Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Adventures in Astreon region
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Nice^^!I am wondering how did pr. found Rosy....
Yay,you like it!

We finally arrived at Mir.Town.It is a happy place indeed.But,um,it,is,am,er....
-The place is...destroyed....
There was a TV open,in a shop.We ran towards it."A big earthquake destroyed the city Mir.Town.Soon...bez be zbebzzzz"The TV singal had probably fell....
-So,this is..a ...ghost town?
-Dont worry,Celebi,its ok.
-Huh? There was a shadow...there,at a wall.
-OMG!Run!!!We quickly run,and went to the other side of the city..
-Was..that...a ghost?A zombie?
-Dont attack!Help me!There was a girl,a young girl,probably 5-7 years old.She was trapped under a destroyed house,and was probably hurt.
-Ok.Glory,dig!Glory dug and dug,and finally the trapped girl got out.
-Where are your parents?
-....She looked at me for one moment,and then she started crying.
-Oh,dont cry...Whats up?
-I dont know....!I dont know!They left!Where are they!Mum!Dad!
-Oh,my...Where did your parents go?
-I dont know....My granny lives in Legend town....MUM!DAD!
-Where are they?Mommy,daddy....
-Dont worry,I heard that all the people went to Legend town.Your parents must be there.
-But Legend Town,is far away,behind the mountains,and who knows how fa..oh...MUMMY!DADDY!The little girl was shocked.She was crying ,untill she fell down.But then,a strange light appeared from Glory.She was evolving!Finally,she baceme a luxio.
-Neat!Can you carry the little girl maybe?She is unconscious.
-Tiutiotouuu!She seemed to agree.
-OK,then.I put the girl in her back.
Dear,oh dear..I have an unconscious child in my hands.At least,there arent any trainers outside...I must hurry.If I get to Legend Town soon,the girl will see her parents again.
Um,do you like it?And you will soon learn why,Glory evolved without being trained.Smile
i lost some episodes who is glory? mpravo for the continue
Glory is the past shinx,the now luxio Smile
Very good one. At last, an evolve.
shinx luxio? 4th gen too bad i dont have
nc! but what happened with the candylake town? didn't you get the badge? anyway, good work! keep writing!
The way to Legend Town is very tiring....I dont think we can get there soon enough.
-Be be beee!A picacu!Finally,a wild pokemon!
-Lets try and get it Celebi!
-Be be!
-Absorb!Celebi hitted Pikachu,and drained some of its energy.I threw a pokeball quickly.
One...two...three....YES!I got it!I named the pikachu Pika.
-Ack....eck..ock..ick....The little girl had woke up.
-Are you OK?
-Where am I...?OH,a pikachu!
-PIKA PIKA?!The girl quickly hugged pikachu.
-Aw...pikachus are so cute....
-Pika pika!Pikachu winked.
-Comon,lets go.
-I want to tell you something...About Legend Town.
-I hear.
-There is a legendary pokemon there.And a dragon.My mind flew to Blazia.
-Yes,there is a temple where a Pokemon called...m...e...m-m something....
-Oh,yes,a pokemon called Mew.
-Mew...?Is it a cat?
-No,it a pink,cute,adorable,flying,psych kitty!Her eyes was glowing.
-Wel,what about the dragon?
-The dragon is called....em...what was it now.....Maria,Luigia,....Blazia,Rosia...
-Lets go,now.
-Listen:I dont know what could happen up here.There is a team called team Freshia around,and if they find us....
-They will kill us.
-They are not here.But we must hurry to Legend Town.
-OK...Can I hold your Pikachu?
-Her name -it was a girl- is Pika.
-OK!Can I hold Pika?
-Of course!I smiled to her.
-Thanks!she hugged Pika,and Pika sighed.
-Dont worry Pika,we will arrive in a few hours...
-Pika-pika chu....she sighed and laughed.
It is too short.But....Smile
wow cool team Freshia mew blazia its realy cool put and a role on Tony from my fanfic
nc Big Grin i like it...keep writing!
Superb, keep writing. I'm sure it will be the best fanfic that I have seen.

