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^ Is a fan of Dialga
< Likes San Andreas
V Likes San Andreas,too.
I don´t know what´s San Andreas
^ He´s previous nickname was Pokeruler
< My nickname, translated to english, is "Mooney"
V Wonders why I´ve chosen this nickname xD
^ needs to battle NM2 to end the lp tour ;P
< posted in this thread
v is going to post in this thread
No,i'm not.
^ Is a good friend.
< Likes Aluado's fanfic.
V Likes Pokemon Battle Revolution.
Xara-lampos Wrote:^ needs to battle NM2 to end the lp tour ;P
Ep, you mean I'm not as strong as NM2 @ Pokebattles.

@Xarhs, yes.
^ His name is Xarhs.
< Loves his td.
V Will buy Prince of Persia for the NDS/PS3.
^ Is cool.
< Is cooler.
V Loves Christmas.
^is lame jk
< likes the pokemon emopolon
V likes water type pokemon
^Likes Emopolon(do you mean Empoleon?)
<Likes Final Fantasy Movies!
VHuge fan of Kindom Hearts!
^ is right about the kingdom hearts fan thing.
< Likes Jynx xD.
v Thinks I'm a freak.
Nah. 0<
^ Loves Combusken
< Will buy God of War 3
V Is.... 14 years old.
^ Always violates the sig rules

< Plays jump ultimate stars
V is a weeaboo
^ Made my sig
< Likes snow
V Likes snow too!
YES! Although it never snows here. T_T We have to go to the nearest mountain. xD
^ Likes Tyranitar.
< Loves Lucario.
V Loves Gyarados.
^is afraid of pikacheese
<loves treeconut
Vate suicoos coos
^These foods might be tasty...
<He is an OP fun
VHe/she is an OP Fun too!
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