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^ He deleted the others' posts.
< Will buy Burst Limit
V His name is Bill.
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH lol wre fr3,it wasn't that difficult to guess that I'd post now in order to support my position huh?xD
^is a filhty liar
<loves his girlfriend
Vis probably fr3
zomg hax. 8D How did you know?
^ Doesn't love his girlfriend.
< His name is Kostas.
V Has hair.
^ Thinks i've got hair.
< Is bald
V Lives in Earth
No i don't,=LOL

^He is bald,lol
<don't have head

Lives in tartara(ντουβ!)
^ Has 1 head
< Watches Wolf's Rain
V Lives in Hawaii *8D*
^ Has Celebi as an avatar
< Cut his finger
V Loves carrots.
Yay, I love carrots! Specially carrot cake with chocolate *_*
^ Cutted his finger
< Is a gym leader and has 3 gyms
V Thinks that the sky is blue

Yes it's blue-i'm not blind
^Has a jumplugg in his sig
<is 15 years old
Thinks Zelda is the best game ever
^ Is wrong beacuse the sky isn't blue,like go watch a documentary :O
< has an Eevee plushie
V I am sre 100% that the nest poster will be POCKETruler
^Is bored
<Is Bored
V Is bored
Sorry, I ran out of creativity, heh.
^ Has a bug as an avatar
< Has painted a mountain.
V Lives in Athens.
Υeah,i am(this goes to xara-lampos)
^He's male
<i'm male
she's female
I ran out,too.
I´m not female xP
^ Is always changing his avatar.
< Am trying to finish two homeworks and study for tomorrow´s exam >.<
V Thinks that art is a bang (yay, Naruto)
^ Can play the piano.
< Likes One Piece
V Loves apples.
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