Is the pikachu the Mew?
No,the Mew wont be caught that easy!Toungue
Also,you can sent me a PM,to tell me if you want me to add you as a character,telling me the name.Thanks for the comment Celebi!!!Smile Smile Smile
I told you Tony is the name im waiting the continue
OK;now here is the continue! Smile
Finally,after 4 hours of walking -and 4 hours full of the sighness of Pika beacuse of the little girl-we arrived in Legend Town.THE PLACE ROCKS!There are houses made of crystals,a glass pokemon center,a marble pokemon gym,a...what is that!?
-Tiu.....A marble,crystal,saphire,emerald,pearl,diamond,rubin,verd antique,big,beautiful temple!
-Ya like it dear?
-Huh?! There was something there....that didnt much the rest of the scenery.A hip-hop-something-dressed like old,very old lady.
-Nah,dont worry dude.Let my dughter speak to you-I am off,to my hip-hop dancing lessons.Yo yo yo,bye!She called a Staravia and left.
-Oh,are you all right?A girl,probably in my age,dressed in a white long dress,with crystals and diamonds on her head,was talking.
-Yes....I am fine I suppose.Listen,do you know where are the parents of this little girl,they came with the other people.
-With the othe...Oh...I am sorry...she said,and fell down like the little girl,and started crying.
-Where are they?She showed me a green-like paper,that wrote:"People of Legend Town,the humans that you are waiting to arrive wont come.We have took them to our secret base.No one can save them..Only one pokemon,that we will take in the future to create a planet,a planet full of green! Team Freshia"
-OH,dear!MEW!Where is it?!she screamed.The people,where are they!What pokemon,what secret base,what planet,what Freshia like thing!
-Um,I dont know,but...
-Dont speak,please...I will meditate to find them.She started doing "mmmmmm" and closed her eyes.She was saying "mmmmmmmmm" for over an hour.
-Gotcha!They are in Graspsy lake!
-Thats imposible!I was in Graspsy lake yesterday!
-Well,they are there.
-Well,now,you will be the girl that will save Astreon.
-Me?You are joking!I have 3 pokemon,only 1 badge,I am untrained,I....
-Yes,yes...Come with me.
-OK,relax,dont scre.
-Damn,I forgot the little girl!
-Wait,I will stop her.By the way,my name is Crystal.
-Nice to meet you,Rose.
-Now,Rose,wait here,I will stop her.She sad,and run towards the girl.
-Sigh...Celebi,Pika,Glory, come out.
-Bee bee!
-Pika pika chu!
-Tiuoui oiu!
-Now,we will fight the team freshia.Are you ready?
-OK!The girl fell on me,and I got the chance to get her.
-Phew...That was too close.Anyway,lets meet you my brothers,Tony,and Cellon.
-Nice to meet you!
-Nice to meet you!
-Nice to meet you!
-Ha ha ha...That was funny.Well,we are going to catch it!And...well,not we.You.
-A!You are joking!I...dont..deserve Mew...
-Its ok,said Crystal.You dont need to deserve it.We will go to it as a team,and try to catch it , give it to you,and train you in order to deafeat team Freshia!
-You went to far,Crystal,I said,and I laughed.
-Now,let us change clothes.
-Ok,I am waiting!I was very very very excited.I would get a Legendary Pokemon!10 minutes pashed,and they came back.Crystral was wearing a white T-Shirt with the sign of a shiny pokeball,blue trousers,gloves with no fingers,trainers and a shiny belt,which had a small skitty idol on it.The boys were wearing green T-shirts.jeans,trainers.
-Rose,lets go!We will go to the Psychic Temple.
-That marble,crystal,diamond etc made of temple.
-Oh...Is there the Mew?
-Yes,the books say so,Tony said....
-And if Team Freshia tells it exists...said Cellon...
-Then we will find it...sid Crystal....
-Together,you,and we!they said toghether.Then we started laughing.
-OK,I said,lets go!!
Is there the Mew?What is team Freshia up to?You will learn!Smile
Very good. Thank you! Smile
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