(09-07-2012 10:36 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ] (08-07-2012 06:22 AM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-07-2012 05:19 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]Lol dude I was kidding.
aw. didn't see that one there. anyway , i thought you were the most respectable brony from the start.....it did seem a bit weird that you of all people would use that word. lol
Haha well I believe the definition of a brony is someone that likes MLP. But then I see bronies doing stuff like exaggerating their brony-dom and it just seems weird to me. I've been a brony since November and I've decided that I really don't belong in this community. But hey, I still like the show. So I guess that makes me a brony still. Other than that I'm not one. Funny thing is, I'm the only brony I know that are like that besides a few neighbors that barely watch it. Haha like I said, I'm not much of a brony. 
WHAT? YOU'VE BEEN ONE SINCE NOVEMBER? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING!?! Because of you, I'm 2 months behind you in my bronification quest! How could you do this to me?
Lol jk
Ohhh yeah it's been a while.
(09-07-2012 10:36 AM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]Haha well I believe the definition of a brony is someone that likes MLP. But then I see bronies doing stuff like exaggerating their brony-dom and it just seems weird to me. I've been a brony since November and I've decided that I really don't belong in this community. But hey, I still like the show. So I guess that makes me a brony still. Other than that I'm not one. Funny thing is, I'm the only brony I know that are like that besides a few neighbors that barely watch it. Haha like I said, I'm not much of a brony. 
Well you can consider yourself just an MLP fan. I also don't like bronies much and I don't agree with most of their opinions and views.
(09-07-2012 05:04 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]All hail Queen Cheeselegs.
The second pic is very nice. I could post myself some relevant pics but now it's one of the few times of the year that I am not posting from my own PC.
So, I thought we could make this thread much more interesting with a nice game, sort of role-play. The question is, what do you believe the mane 6's thoughts would be if they met you? Suppose that they wouldn't know every single and little aspect of your character neither would they just greet you and form an opinion. Try to mimic their way of thinking. This is also a nice way of learning more about each other, indirectly.
Finally, I think it would be better and would personally appreciate it if the discussion in this thread remained on-topic.
Haha not a bad idea @ the roleplay thing.
It's happened! I myself have become a brony!
I'm in disbelief. I actually got to like MLP! I'm so confused!
(10-07-2012 04:35 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]It's happened! I myself have become a brony!
AND OUR NUMBER JUMP FROM 7-everyone else-2!!!
So, regarding that game I suggested yesterday I will start since I see not much enthusiasm from the rest.
So as I mentioned in my previous post let's suppose that the mane 6 somehow have met me and are thinking about me. So, their thoughts will probably be like:
Twilight Sparkle: Well, that new human being surely knows some interesting things and even if his ideas and opinions are a bit weird I like listening to him. But I still don't understand these "glue factory" and vampire jokes he keeps finding soo funny.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, that dude is more of an egghead than Twilight and he thinks he's smart. He also looks like these monkeys Fluttershy has but at least they are good for pets.
Applejack: That new fella is such a funny pony or man or whatever he is He insist'd that the right way of picking apples is with these "hands" he has at the end of his hooves and that kickin' trees to harvest 'em is dumb. He was so serious 'bout this ah almost believed him.
Fluttershy: Oh my, I have never seen such a creature like this. I would really like to get to know him better but he really scares me when he gets angry for no reason and starts swearing and shouting like an ape. But I don't think he actually means what he says.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, new pony in town, soo excited and he really looks and acts weird and I think he will like my parties, but I don't know what that vodka thing he mentioned is, but it doesn't really matter and I bet he will be just as excited as I am right now and we should bake cupcakes together.
Rarity: I simply can not believe that there would ever be anypony with such an opinion about fashion. Sure, these clothes he was wearing weren't that bad for a laborer maybe but calling them "simple and nice" was just de-spi-ca-ble. And I don't know where he is from but I can not imagine that being polite in the beginning and then speaking like a ruffian is proper behavior there.
I tried.
(09-07-2012 10:34 PM)CoolStoryBro Wrote: [ -> ]Haha not a bad idea @ the roleplay thing.
Go ahead and post then

The more people will participate the more interesting it will become. That didn't sound correct but you know what I mean. It will be a nice change to this thread.
(10-07-2012 04:35 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]It's happened! I myself have become a brony!
Welcome and I hope you'll enjoy everything ponies have to offer.
(10-07-2012 10:51 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-07-2012 10:29 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]Twilight Sparkle: Well, that new human being surely knows some interesting things and even if his ideas and opinions are a bit weird I like listening to him. But I still don't understand these "glue factory" and vampire jokes he keeps finding soo funny.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, that dude is more of an egghead than Twilight and he thinks he's smart. He also looks like these monkeys Fluttershy has but at least they are good for pets.
Applejack: That new fella is such a funny pony or man or whatever he is He insist'd that the right way of picking apples is with these "hands" he has at the end of his hooves and that kickin' trees to harvest 'em is dumb. He was so serious 'bout this ah almost believed him.
Fluttershy: Oh my, I have never seen such a creature like this. I would really like to get to know him better but he really scares me when he gets angry for no reason and starts swearing and shouting like an ape. But I don't think he actually means what he says.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, new pony in town, soo excited and he really looks and acts weird and I think he will like my parties, but I don't know what that vodka thing he mentioned is, but it doesn't really matter and I bet he will be just as excited as I am right now and we should bake cupcakes together.
Rarity: I simply can not believe that there would ever be anypony with such an opinion about fashion. Sure, these clothes he was wearing weren't that bad for a laborer maybe but calling them "simple and nice" was just de-spi-ca-ble. And I don't know where he is from but I can not imagine that being polite in the beginning and then speaking like a ruffian is proper behavior there.
I tried.
Huh. so from this we can conclude Db0 = ape. oh well , moving on ,
Oh please. EVERYONE knew that.
That feeling you get when your thread has more than 10,000 views.
(11-07-2012 03:56 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-07-2012 03:38 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]That feeling you get when your thread has more than 10,000 views.
that feeling when that same thread only has 362 posts. and half of them are just spam
that's saying something isn't it? 
That's a good bit better than any of the threads YOU'VE come up with, my good sir. If that, is, you even HAVE any threads, which I kinda doubt it. I for one, have a decent thread here that has a lot of views and a decent amount of posts. Thus, I am a good person.
Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go pray to Satan.
(11-07-2012 05:57 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-07-2012 05:46 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go pray to Satan.
>mfw i have no threads...
Anyway ,
i'll join you 
GREAT!!! Now to just recite something from some Satanic mass...
I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise domain over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence. I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without called evil because their nature is not such as they approve. Every age has its manager, who directs affairs according to my decrees. This office is changeable from generation to generation, that the ruler of this world and his chiefs may discharge the duties of their respective offices everyone in his own turn. I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.
That awkward moment when a thread about ponies gets turned into a Satanic mass.