Legendary Pokémon

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Aand your twisted head is amazingg
Aw...thanks...its not everyday I am told that.
Wwelll, eeveryone should be telling you thatt, bbecuase you are amazingg :33
Most people don't think so...but those people are morons. You, however, can see my greatness.
Yyes I cann, aand I love you becuase of your greatnesss :33
I just love you because you can see my greatness. Which makes you very great.
Mmy friend Zoe's reaction to the banner artt: Ooh my godd, tthat is cute, aand so is thatt, iis that a dead fishh??? Aand that is cutee, aand so is thatt!!
what banner art?
Tthe banner art that is always above the thread postss, wwith mew and ninetails and stufff
Thats the "avatar" of the poster. Was she talking about my avatar?
Nnoo, tthe bannerr- yyah know whatt?? Nnevermindd
Ffinee, ccupcakes are goodd
im havin bad luck with girls lately. Why do american girls my age have to be so F-ing complicated!?
Wwhy do boys have to be soo.... hhow should I put itt....... rretarded most of the timee??
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