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He knew about my next move-yes it's me.....-_-
I like surfing the net
It's Aluado again.......(like future sight)
^ Yeah, it´s me again. =/
< Won´t post here again until someone else than Pokeruler posts.

V I hope the next person won´t be Pokeruler again xD
^He used magic o.O
< is reading comics
V is studying for an exam?
^ Is a girl.
< Is studying Chemistry
V He/She is 15 years old.
^ Has a cute avatar

< Is at the job
V Is... a girl?
^Has a wrote a cool story
<Is a maniac
VIs an mc
^is completely illiterate
<likes turtles
\/likes porn
zomg you got me, Billaros. 8D
^ He has a PS3.
< Loves mountains
V Loves them, too.
The girl in his sig is horribly cute
I like the sea
He likes the sea too
Yeah, I like the sea
^ Is almost always posting here before or after me.
< Started to work about one year ago.
V Has two ears. xD
Τrue true.
But I can hear everything...
^ writes great fanfics <333
< is doing her French Homework. (I am supposed to do so, I can study and play the same time)
V is Pokeruler
You guessed wrong now! xD
^ Had stopped to write her fanfic =/
< I am trying to download chapter 403 of Naruto manga
V Has two hands and two feet!

You guessed right-i'm human
^I guess he will be the final champion in his fanfic
<I'm trying to fix conn-x but i'll get some help from someone
Has one head,=LOL
^ Has NO tail
< Is bored but always busy
V Gets to use two images in their signature
^is awesome
<is bored
Vis imba
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