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Νο 'coz I have to do my homework....
^He did his homework allready(i think)
<Is watching op episode 109
V He/she is a Senior member........(i think..)
Nope, I'm a posting freak
^ He loves One Piece.
< Has gone mad with anime series.
V Has seen Code Geass or Wolf's Rain.
Ι 'll see propably
^ Very nice person and Posting (anime) freak
< Took 17 in maths...

V Took 18
^ Should change his sig xD (it's nice, resize it or crop it or whatever)
< Will watch Wolf's Rain after watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
V Likes Τέρρυ Χρυσό.
'k done , and what the heck is Τέρρυ Χρυσό?
^Draws better than me
< Thinks that Chopper is very cooool!
V Thinks that Chopper is just a piece of meat.
and what is this exacly?
^very good friend
<The best In Maths In the Junior High School(that I'm going)
VIs the best in a lesson in his class
Lies! I'm one of the bests in History, the best in Mathematics, Biology and Physics. Oh, and English of course. xD
^ Likes Kyogre.
< Likes Lucario.
V Likes souvlakia.
^ He's an Anime Addict
< Has burned her brother's pc
V He's Charizard The Dark
Soooo true!
^ Is a posting freak that destroys and burns brother PCs!
< Is at op episode 118
V Is not Johan and Charizard2005..
of course
^Is a OP's fan
<gota change(i won't be pswnio i mean

V Likes spaming!
^ seems to like tigers.
< loves canaries ^o^ (όχι τον Κάναρη)
V asdfjkl;
^ She said a very funny phrase...that I use all the day!
< Like Κanaris (ναι τον Κανάρη)
V Doesn't know who Kanaris is (ναι αυτόν)
V pokeman wannabe?
Νο way man
^ MetalWarriorman
< thinks that is fail
V Thinks that I'm not very noob
well the sure is that i am
^is a member
<Butterfree's fanatic
V Lives in Africa
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