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What is OP?
^He likes Charizard
<Fan of Dialga and Kyogre
VHe/She Doesn't like my story...
(28-02-2009 10:20 PM)Johan Wrote: [ -> ]What is OP?
OP stands for
(28-02-2009 10:20 PM)Johan Wrote: [ -> ]VHe/She Doesn't like my story...
No, i really like it.
^ Is a great Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG dueler
< Likes Zoro from One Piece
V Hates Luffy.

^Huge Fan of Zelda
<Has two Pics in his Sig
VHe/She Likes my story
no I like him......his my 2nd favourite character
^he is cool and Zelda-fun
<I like Sanji and Luffy
V He/she plays the guitar.....
Yes! I play the Guitar!
^want to be like Sanji
<has a Signature made by fr3quency
Vhe/She has a Signature made by fr3quency, too!
wrong I found the sig....
^likes kyogre and dialga
<he found his sig on a site
Vhe/she watches animes....
i don't watch animes
^Likes one piece
<Like fantastic4
Vhe/she likes fantastic4 too!
hmm, not much.
^Huge fan of Fantastic 4
<write's a fanfic
Vlikes my fanfic
oups I have to read it....
^good person
<knows some japanese
of course!
^will take him some time to read my fanfic!(15 parts are published!)
<Does not knows Japanese
Vhaven't read my fanfic yet!
of course i read it!
^Likes my two fanfics
<Don't like my fanfic very much
VLikes age of empires 3
I havn'e played it yet!
^nice person!
<medium fanfic writer
Vdoesn't have a fanfic...
Ι have and I must continue it....
^He has a fanfic
<He has a fanfic too
VHe has one too
yes, I have!
^Is younger than me
<Is playing Tribal Wars
VDoes not knows what Tribal wars is!
oh yes I know!
^Plays tribal wars and pokemon
<plays the west
Vplays an internet game!
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