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^is in pozeria mode
<thinks lynx r cool
V needs to take a shower cuz they stink
^likes II GEN
<plays KH & FF
Vknows Mandarin
^likes rock music
<has a wii
V knows hobgoblin
^Is a big Nintendo Fan
< Likes Hetalia
\/ Likes Bleach?
Yeah! It's great
^owns a Ho-oh
< Going to watch Bleach right now
v Reads my Fanfic
just opened 3 spoilers

That was clever.
^Likes Dunsparce
<Is a Nintendo fanboy
Next poster has a Wii (how do I point down?
^is confused
<is laughing
V know how to point down
prees v uppercase

^Is an awesome person
<Feels like an idiot xD.
v Is a Zelda fan.
^is also awesome
<is awesomest
Vis also an awesome person
yes i am awsome!!!
^likes opening threads
<thinks that Furry(my furret) rules lol
Vhates furret
no ilike furrets
^like shiny umbreon
<is havin fun
Vis weird
i am weird
^won't be killed by me cuz thankfully he likes furret
<is veeeery bored
Vlikes sleeping a lot
true. true.
^likes furret
<types alot
^likes making srites
<great fan fiction writer
Vis very weird
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