Legendary Pokémon

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In this thread,I will post a story -in chapters of course- about Astreon Region.People tell me I write good.So,I will try!Smile
Well,here is chapter 1!

In the biggest city of the Astreon region,Maltien,there was a famous building,which had no name,but it was the best place for a pokemon trainer.In this building,you could have battles,trades,contests,and everything about pokemon!So,one day,Rose,a young girl.decided to visit it,although she had no pokemon.

-Wow, I thought.The place is huge!
-HEY YOU!I heard a really really loud voice.
-Yes,you.What are you doing there!?
-I suppose I am looking around...?
I was terified.Who was that guy?Why he yelled at me?
-You dont look like a pokemon trainer....
-Cause I am not.Do you see any pokeballs on me?
-Of course I dont.Now...Come with me.
-Where are we going?
-You will see,and you will like it.
He took me on a strange room.It had yellow,red,blue,orange,green balloons,and only 4 pokeballs on the floor.
-Hihihihiiihi.....Now choose one pokeball.
The first pokeball,had a paper in front of it.It wrote:mudkip.level 5,female.
The second pokeball, wrote :Celebi,lv 4,genderless.The third,wrote mwoth,lv 5 ,male.The final pokemon,wrote,Pichu,lv 5 ,male.
I picked up the Celebi΄s ball.So I said:
-I choose this one.
-Celebi hah?Well,that was a tough decision...
-Now ..What are we..em..you going to do...? I was shaking.I was holding a pokeball you see,and I was really excited.
-Now,YOU will keep this Celebi.
-You will keep it.Its yours now.
-But why?
-You looked really sad out there.You were jealous of the other kids,cause they had pokemon,and you not.
-How do you know this?
-I just know it.But I want you to do me a favor.
-Anything you want!Anything!..I said,and I was looking happily the pokeball.
-I want you to fill this pokedex.
-Of course I will!
-Do you know how?
-Yes,I have read in newspapers about other trainers in Hoenn,Sinooh,etc and their goals and achievements.
-So,now,do you want to nickname this Celebi?
-Are you sure?
-Ehm...then..Go and ask your family about it.Ask their permission.You cant leave like that.
-My mom lives in Astropolis,and my dad works there.
-In Astropolis?But that is in the other side of Astreon!!!!
-Well,I came by plane.
-Leave now!
-But who are you?
-I am Noris.Pr.Noris.
-OK then.
-Whats your name?
-Well,Rose,go on,start your adventure!!!
-Bye bye pr.Noris!!!!
I was so excited!!!!I had a pokemon!Now,I have left the building.Its almost 1 mile away.I will go to Astropolis by foot.I will collect all the gym badges,and maybe I will become a champion!But,for now,I must go to Treel,the next city,to get my first pokeballs and other things a pokemon trainer needs.


Em,did you liked it?Tell me please...Smile
nice but Celelebi for starter?
Yes,this is why I wanted to see if you like it.BTW,in this region,there is only 1 chance to have a Celebi,and that is when you "start" your adventure.You won t find it anywhere else.
this is silly everybody can have Celeby
Not in Astreon Region.I will explain it on the next chapter,and you will be suprised with pr.Noris.
that was a nice start!!! i was also a bit surprised, sice you had a celebi as a starter, but i believe that your story will evolve by time!!! i am looking forward to read the next chapter!!!
to explain the celebi for starter.

Then it is: chapter 2
Suddenly,I stoped.I remembered something very important.I had never heard of pr.Noris on TV,radio,or see him in magazines and newspapers.I decided to go back and ask him.

-Celebi,get out!
I decided to leave celebi out of its pokeball untill I get to Maltien.But I think that someone is following us ....
-Celebi ,attack!!!!
Celebi almost fell down.It wasnt used to battle.
-Dont attack me-please,I have no pokemon.
-Celebi,come back.
I think that this person,is a trainer,but,I dont see a single sign that he is.
-My name is-is...
-Is Hugh.
-Nice to meet you.Rose.
-Where did you find a Celebi?There arent any in our land.
-Well,pr.Noris,gave it to me.
-Noris eh.
-Listen.I am a traveller.Pr.Noris was a friend of mine,till we became enemies.
-He found a pokemon called Mewtwo.
-And you argued then?
-He was telling me he was the best.
I was sad .That men..er..Hugh was very very very disapointed.He ooked miserable.
-Can you take me too him?
-THANK YOU!I will give you 35 pokeballs for that!
-OK,now lets hurry to his lab-office...whatever he has.
We continued all the way to pr.Noris.Finally,after a while,we arrived.He told me to call pr.Noris out.
-You are Hugh!
-You are Noris!
-Em,now we are here again...
-Why you left Noris?
-You were mad at me.
-Sorry too Hugh.
-(finally)Where did you found that Celebi?
-At a travell,I dont remember when and where.
-Oh....bye then.
-Hugh,have you beem married?

