22-06-2008, 01:21 PM
22-06-2008, 02:28 PM
Yes, yes, I wanna see you translating it from Greek to English better than I did... 
Anyway, yes, that's the solution, congrats, blah blah blah.

Anyway, yes, that's the solution, congrats, blah blah blah.
24-06-2008, 06:57 PM
Can I also post a challenge?:B A friend of mine told me one (which I solved) which is really hard and interesting...
12-07-2008, 09:42 PM
Aluado Wrote:Can I also post a challenge?:B A friend of mine told me one (which I solved) which is really hard and interesting...Hmm, I didn't see that earlier. Yes, post it please!

13-07-2008, 10:18 PM
Yay! So I´ll post my challenge too!
Ah, by the way, the prize will be... any non-legendary pokemon you want! 
One of the guards is a lier, so he´ll never tell you the truth. The other guard always tells the truth. You don´t know which door is the right one or which guard says the truth or lies.
To find the right door, you can make a single question to one of guards, and the guard will answer only "yes" or "no".
The challenge is: Which question you can do to find out the right door?
There´s more than a possible answer.
If you didn´t understand anything or wanna ask me something about this challenge, feel free to do it. 

Challenge 5: The guards
You are inside a tower. There are two doors, protected by two guards - one guard for each door. One door will lead you to a treasure while the other one you lead you to death.One of the guards is a lier, so he´ll never tell you the truth. The other guard always tells the truth. You don´t know which door is the right one or which guard says the truth or lies.
To find the right door, you can make a single question to one of guards, and the guard will answer only "yes" or "no".
The challenge is: Which question you can do to find out the right door?
There´s more than a possible answer.

13-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Answer: Do you have sex with the members of the same gender?
14-07-2008, 09:50 AM
Answer : How many doors are here ?
14-07-2008, 10:35 AM
The question is "What would the other guard say if I asked him if he guards the door leading to the treasure?".
I'll explain the possibilities later, I don't have much time now. I'm just posting this so nobody solves it before me.
Edit with possibilities: Guard A says truth, guard B lies. But we don't know who is A and who is B. So.
Asking A, him replying YES: Means that A has the treasure.
Asking A, him replying NO: Means that B has the treasure.
Asking B, him replying YES: Means that B has the treasure.
Asking B, him replying NO: Means that A has the treasure.
So, in any case, if the guard you ask says YES, you choose his door and if he says NO, you choose the other door. Simple, I win
Btw, if you just need to avoid the death door, Billaros' question is ok as you will be dying of laughter after imagining the case that guard A's boyfriend is guard B and B lies for he doesn't want to admit he is homosexual. But, still, you don't avoid death in general, so I win
(Also, I noticed I spelled the band ABBA vertically, but that doesn't matter whatsoever.)
I'll explain the possibilities later, I don't have much time now. I'm just posting this so nobody solves it before me.
Edit with possibilities: Guard A says truth, guard B lies. But we don't know who is A and who is B. So.
Asking A, him replying YES: Means that A has the treasure.
Asking A, him replying NO: Means that B has the treasure.
Asking B, him replying YES: Means that B has the treasure.
Asking B, him replying NO: Means that A has the treasure.
So, in any case, if the guard you ask says YES, you choose his door and if he says NO, you choose the other door. Simple, I win

Btw, if you just need to avoid the death door, Billaros' question is ok as you will be dying of laughter after imagining the case that guard A's boyfriend is guard B and B lies for he doesn't want to admit he is homosexual. But, still, you don't avoid death in general, so I win

(Also, I noticed I spelled the band ABBA vertically, but that doesn't matter whatsoever.)
Quote:Not helping much.George7 Wrote:Answer : How many doors are here ?Guard A or Guard B Wrote:Yes
14-07-2008, 10:41 AM
So, this is the solution ?
14-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Whoa, you were fast! That´s right, Ninjomewtwo! But you don´t have a wifi, so what should I do with the prize? 
And I laughed to your answer to George7´s question xD (Although that´s what could happen, it was still funny).

And I laughed to your answer to George7´s question xD (Although that´s what could happen, it was still funny).
14-07-2008, 07:16 PM
That means that the one who was lying would say always " no "
14-07-2008, 09:52 PM
say guys, I think I will start being active in this forums aswell (mainly cause I resetted the pass that I had forgotten long ago xD;), when is the next challenge?
14-07-2008, 10:13 PM
Your job is to prove that at least 2 Machoke are fighting the same number of Machoke.
Of course, a correct answer comes with a correct explanation. Answers without reasoning will be counted as wrong ones even if they are correct. This is just a mathematic problem which is pretty easy if you think of it well.
The prize will be another Lv.5, Modest Nothing which knows the egg move Splash. Sorry guys, I don't have WiFi.

Challenge 6: The Machoke Battle
You are a Pokémon trainer on your way home and you see a group of Machoke fighting. It's totally chaotic, you can't tell which one is fighting against which ones (one Machoke doesn't necessarily fight against just one) and you can't count how many Machoke there are. You're afraid to break up the fight of course and you've run out of PokéBalls so you can't catch them.Your job is to prove that at least 2 Machoke are fighting the same number of Machoke.
Of course, a correct answer comes with a correct explanation. Answers without reasoning will be counted as wrong ones even if they are correct. This is just a mathematic problem which is pretty easy if you think of it well.
The prize will be another Lv.5, Modest Nothing which knows the egg move Splash. Sorry guys, I don't have WiFi.
14-07-2008, 10:35 PM
I didn't understand that at all
15-07-2008, 02:13 PM
sounds like a though one...
hmm, I'll think over it.
hmm, I'll think over it.