29-09-2012, 01:09 AM
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29-09-2012, 04:37 AM
Hope fully it'll start soon i cant wait for more pony! speaking of more pony...
Moar pony (Click to View)
![[Image: oc_pony__unnamed_by_duns94-d5gagw4.jpg]](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/272/c/4/oc_pony__unnamed_by_duns94-d5gagw4.jpg)
06-10-2012, 01:22 PM
durnsparce, I uploaded a couple of guides and some basic tips for sketching ponies at my previous post you may want to check 'em.
Also, some pretty good pony cosplays:
![[Image: 15pidc9.jpg]](http://i45.tinypic.com/15pidc9.jpg)
durnsparce, I uploaded a couple of guides and some basic tips for sketching ponies at my previous post you may want to check 'em.
Also, some pretty good pony cosplays:
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: sywltt.jpg]](http://i45.tinypic.com/sywltt.jpg)
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: iemjrp.jpg]](http://i50.tinypic.com/iemjrp.jpg)
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: 15pidc9.jpg]](http://i45.tinypic.com/15pidc9.jpg)
11-10-2012, 05:20 PM
Crazy ponies, anyone?
12-10-2012, 11:55 PM
Saaaaaaaaaay, would anyone else like to date a changeling? I might.
13-10-2012, 04:16 AM
(12-10-2012 11:55 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Saaaaaaaaaay, would anyone else like to date a changeling? I might.
Nah. I guess it would be hard to find one that would stick in its original form.
13-10-2012, 08:35 PM
(12-10-2012 11:55 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Saaaaaaaaaay, would anyone else like to date a changeling? I might.
Sure, especially their queen. I mean, just think about the potential with all the shapeshifting and hypnotic and magic and who knows what else abilities of hers. The only limit would be your imagination.
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: 1692r5x.jpg]](http://i46.tinypic.com/1692r5x.jpg)
15-10-2012, 09:36 PM
Friendship is magic:
15-10-2012, 10:30 PM
(15-10-2012 09:36 PM)Vetus Wrote: [ -> ]Friendship is magic:
It's been a while since that. It was pretty fun playing this game in summer but since I hadn't played any fighting games since the days of psx I had trouble being effective. I guess it will also be a pretty fun game once it is released.
22-10-2012, 07:51 PM
23-10-2012, 06:18 AM
Dash's face haha xD any way im practicing and failing at vector art right now and i can't wait till season three hits the Internet since i dont have the hub
i am starting to get into gaming as Lunar-Brony to.
also foundout what shipping is. geez seems kinda weird to me but eh. internet is internet
![[Image: now_kiss__by_magical_and_mythical-d523z38.png]](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/154/b/c/now_kiss__by_magical_and_mythical-d523z38.png)

also foundout what shipping is. geez seems kinda weird to me but eh. internet is internet
![[Image: now_kiss__by_magical_and_mythical-d523z38.png]](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/154/b/c/now_kiss__by_magical_and_mythical-d523z38.png)
23-10-2012, 01:13 PM
(23-10-2012 06:18 AM)dunsparce Wrote: [ -> ]I am starting to get into gaming as Lunar-Brony to.
And what sort of games do you Lunar-Bronies enjoy? If you like cartoonish FPS I suggest TF2, as I always say it's a pretty friendly, generally balanced and well designed multiplayer game. And don't forget the hats.
As for the shipping part, it's kinda funny seeing how different characters from MLP would get together. Of course, there isn't a single doubt that Twilight-Trixie is best ship.
![[Image: 2dwgcxi.jpg]](http://i46.tinypic.com/2dwgcxi.jpg)
23-10-2012, 05:41 PM
Is Team Fortress on PS3? for now i only have my gamer tag on the PSN. i am going to buy a minecraft account as the LunarBrony and ill just avoid competitive pokemon because i don't have the time to ocd poach pokemon for EVs and IVs. also i want to get a small project done that involves lp. if i can get it done before my deadline of November 3
23-10-2012, 08:14 PM
(23-10-2012 05:41 PM)dunsparce Wrote: [ -> ]Is Team Fortress on PS3? for now i only have my gamer tag on the PSN. i am going to buy a minecraft account as the LunarBrony and ill just avoid competitive pokemon because i don't have the time to ocd poach pokemon for EVs and IVs. also i want to get a small project done that involves lp. if i can get it done before my deadline of November 3
No, and it will probably never be. I generally don't like console games, Pokémon of course is an exception, so I don't have any suggestions. Or actually, since my brother plays PS3 a lot he says that the Uncharted series as well as the Tomb Raider one is very good. Of course they aren't competitive but still their singleplayer campaign must be above average.
24-10-2012, 06:50 AM
uncharted 3. pretty good bet it in 6 hours on normal diffuculty. and my herp-a-derp was fixed after i googled TF2 i dont have a fast enough processor. it is only 1.2 ghz. other than that i met specs. any way i owned an infection lobby in COD:MW3 by t-bagging the final survivor and surviving a round being very near to being infected. me and two others were survivors though. if anypony has hamachi and Counter strike Portable on their pc my computer will run that fairly ok. but it doesnt give much freedom in weapons and such.