I think they are continuing talking till now...Now I must hurry.I must reach Treel,as soon as possible.
I still dont understand
but anyway, why would he just give it away? the celebi i mean...it is a legendary pkmn! will you explain that later on? anyways, i really want to see how you will describe the battles!
Well,that guy pr.Noris isnt good at his health.Thats why he acts like that.Later I will describe what exactly happened.And he is Rose΄s ..... I wont tell this ^^
Here is the next chapter :

Chapter 3

Now I am only 1 klm away from Treel...I think I must train Celebi a little...
-Celebi,come out!Celebi came out,but it was drowsy.
-Celebi,lets try find a pokemon,ok?
When I said that , a wild beautifly came out of nowhere.It was a great chanse to train Celebi!
-Celebi,attack it!
Celebi used a move,that I didnt know..I think it was absorb.The beautifly seemed to be fainted.I guess it was low-trained.
-Good Celebi!Now lets see your pokedex,Celebi.I want to know what moves you know.
It appeared that Celebi knew absorb,and natural power.
-KK Celebi,lets mov-Whats up Celebi?Celebi seemed to be very very very tired.It is too hard for a little Celebi to battle.So,I called it back.
Finally,we reached Treel.A small village,that had one red building,and one blue,and a few houses.
-Excuse me!I asked a little girl that was passing.
-What are these two buildings?
-Hm...The red one is POKEMON CENTER.The blue one,is POKEMART.
-Oh,you want to know what is a pokemon cenetr and a pokemart?
-Well,a poke mart is a place you buy pokemon stuff.A pokemon center is a place you heal your pokemon.And its free too.
-Ah,kk then.Bye,and thank you!
I run to the pokecenter.I gave my pokemon to the nurse,and she healed it.I sid bye,and left the building.I am worried now.1 pokemon only ...thats what I have.I love my Celebi,but it was alone.I must get a second pokemon soon!!!
I hope you like it!And deozard,you will understand soon...Wink
nice continue! now that you said rosy and the pr. are related it makes sense!!! I AM LOOking forward to see how it will continue! good so far!!!
i like it. Celebi for starter? wow that's a little odd...
keep writing
Good one keep it like that.Smile
I'll love that region.Big Grin
Now its night.There arent any hotels in Treel,so we had to camp.Snif,I miss my bed,but this is my own adventure!Well,I think I should get some sleep now...
There is a strange noise coming from outside.I didnt pay attention,but Celebi did.He jumped on me and got out.
-Celebi!What ar eyou do..I cant continue.There is a wild pokemon there ,in front of Celebi.Its a shinx.
-Celebi,please come back...Celebi didnt hear me.So,the wild shinx attacked with tackle.But fortunately,it missed.So,I used a pokeball to shinx.
-Easy now Celebi,lets see if shinx is caught.And it was!I named the shinx Glory,beacuse its an electricity pokemon.
In the morning,we continued our way -Celebi,Glory,and I.Suddenly,a trainer appeared.
-Lets battle!
-Do it Celebi! Celebi was fascinated!Its first true battle!
-Starly,use tackle!
-Celebi,avoid it!Celebi fortunately avoided it.
-Now Celebi,use natural power!Celebi used it,and starly was badly hurt.
-My starly!NO!
-Celebi!Absorb!Celebi didnt missed,and starly fainted.
-My starly...starly...
-Hey,dont be sad!She/He will do better next time!
-OK,now I have to go....
-Bye!I will try better!
We continued walking.Finally,we reached a city I didnt know.It was called Drfone.It was a quite big city.
-WOW,what a city ...It has got a pokcenter and a pokemart?Yes,it has!Phew,lets go there ,Celebi and Glory!The nurse healed my pokemon again.As I was getting out,I saw..
-A pokemon gym.....wow...I was in front of a gym.The sign outside wrote : Drfone gym,gym leader Paranoia,normal type user.I decided to go in.But firstly,I stood in front of the door,looking faskinated the building....

Do you like it?Smile
Wow, very good.Big Grin
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