A M-mew!Hrph..Sally use Ember!Mew was hit,but fortunately it did not faint.
-Mew,use Psychic!Ponyta was hit and fainted.
-Nice,says nervously Jogon,now lets change Pokemon.Go,Flareon!
-OK,I attack first...Hm,Espy,quick attack!Flareon was hit.
-Argh,Flareon,use fire blast!
-Oh,no!Espy was hit and fainted...
-He he...
-A Celebi!Ehem,Flareon,use Ember!
-Celebi,avoid it!Phew,Celebi did...We are in a good way!Celebi,I continue,use Psychic!
-NO!Flareon was hit-and fainted.
-Argh...Lets change Pokemon.Go,Charmander!
-Charmander,use Scratch!
-Pika,avoid it!Pika didnt make it and was hit.At least it did not faint.
-Pika,use Thunder Fang!Charmander was hit,and was too tired and flinched.
-It is our chance!Pika!Thunder Fang!Charmander...fainted!I beat the Gym Leader!
-NOOOOOOO NOOO NOOOOO NOOOOO!Ack...here is your badge.And I want to do you a present:Choose one of these pokeballs.
-Um...This one.
-OK,it is a....Swellow!
-When I am beaten,I give a Pokemon to the one who beat me.And take this too.The HMFly!
-Yes,with it you can fly to towns you have visit.
-OK,now...Go!You must leave,I must prepare for the next challenger.
-OK,see you!

The woman is still waiting.
-What happened?Did you beat him?
-Yes!Yes!And he gave me one Pokemon!
-A Swellow right?
-How did you know?!
-He always gives that Pokemon,and you must be lucky,only one pokeball has a pokemon.
-Give me your Pokegear,...here is my number,we will meet each other again someday.
-Heh,...Thanks,and by the way,my name is Rose!
-Mine is Lapin. (lapin in french means bunny)
-See you!

Out it is raining.There is a hotel here-phew,I cant stay in the rain!I run there.
-Hello!Says one young boy at my age.Can I help you?
-Yes,I need a room,and a bit of care for my Pokemon.
-Live it to me.He left and went in a room.He came back in a minute.
-Thanks!Where is my room?How much does it cost?
-Its free!OK,your room number is...899,at 15th floor.
-OMG,so many floors!OK;thanks!
After 5 minutes I arrived at my room.There are 6 armchairs,1 for humans and 5 for pokemon.There is a bed,a fireplace,and...3 big windows!You can see the hole town from here!The fireplace is full of woods,and it is on.
-Phew...We can rest,at last...Go out Pokes!They are all out.
-Myuuu!Mew seems to enjoy sitting on the armchair.
-Bee-bee!Celebi likes to lie at the bed,so does Pika and Glory.
-Ab-sol!Dragon likes sitting at its armcair.
-Sew-llow!Swellow seems to enjoy the view.
-Ee-vee....Espy likes sitting at my hug.
-OK,lets rest,and continue our adventure tommorow!
Hope you like it!
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