Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Adventures in Astreon region
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lol!I agree with Aluado it was funny!!
Nice work mirka!
great Big Grin keep writing!!!
If you wonder why I have not write for SO long,here is the reason: busy at school...Sad
BUT NOW I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE!*yells*In Saturday I will writ the continu!8D
Happy Easter!^^
A chapter !!! O_____O So rare
My thinking was iderupted (yea,that) by a strong wind.I almost fell off!
-?!?!...I slowly turn my head .But...do I reallly want to see what is that?
"Don't be ridiculous Rose,you don't have to start your adventure with...these...Pokemon!And stop crying and sobbing,dear,Pokemon are not that important to you!!!!"...My mum was telling me that EVERY time I wondered when I would start my adventure.I am 16,the other kids,started at 10,I started 6 years later!But,now,...I-I have to be strong...I HAVE TO BE STRONG!It may be a pokemon...Yes,it is a poke!It must be a...a...Machamp,yes,it is a muchamp...There is only ONE way to learn.I took a big deep breath...And I turned my head,...
....But I wish I hadn't...!!!This....was...so scary ...and-and beautiful,at the same time.
There is a 40metre dragon!A black dragon...BLAZIA!!I remember that crazy lady at that city with the candy lake...
-Graaamph! (imagine this is dragon voice)
-Bu-t-t-t h-oo-w?
-Bee-ee-ee--eee-eee...Celebi is shaking in my hug.It must be so scared,the poor thing.But HOW?I didn't believe the legend,this is the PKMN world!!!
-Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaamph!The dragon slowly comes towards me...Please don't eat me,please don't eat me ...
-Gramph....Blazia put her head down pointing at me.
-Wh-what do you want...?
-Really Celebi?She offers us a ride?
-Hm...O-OK,then....I am walking towareds her.She-she is so big,and tall,...But yet so magical and beautiful...
-Grmp!It's time for the big step.I can do it...I can step at her , she is offering me the ride,I am not forcing her,be strong..."Be strong" that was what my uncle was saying.He wanted me to start a journey....
-A-aa-gh!I did it!I am at her neck!Blazia raises her head.The view is so magical from up here...
-What does she say Celebi?
-Be-ee.bee-bee....Celebi's eyes are wide open.Mine too...
-Gaaaah!We-we WE ARE FLYING!!!!
-Prepare to battle Freshia?
-Beee- beee!
-So...We're heading to their hideout....Neat!

Finally!A chapter!lol
Good one. Why don't you draw Blazia as you imagine her? It will be better.
I have,at previous pages Smile
The wierd thing is that Rose can understand what Celebi says and Celebi can get what Blazia says @_@
Oh yeah lol.
will this story contineun
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