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Yes, Tribal Wars!
^plays a game in internet
<Likes Yu-Gi-Oh TCG!
VIs playing Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, too!
< Is currently watching V's for Vendeta. (lol)
V Will soon post something related either to anime,one piece,or tribal wars.
ΤRIBAL WARS? No wayyy!!! the others of course....
^One of the cleverst girls here...
< Sick-guy
V Is a Senior member....
No, I hunt llama-balls.
^said cleverst, and now that I am pointing it out he will delete his post. (there are 101% chances of that happening. If not, I blame a quantum paradox)
< I'll be a guitar heroine(drug) by Saturday
V is not darvor, but still skcus.
I don't....:ι
^She reads Comics.....
<He is not sick anymore (I think)
V He/she's not an llamaball hunter......
i am not.Celesi does ^_^
^he watches one piece
<likes the song bittersweet symphony
VHe/she is boring his/her life now
No. I love my life. <3
^ He's always pessimistic.
< Is always optimistic.
V Will watch Nabari no Ou in some days.
^He makes great sigs and avs
<i am down
V Watches lost
ΝΟ! I watch win.
^He thinks he's invisible...
<He know the "trick"(lol)
V I gave him/her a reputation...
yes you did
^mY BEST e-friend
<Got new haircut!
VLove me, The Human Torch the god of fire!
No, I like
this one.
^ Is obsessed with One Piece.
< Watched the final episode of Casshern Sins.
V Will watch Casshern Sins.
What's that??????
^ Has the same avatar with Celesi and the same Reputation....
< Has got lower rep than Torch and Fr3...
V Knows at least one Japanese word..
lol true.
^ Likes Usopp(?)
< Says "if you want to know what Casshern Sins is, vist
this site!"
V The next poster will be Charizard the Dark.

no i am the ultimate god Human Torch!
^One of my e-friends
<i am boring my life
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