cuz its a bulbfail and i spent a few hours lookin for that stuff
ATG, I order you to get back to being active

(24-01-2011 02:18 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Im just trying to find good articles on Bulbanews but the articles dunsparce posts are better and longer than mine. WHY CANT BULBAPEDIA DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?!
Bulbapedia's probably not the fastest source these days; they always are the last to post about anything.
(24-01-2011 09:57 PM)Arty2 Wrote: [ -> ]Bulbapedia's probably not the fastest source these days; they always are the last to post about anything.
Why didn't someone tell me this earlier!?!
I just posted on the other thread.You just ruined my ehm... moment. xD
*cough cough* loser *cough*
(25-01-2011 04:02 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]*cough cough* loser *cough*
uh yupp. Thats you alrighty xP xaxaxa
Facebook chat hates me because I've installed the latest nightly for Firefox. xD Damn facebook!
I am making a new post to draw your attention. We can do whatever we want right here!
Sorry. I was refering to a new member but I found out he cant post here yet. That being said, fi fie fo rofl rofl. There is a chikcken in my rectum.