(10-04-2012 02:04 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Well, things are a bit risky with Derpy as she did get an appearance in an episode but she was found to be offensive and she was edited. So, it seems unlikely.
Also Luna has her own episode. A memetastic one, may I add.
I haven't seen that episode with Derpy yet, but that one with Luna was pretty good, one of my favorite mostly cause I like her. I have seen in various sites that another ep focused on Derpy will be aired some time, but of course we can't be sure they are legit. They did seem pretty real though. Anyway, I guess we'll learn more about it later.
Personally, I find all these secondary ponies and the whole community, let's say, that they are composing all together to be as interesting, sometimes more, than the adventures of the main chars.
(10-04-2012 05:11 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-04-2012 02:04 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Well, things are a bit risky with Derpy as she did get an appearance in an episode but she was found to be offensive and she was edited. So, it seems unlikely.
Also Luna has her own episode. A memetastic one, may I add.
I haven't seen that episode with Derpy yet, but that one with Luna was pretty good, one of my favorite mostly cause I like her. I have seen in various sites that another ep focused on Derpy will be aired some time, but of course we can't be sure they are legit. They did seem pretty real though. Anyway, I guess we'll learn more about it later.
Personally, I find all these secondary ponies and the whole community, let's say, that they are composing all together to be as interesting, sometimes more, than the adventures of the main chars.
Well, last time I checked, they only changed Derpy on the iTunes version of the show. On the DVD and in recent re-runs, Derpy has kept the same voice and Rainbow Dash still refers to her as Derpy. And as for you hearing about another episode focusing on her, that was actually an April fools joke. Hasbro and Lauren Faust have not yet revealed anything from season 3 (I don't think they've even really begun to make it yet) so until we here from them anything that is supposedly about season 3 you can safely label as fake.
As for backround ponies, I would love it if some of them would get there own episodes, particularly Lyra. I suppose any episode about her would focus on how un-horse like she acts. Other than that...I don't really know...
Thanks for acknowledging that, but try to avoid spamming with pictures. Even if your picture is 100% true, and 20% cooler

Oh, and since Rainbow was mentioned, I've seen many people claim that she has become 20% uncooler in season 2, for many reasons. She hasn't achieved anything amzing like the Sonic Rainboom, her friends managed to be more heroic than her in the Mare-Do-Well ep, she started reading books like an egghead (

) and other stuff that I can't recall atm. Coming to think of it, she really isn't that legendary as she used to be in season 1. Or at least judging according to the eps I've seen and from what I've heard.
It's called character developement. If they had her constantly remain a super tomboy (ie the same personality), then the show wouldn't be as interesting, now would it? One of the reasons people like the show so much is because characters slowly change through the series, overcomming their defining character flaws. Twilight is slowly learning not to be so overly organized, Fluttershy is now slightly assertive, Rainbow Dash now appreciates books, and Spike has told Rarity how he likes her, in adition to getting a pet phoenix.
Of coursee, I don't say it's a bad thing, I just noticed the difference.
(11-04-2012 08:29 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]Of coursee, I don't say it's a bad thing, I just noticed the difference.
Ah. Well that's fine then. Just saying in general is all.
I think it's cooler how RD has changed. She used to be my least favorite, but now she's my 3rd favorite (not easy ranking them

(12-04-2012 04:26 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]I think it's cooler how RD has changed. She used to be my least favorite, but now she's my 3rd favorite (not easy ranking them
Yeah, I don't like ranking ponies either. It's just so hard, and I feel bad for those not on the top.
(12-04-2012 04:26 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]I think it's cooler how RD has changed. She used to be my least favorite, but now she's my 3rd favorite (not easy ranking them
(12-04-2012 04:28 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I don't like ranking ponies either. It's just so hard, and I feel bad for those not on the top.
Nah, I don't mind ranking em since I know it's just my personal opinion and it's naturally impossible for me to like them all the same. E.g. Fluttershy might be adorable or hillarious sometimes but still I don't like her character as much as I like Twilight's. Of course that's my way of thinking, and I don't expect everybody to agree.
So, I finished watching the last epidose that has been aired. Having watched the whole show now I believe I have a much better perspective. But still, I don't understand all these "bronies" that act like MLP is something that important and stuff. I mean, I enjoyed all the eps of course, I liked many characters, I found the whole pony-world pretty interesting, I laughed and I will keep waiting for the next eps to come out. What I don't understand is how some people are so obsessed with it. In the end, it is just a kids' show, not a Guide to Life.
(14-04-2012 02:14 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]So, I finished watching the last epidose that has been aired. Having watched the whole show now I believe I have a much better perspective. But still, I don't understand all these "bronies" that act like MLP is something that important and stuff. I mean, I enjoyed all the eps of course, I liked many characters, I found the whole pony-world pretty interesting, I laughed and I will keep waiting for the next eps to come out. What I don't understand is how some people are so obsessed with it. In the end, it is just a kids' show, not a Guide to Life.
Not sure either. I suppose it's kinda like with Star Wars and Star Trek, but on a grander and more ponified scale. People are so into this whole fantasy world that the ponies live in that they form their entire lives around making theories about Equestria and the lands around it. Or...something like that. Anyways, it could just be that people have way too much time on their hands.
(14-04-2012 02:37 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure either. I suppose it's kinda like with Star Wars and Star Trek, but on a grander and more ponified scale. People are so into this whole fantasy world that the ponies live in that they form their entire lives around making theories about Equestria and the lands around it. Or...something like that. Anyways, it could just be that people have way too much time on their hands.
This, or probably people who don't have anything bettr to do with their lives. And of course I don't say it's bad making sketchs or writing fics or whatever about a fantasy world (I have done it lots of times) but acting like it's your life is just pointless . Whether we like it or not we live on Earth, not Equestria nor the Pokémon World nor the Star Wars universe, so we can imagine whatever we want to enjoy ourselves but in the end, they all exist in our minds. On the other hand, someone said "Whenever lot of people believe something is true, it actually becomes the truth" which is also correct.
I think it's that those types of bronies are just losers who have way too much time on their hands. If you take a cartoon that seriously, then that's just wrong.