Lol, yeah, I saw the season 3 premier as well.
I actually found it pretty epic. What, with a giant shadow demon that acts like Giratina, a force field that's only barely holding up, a race against the clock to get a Crystal Star (or heart, lol) before King Giratina breaks through the force field, dark magic, the possibility of Twilight becoming an Alicorn, and an epic death for a villain. However, Sombra was a little disappointing. I mean, he was pretty epic looking in his shadow Giratinay form, but he spent like 45 minutes outside of the Empire (which looks about the size of Luxembourg), and once he finally got in, was blown to pieces in two minutes. Also, his voice actor was pretty generic. Ah well, but things can't be perfect...
Damn, can't even see my post.
(10-11-2012 09:57 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually found it pretty epic. What, with a giant shadow demon that acts like Giratina, a force field that's only barely holding up, a race against the clock to get a Crystal Star (or heart, lol) before King Giratina breaks through the force field, dark magic, the possibility of Twilight becoming an Alicorn, and an epic death for a villain. However, Sombra was a little disappointing. I mean, he was pretty epic looking in his shadow Giratinay form, but he spent like 45 minutes outside of the Empire (which looks about the size of Luxembourg), and once he finally got in, was blown to pieces in two minutes. Also, his voice actor was pretty generic. Ah well, but things can't be perfect...
Well, pretty much everybody agrees that Sombra was more than just diassapointing. But hey, at least we got Season 3 right? I also really liked Twilight's Twilight gravity spells and of course Spike saving the day, Shining launching his wife was also pretty funny. But damn it, watching this episode brings back all these feeling about the magical land of Equestria....
Perhaps they'll go into Sombra's backround more later in the season? I just don't want him to be some one-time flop.
(11-11-2012 01:39 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps they'll go into Sombra's backround more later in the season? I just don't want him to be some one-time flop.
Hopefully they will improve the character later on.
(11-11-2012 02:50 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-11-2012 01:39 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps they'll go into Sombra's backround more later in the season? I just don't want him to be some one-time flop.
Hopefully they will improve the character later on.
Same. Although, I think I have a good quote about Sombra from one of the Ponychan folks.
"He was less of a character, and more of a force of pure evil and corruption. I think this is the most grim episode yet, and I think Sombra is the most heinous villain yet. Discord is the God of Chaos, so evil is more of a perspective to him. Chrysalis was trying to feed the rest of her race and Nightmare Moon was a fallen hero. Sombra seems represent nothing but darkness and evil. A wasteland full of slaves that you imprison for a thousand years if anyone should defeat you? Yikes."
There's some fresh perspective. Honestly, I see Sombra as more of a force of nature than an actually villain. I mean, he's basically what you would get if you took a hurricane and gave it sentience and a strong desire to enslave all living creatures. Which is probably why we didn't see much of his personality. However, I do believe that Hasbro won't just leave Sombra's character like this, and will go back and give him the backstory he deserves.
i felt a little let down but eh it was still prtty epic. speaking of epic
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bye bye
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(12-11-2012 09:54 AM)dunsparce Wrote: [ -> ]i felt a little let down but eh it was still prtty epic. speaking of epic
![[Image: 30lhyzr.jpg]](
bye bye
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Eh, I would never play a multiplayer FPS without keyboard and mouse. I find it impossible to properly aim with a controller. They are way better for racing games though.
And since you mentioned games, here are some of my pony related items in TF2. They used to have more than 5k kills each before I set the counter to zero, by mistake.
Those are hilarious. i wish my computer didn't suck other wise i would be playing team fortress and Gotham impostors.
EDIT: I have only play FPS via some sort of controller so it is what i do best with. i played counter strike on pc once and failer horribly
I liked the opener. SoberSombrero was kinda weird though with him rockin' that pedo voice.
(12-11-2012 07:24 PM)dunsparce Wrote: [ -> ]Those are hilarious. i wish my computer didn't suck other wise i would be playing team fortress and Gotham impostors.
EDIT: I have only play FPS via some sort of controller so it is what i do best with. i played counter strike on pc once and failer horribly
Thanks and as for the FPS games you should know that it is generally believed that keyboard/mouse is the most efficient way of playing em. I do agree with this.
(13-11-2012 01:32 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]I liked the opener. SoberSombrero was kinda weird though with him rockin' that pedo voice.
Yeah, but more dissapointing is the fact that he didn't say much apart from gaaaaah gruuuuuuh cryyystals. He could have a bit more lines.
the only FP games i have played on pc are minecraft and slenderman. minecraft took some getting used to at first because using the mouse to look around and aim was kinda weird to me. I hooked up a Ps3 controller to my laptop to see how it would be playing minecraft with a controller, but lag in the extreme prevented any good results

. back on topic Sombra kinda reminded me of the villian from Fergully (if anypony even gets the refrence) only sombra is darkness and the other guy is just toxic sludge.
Since nobody has posted yet, any thoughts on the new ep?
I liked the fact that it focused on Pinkie Pie, since it made it pretty interesting. I also lold at the oranges frog/bird and the part when all the Pinkies where taking the test. And Pinkie constantly calling herself cute and adorable was also funny
Pretty good in my opinion, rewatching it in fullHD now.