(23-04-2012 08:44 PM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]I wish I could understand the whole chord progression thing. When I see the chords, I know how to play the actual notes (like C#) but when I do it doesn't sound like the actual song. 
Chord progression makes my head hurt

(23-04-2012 08:07 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ] (23-04-2012 07:37 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ] (23-04-2012 03:56 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (22-04-2012 11:49 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, time to shit some bricks about "BBBFF".
There was actually a double meaning in the song. The song is in the key of Db Major (just like winter wrap up!) . That means that the root chord is a Db major chord. Usually, a Ab major chord will lead into a Db major. This is the V-I chord progression and it is also known as the Authentic Cadence (stick with me here). Now, it seems to resolve to a sadder chord at the end of the phrase. Instead of ending on Db major around 1:16, it lands on Bb minor: the relative minor of Db major. Now, when a chord progression seems to be heading to the root chord but lands on the relative minor instead, that is called a...
Deceptive Cadence
Also worth noting, listen to how Twilight sings the last "forever" in the song. Her little cadenza (I am seriously not making these words up) quotes the opening notes of the theme song
Originally posted in Reddit, copied from EQD.
Right, personally I didn't understand much from these. But anyway, the songs are just songs you listen to, I don't believe there's the need to analyze em so much. Of course they were good since Twilight was singing but ok, they didn't made me that excited.
Well, what you need to get is that the song has 2 chord progressions called the Authentic Cadence and the Deceptive Cadence, essencially giving a hint toward the fact that the Princess Caedence we first see is a clone. It was later confirmed by the song writers. It's a piece of trivial information, but quite amusing nevertheless.
I think we're starting to overanalyze a children's cartoon, fellas.
No, we are just reposting information found by people who overanalyzed the show and was later confirmed by the song's composer.
(23-04-2012 07:37 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ] (23-04-2012 03:56 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (22-04-2012 11:49 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, time to shit some bricks about "BBBFF".
There was actually a double meaning in the song. The song is in the key of Db Major (just like winter wrap up!) . That means that the root chord is a Db major chord. Usually, a Ab major chord will lead into a Db major. This is the V-I chord progression and it is also known as the Authentic Cadence (stick with me here). Now, it seems to resolve to a sadder chord at the end of the phrase. Instead of ending on Db major around 1:16, it lands on Bb minor: the relative minor of Db major. Now, when a chord progression seems to be heading to the root chord but lands on the relative minor instead, that is called a...
Deceptive Cadence
Also worth noting, listen to how Twilight sings the last "forever" in the song. Her little cadenza (I am seriously not making these words up) quotes the opening notes of the theme song
Originally posted in Reddit, copied from EQD.
Right, personally I didn't understand much from these. But anyway, the songs are just songs you listen to, I don't believe there's the need to analyze em so much. Of course they were good since Twilight was singing but ok, they didn't made me that excited.
Well, what you need to get is that the song has 2 chord progressions called the Authentic Cadence and the Deceptive Cadence, essencially giving a hint toward the fact that the Princess Caedence we first see is a clone. It was later confirmed by the song writers. It's a piece of trivial information, but quite amusing nevertheless.
Interesting, really interesting.
Also, I made some sketches with Dash and Octavia/Vinyl. The second one was pretty quick so it isn't that good but anyway. Not that the other one is much better.
Wow, you're a great drawer. I can't draw for the life of me without tracing half of the image...
Thanks a lot but I could use some more practice.
Also, I found exactly why Luna was unable to help during the changling attack.
Okay, a lot of guys at my school are bronies. I really don't know how to react to that! Someone help me!
(25-04-2012 04:51 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, a lot of guys at my school are bronies. I really don't know how to react to that! Someone help me!
Aether and Dark Aether have schools?
(25-04-2012 04:51 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, a lot of guys at my school are bronies. I really don't know how to react to that! Someone help me!
Throw a party!
(25-04-2012 08:30 PM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ] (25-04-2012 04:51 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, a lot of guys at my school are bronies. I really don't know how to react to that! Someone help me!
Throw a party!
But seriously, just love and tolerate them, and everything will be just fine.
Tolerate? Sure. Love? That really depends.
(29-04-2012 12:23 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Tolerate? Sure. Love? That really depends.
Of course it depends. There are some bronies that I am not sure if I would be able to even tolerate em, let alone love.
Exactly my point!
Oh, and I noticed that you know where I am. Actually, I have a Dimensional Gate built into my personal flagship, Blade X, to transport me to Earth and back.
About TIME people began posting in here again. Anyways, after browsing through youtube again, I think us bronies need to settle one of the biggest arguments in the brony community. Which MLP government are we sided with? So far, I know of about 5.
The Solar Empire: The current regiment in Equestria. Led by Princess/Tyrant Celestia.
The New Lunar Republic: An alliance of ponies sympathetic to Luna and other creatures, like Dragons or Diamond Dogs, who wish for equality between all non-agressive sentient species. While they would like to negotiate things peacefully, they have been pushed to the edge by Celestia's so called tyranny, and are poised to rebelled. Led by Princess Luna.
Disciples of Cadence: A new religious order who believe that by conquering all species they will bring an era of love for everyone. While it's a seemingly ironic statement of "love and tolerance", since they believe that you can only get love and tolerance if you conquer everyone else, they at least have a point. Sort of like extremist bronies, if you will. Led by Princess Cadence.
Cult of Chaos: A group of people that believe Discord was a god and wish to free him from his prison. He did get free at one point, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut not for very long. So the whole group is kinda inactive. Led by Discord.
The Changeling Empire: The changelings, a species who wish to conquer Equestria and all other factions. Led by Chrysalis.
Now...which side do you choose?
(29-04-2012 02:04 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]About TIME people began posting in here again. Anyways, after browsing through youtube again, I think us bronies need to settle one of the biggest arguments in the brony community. Which MLP government are we sided with? So far, I know of about 5.
The Solar Empire: The current regiment in Equestria. Led by Princess/Tyrant Celestia.
The New Lunar Republic: An alliance of ponies sympathetic to Luna and other creatures, like Dragons or Diamond Dogs, who wish for equality between all non-agressive sentient species. While they would like to negotiate things peacefully, they have been pushed to the edge by Celestia's so called tyranny, and are poised to rebelled. Led by Princess Luna.
Disciples of Cadence: A new religious order who believe that by conquering all species they will bring an era of love for everyone. While it's a seemingly ironic statement of "love and tolerance", since they believe that you can only get love and tolerance if you conquer everyone else, they at least have a point. Sort of like extremist bronies, if you will. Led by Princess Cadence.
Cult of Chaos: A group of people that believe Discord was a god and wish to free him from his prison. He did get free at one point, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut not for very long. So the whole group is kinda inactive. Led by Discord.
The Changeling Empire: The changelings, a species who wish to conquer Equestria and all other factions. Led by Chrysalis.
Now...which side do you choose?
Clearly the Solar Empire. It's a massive, solid state and its leader, Celestia, controls pretty much the most important energy source, the sun. Apart from that, since it the current regiment, there is no need for revolution. It's been there for thousand of years (I think?) and it maintains peace. Also, the Celestia+Twilight combo has imba potential for magical firepower.
Of course, I would love to support Luna but I didn't find the concept of her Republic that good.
PFFT! I serve under no one!