Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Adventures in Astreon region
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Great.Wink Nice work.
Hehe thanks!I will try to post many things today!Smile
-Aaaagh!!!Ah,that was a good sleep...Wasnt it Espy?Espy is still idling on the bed.It is a very funny view:Her fur is all messed up,she is one with the blanket,and she is yawning!
-Ee-vee...!She finallly wakes up.
-How are you little one?I hug her.She is still to weak to walk...
-Myuuuu!Mew falls on Espy.They begin playing on the blanket.Celebi joins them,so does Pika,Glory,Swellow and Absol.hey are a colourful blanket mass!
-Ha ha,stop it,you may get hurt!But they dont listen to me;Well,I have a trick!
-OK,lets go to eat!
-He he,first lets dress.I will wear my clothes,but there are some others clothesin the wardrobe...There are ribbons,and blankets!
-Hm...Espy,come here!Swellow,can you bring her here?
-Sw-ellow!Swellow winks,and brings me Espy.
-I will call you Fluf;Do you agree?
-Swe-loow!Fluf winks happily
-OK,then...Espy,let me wear you this.It is a white ribbon,it looks very well on Espy!
-There.Are you happy little?
-Celebi,wear this!A pink-green ribbon.
-Do you like it?
-Bee!!I gave all my pokemon white ribbons,exept Draon,I gave him a blue one.They look very cute!
-OK,lets go for breakfast!
We are at the reception,but,I cant see anyone exept from the boy I met yesterday!
-Oh,there you are!Come with me!
-But.!We arrived at the balcony.The sun lights it and it is really beautiful!There are 6 trainers,with their Pokemon.
-Here is your table,miss,he says smiling.
-What will you order?
-Hm,I will get cereal and orange juice...
-Yes?What will your Pokemon take?
-Eer..Um,Espy,what would you like?Oh,silly,me,she doesnt talk...!
-Ee-vee!She winks happily,andd shows the boy some candies there are on the catalog.
-Oh,missy,you are going to take the FruitFresh candies?he says laughing
-Vee-ee!laughs Espy
-How about you,pokes,i ask the rest,the same with Espy?
-They all agree,I think,he says,looking at my Pokemons' faces.
-OK,then,how does it cost?
-Free!he yells happily.I start to think he has psichological problems!
-Ee-vee!Espy starts crying;her eyes become wet at once.
-Espy,whats up!Why you are crying little?
-Ee-vee!Vee-ee!Espy starts laughing,she did a trick to us!
-He he,you are very funny!Good one Espy!
-Myuuu!says Mew happily and all the other Pokemon seem to be happy too.
-Here is your breakfast!!!!!Suddenly the boy appears.
-Ack!Please,dont appear so suddenly!
-He he,sorry!
-OK,Pokes,lets eat!Then we will continue our journey!+

As I am eating,I think many things...That woman said something about Suicune,Mewtwo...Do these pokemon appear?If Mewtwo and Mew are awake...I,dont know what will happen,they havent got good relationship...!!!And,will the legend...come....true?
Good one. Keep going.Toungue
Very g00d but...u have 7 pokemon?
Ack,seven?!I must be careful,and imagine that nrse.Joy keeps Pokemon!Toungue
o.O mirka are u dead?hihi..j/k!!!ooo come on im waiting for the next chapter.im sure it wiil be great like me!LOL LOL LOL
I think it will be..Legies BATTLING WOOO!But I will post it in da afternoon,(not the battle,we have 1-2 chapters till then Toungue)
"-We are ready!
-OK,put it on the machine.
-Go ahead,what are you waiting?!
-OK,dont yell!
-Shut up little one,your turn is next!
-OK,Sallop.The Salamence is ready,here is its energy.
-Shut up!OK,get it back to the valley.Prepare the Eevee!
-Argh,shut up!
-It is ready,here it is its energy.
-OK,get it back to the path!Next!...."

