I understood nothin' from fr3's post so yeah, here's my thing. In the 5th line, you divided by (a-b) which can't be done 'cause a-b=0 since you started with a=b. I have spent 2 years with Gkoutis, I can find anything related to maths. Also, typing on the iPhone is freakin' boring.
Well, look at the results and you will get what I mean.

nm2 got it right.kudos for great justification.next one
Challenge 11: 10-digit number
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In those blanks you've got to put a number which consists of ten numbers(like 0000000000) in such a manner so that the number in space 0 indicates the number of zeroes contained in the whole number,space 1 indicates the number of ones in the number and so on.The answer is only one.
(It's gonna become a Billaros challenge thread re malaka upload and anything)
oh and it is difficult...
This shit is difficult you say? Answer: 6210001000
Ok, it was hard. It seems correct until you tell me it's wrong, so yeah.
If it's right, I set the next one.
Yes, Billaros told me today it is the right answer. So here's the next one for ya.
Challenge 12: Numbers ain't numbers
Find the number that comes after:
(Tip: Numbers are not just numbers.)
1 (<--- one one)
1-1 (<----two ones)
2-1 (<----one two, one one)..............
12 - 11
11 -12-21
3 1 2 2 1 1
No to both. By the way, instead of posting random numbers, you could also post the reason you chose that number. Luck ain't a good reason.
Edit. Link got it. With reasoning too.
Ok, here's the new one and it
should give you some trouble. (Important stuff in bold, since it's long.)
Challenge 13: Black or Red?
You are
one of 20 prisoners on death row with the execution date set for tomorrow. Your king is a ruthless man who likes to toy with his people's miseries. He comes to your cell today and tells you:
“I’m gonna give you prisoners a chance to go free tomorrow. You will all stand in a row (one behind another) before the executioner and we will put a hat on your head, either a
red or a
black one. Of course,
you will not be able to see the color of your own hat; you will only be able to see the prisoners in front of you with their hats on; you will not be allowed to look back or communicate together in any way (talking, touching.....). The prisoner in the back
will be able to see the 19 prisoners in front of him. The one in front of him will be able to see 18, and so on. Starting with the last person in the row, the one who can see everybody in front of him, he will be asked a simple question:
WHAT IS THE COLOR OF YOUR HAT? He will be only allowed to answer
“BLACK” or
“RED”. If he says anything else you will ALL be executed immediately. If he guesses the right color of the hat on his head he is set free, otherwise he is put to death. And we move on to the one in front of him and ask him the same question and so on… Well, good luck tomorrow, HA HA HA HA HA HA!”
You all can communicate freely during the night.
Your job is to find a way to guarantee the freedom of as many prisoners as possible.
Hypothetically, since the prisoners are 20, and by taking into account that the riddle must be solvable, the number of hats should be even (10 Red ones, and 10 black ones) but in any random row.
So, since each prisoner can see all the hats in front of him, he could count them. If the first one (the one in the back of the line) counts 10 red hats, he knows his is black or the opposite... Moving on to the next brainiac-prisoner, if the last hat was black, he knows there are just 9 black ones left, so he counts again. If he sees 10 reds, his is black ,too, unless he counts 9 reds, thus making his red, too, and so on by relying on what the last person said, and remembering the numbers, hopefully they all manage to escape.
If that makes any sense... xD
Who said there are 10 black hats and 10 red ones? They can be in any combination. 10-10, 15-5 and 20-0, they are all possible. Though you're right in saying that one must be based on what the others say.
K then...
The prisoners aren't supposed to look elsewhere than in front of them, aren't allowed to use any signs or movements and such, and only allowed to plainly say "Black" or "Red", but there's no rule that explains the usage of a certain way to say it, e.g different pronunciation. Let's say the prisoners could agree something like this: If the first person said just "Black" then the person's hat in front would be black. If he pronounced it "Blaaaack" (or something xD) it would be Red. Same goes for the word "Red".
In this way though the first prisoner who would have to guess, would be risking, since he should give a hint to the guy in front of him, but by doing this, he could have said the wrong colour for himself, thus giving him a 50% rate of choosing the right one, so if he's not lucky, he is going to be the only one executed. In the end, 20 or 19 prisoners will be freed, depending on the answer of the first dude, unless there's someone else that didn't pay attention to what the person behind said xP
i thought pretty much just the same as celesi..
The last guy says the color of the hat in front of him (if he has the same he lives ,if not. he dies). And the other guyz, depending on what the guy behind them said, and what the hat in front of them looks like, decide what to tell.... Example if the last guy says RED then the 19th must say RED if the guy in front has red also, or red?(as in a question) if he other guy has black. If he says red? then the other guy will understand that he has black and then say black (if the guy in front has black) or Black? (if the guy in front has red) that's what i originally thought..
(24-10-2008 02:44 PM)Ninjomewtwo Wrote: [ -> ]you will not be allowed to look back or communicate together in any way (talking, touching.....)
(24-10-2008 02:44 PM)Ninjomewtwo Wrote: [ -> ]He will be only allowed to answer “BLACK” or “RED”.
Different way of saying things is a way of communicating. RED and reeeeeed or red? are not the same. Though you're both approaching the solution. Celesi also pointed out something right which should be taken into account.
All right, this is a
list a make and it is supposed to show every single possible combination of hats the 20th can see..Unfortunately, i cannot seem to find a way for the first one(20th) to find out what hat he has..However, it seems to me pretty likeky that a reasonable way exists, for the others to find out their own..
Mmm..maybe he can 1) check the front guy's color 2)check the color of the majority of the other hats (for example if its the same say "red" if it's diffrent say "black"
If the 20 th says black, then the 19th can see the hats in front and find out that he has the same color with the minority.. I dunno if it's working, that's what i thought...