-Huh,what is it Espy?
-Ee-vee...Espy cries!Why?
-Calm down Espy,it is OK,calm down!
-What?Do you want to go?OK,...Hey,you,the bill!
-Free,replies that boy -with his ridicilous smile.
-Um,OK,lets go pokes.
-Oh,please don't cry,calm down,it's OK now!
-Vee...Espy looks miserable.But,she was happy a while ago!
-Please don't cry Espy,please don't cry!
-You cant use Hypnosis at Espy...but,um,em...
-OK,do it,she can't cry all day...
-Vee-zzzzz....Espy has fallen asleep.
-Uh,excuse me,I ask the boy,is there a library in this town?
-Oh,yes,it is next to our hotel.

I must search this,I must search this....When Ι was 5 years old,my mother used to tell me a legend."When Mew and Mewtwo face its other,there will be destruction everywhere.All the legendary pokemon will awake,and battle its other.Only one will stop them.So,we wish that doesnt happen"
Mewtwo is awake,and Mew.If they face it other... But,I must search it first;then think.
-Hi,is there a book called "The Legends and Creations"?
-Hm,lets think,says this man...Yes,there is.Would you like to buy it?
-Yes;How much is it?
-500 pokedollars.I have 10.000 with me,I can buy it.
-OK,I will take it.
-Here you are,have a nice day!

OK,lets start.If this book writes this legend,we are lost!
-Oh,Espy,you are fine!
-Hehe!OK,now,would you like to return to your pokeball?
-OK,come back!
-Ok,you can return too.Hm,now let's see...OMG!The book...writes the legend!At least Mewtwo is awake,but is far away.But if Team Freshia brings him here?
I will write more tommorow maybe!Toungue
I dorgot to read it yesterday. Good work. ^^
nc work Big Grin
Just an off-note (or whatever you call it Toungue): what if Espy didn´t evolve to Espeon? xD
Really nice, mirka, and you´re very rich! 10,000 pokedolars!! xD
Is a pokedollar like 1 euro?
Hehe,now it is snowing,and after my legs got frozen,I have time to write!
PS,from "We are ready..." to "Next!..." is Espy's thougts,or maybe...memories.
@Celebi:Maybe,then,I has 10,00 euros 8D lol
-Huh?There is a man yelling.
-What do you want!?Now a young girl is talking.
-Your Vulpix looks nice...Hand it over!I have to hide somewhere-where?
-NOOOOOOOO! NO! NO! N-O!No,not Christy!NO!!I found my hide place,on a tree.I can now see a Team Freshia member!
-Agh,FINE!Give it,or...
-...I am going to shout it!He is aiming at the Vulpix with a gun!
-Enough already!I must do something.
-Stop it!Why you steal Pokemon?
-That is something I can't tell you...
-Argh...OK;You chose the hard way.Celebi,go!
-Celebi,use Psychic!
-Yes,on him.He is the bad guy!Remember?
-OK,finish it now Celebi!
-Hm,you will learn to be a human and not a killer.
-Oh,thanks thanks thanks!
-Hey,no prob-!
-I remembered!That little girl who was looking for her parents is still at Legend Town!
-Nope,she is not...A woman's voice,and I think I have heard it before!
-What the...Crystal!It is Crystal!She is still an angel!
-She is not,Team Freshia has her...
-Crystal...Meanwhile,the little girl with her Vulpix had dissapeared screaming and yelling -the girl- "GHOOOST"
-Find Team Freshia,before disaster comes.She said that and she dissapeared.
-OK,that was strange.Crystal,but,she was...dead!
-Ah.yes,return Celebi...Whee could Team Freshia be?And what was that disaster?
Well,I havent got all that time after all.But,I MUST THINK a name for Team Freshia's hideout...XD
"-Celebi,use Psychic! [there were no enemy pokemon...]
-Yes,on him.He is the bad guy!Remember?

That was funny, lol
You forgot the girl xD. Good work
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